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Everything posted by SE23inPhuket

  1. That whooshing sound was ‘the point’ utterly escaping you (again!). The point being made by the OP is that ‘the brother’ is not really a brother at all, but actually a boyfriend!
  2. The point is that you have consistently and totally missed the point (the fact that your bigoted head is so far up your own fundament perhaps a factor!). The article was about the FCO warning British citizens to comply with Thai immigration regulations, not some sort of (superfluous) generalised warning about complying with Thai criminal law. No matter how much you might have liked it to have been be the latter, the point is that it simply wasn’t! An earlier poster quoted, apropos of your posts, the Mark Twain aphorism ‘Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.' Mark was right and you are the individual he was referring to!
  3. Gotta love the way this stuff brings out the conspiracy fruitcakes in our midst, Jake (the Peg) being a prime example 🤪😂😂😂
  4. Another bigot who can’t resist the clickbait! Never mind, eh? Keep smoking those counterfeit cigarettes and Darwinian selection will do the rest for us
  5. Another accident thread packed with the usual schadenfreude, complacency, and smugly self-righteous posts. Nothing to see here
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