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Posts posted by Brit_Doggie

  1. 1 for the immo know alls and i don't mean it unkindly.

    Ok m8 of mine been here 6 years says he want's to do 90 day online report asked me how he gets his arrival flight number which was forgotten long ago idk because i never tried this route yet only to see that 1st page loads, i thought he was kidding me as you don't need it in person or via post so why i asked him they do online, duh he said you da man to ask i get ya a beer so early replies please because he a tight wad and i kinda thirsty.


  2. My wife or gf as she is is quite capable of dealing with this herself but i as her bf would react the same as the the gentleman did even though you maybe in what 1 calls sleazy area respect springs to mind here.

  3. Came here in 2007 aged 54 having been divorced for 2 years and finding that my local council wouldnt even attempt to rehouse me until i had spent all the money from the prior divorce instead like a fool or out of being proud i cleared my debts with everyone and was told you shouldn't have done by them, so i thought well fack this for a laugh and decided time was right to get out from my country even though i had made my full contributions for my own well being not for them so here i am and here i stay.

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