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Posts posted by Brit_Doggie

  1. If you reside within a condo block ask around the thais always know of someone who does something, if on the other hand this doesn't apply bars and areas catering for large amounts of people go sit enjoy a snack and coffee, be friendly wham bam u get ur man.

  2. Some are or were along third road on both sections from pattaya klang traffic junction, there is also 1 in klang itself but seems to deal with hifi and the like not a place to rummage through me thinks.

  3. Same same forget it reinstalled etc still same pretty certain that Microsoft doing it on purpose to force win 10 upon us before this was ok, even contemplated going back to xp but wt hull why should I reinstall my loved hacks err I mean programs and yeah got xp 7 and 8 if I want just laziness prevails.

  4. Nice rant and rightfully so he obviously deserves to be hit by passing vehicles I'm sure had it happened you would have no blame put upon yourself, educate these mindless cyclists to try and at least be observed, in my biking history always drive with low beam on day and night as the saying goes better to be safe than sorry.

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