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Posts posted by NorthernRyland

  1. 21 hours ago, wmlc said:

    Because they didn't enforce it before, so they likely won't enforce it now.

    Agreed however the new government may make an attempt, will they be able to pull it off? That remains to be seen. Any new governments in the future may try to tap this unexploited resource as well. It's always a looming threat but given there's no history here I agree now is not the time to panic.

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  2. 23 hours ago, atpeace said:

    You seem extremely hostile and frustrated.  Can you share how this new tax is going to impact you.


      I'm from the USA with ample saving to live here until I die.  I have interest income as well as investment income ( not much and many years I have a loss 😞 ).  I'll get social security in the near future as well as private pension funds and some of that money will be sent to Thailand to fund my retirement.


    What's your point? You have tons of money so why are we complaining about taxes? How about this, you pay your fair share since you like taxes and cover any pending taxes of us aseannow members. Then we'll stop complaining and bothering you.

    • Haha 1
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  3. 13 minutes ago, cncltd1973 said:

    you will see many reports of rape victims (many gang-raped, many underage) that identify their attackers by name but the police will do nothing about it. and many lesser crimes that the RTP can't be bothered to do anything about, either from laziness, fear or corruption. read the news everyday for 6 months and you will come to the same opinion 

    Exactly. If the police fail to do their job and you take the law into your own hands then the police will come after YOU.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. 1 hour ago, sqwakvfr said:

    Mainly because getting hired as a police officer is long and complicated.  It can take  from 6 months to a year to at least get to the police academy. It's not like McDonalds: Apply on Monday, get hired on Tuesay and quit on Wednesday. It took me 8 months from application to police academy.  Then another year on probation to become a permanent employee. Most police officers in their first year are on their best behavior. I am strictly talking about how most US Police Departments hire officers.  1) Written test 2) Board Interview 3) Physical Agility Test 3) Medical Exam 4) Psych Exam 5) Polygraph test 6) Background investigation 7) Final Chief Interview 😎 Police Academy. Not so easy to quit after going through all that which is time consuming. All this that an applicant does is not compensated time. I do not know what the Thai Police hiring process is like.

    still why does waiting mean you get to be corrupt if they don't pay you enough? doesn't follow.


    Obvious answer is they get to hold power over others and this in itself is corrupting. I don't believe you could pay people enough to not become corrupt anyways.


    Upright morals start at home anyways so the corruption in the Thai police form is a reflection of the Thai people themselves and how they raise their boys and view wider society. Thai's cower in front of authority but they don't respect the law in general.

  5. On 6/3/2024 at 7:33 PM, G_Money said:

    You won’t read about this on CNN or MSNBC.  Crickets!



    America literally imports their gang crime problem. For non-Americans this is why the country has such high gun crime. Who would think importing people from crime ridden countries like Mexico with high rates of violence would have such outcomes. Shocking.



  6. 1 hour ago, Chris Daley said:

    How about you?  Do you pay for land hundreds of miles away that you have never seen?

    why is she paying rent on land she's never seen?  Why would anyone ever buy land the haven't seen?


    Funny actually some relative of my wife bought land in Chiang Mai too which he never saw first. When he went to finally see it they discovered it was a bog and didn't have any access so basically a scam. This explains why there's so much over priced land all over Chiang Mai though.

  7. 1 hour ago, TheAppletons said:

    Was never a delay problem until WISE partnered with PLAID.  What previously took a day now takes a week due to my account having been verified via micro-transactions.


     WISE recently informed me that I could speed up my transfers by going into the settings of my account and obtaining "instant verification" for my credit union account.  It appears that this is a process whereby WISE/PLAID will re-direct you to the log-in page of your bank/credit union and record your log-in for verification purposes.  I have no intention of sharing my bank/credit union's log-in credentials with another entity so that's a non-starter for me.  

    interesting thanks for sharing. Why do they need to reverify the account via micro transactions? They already verified the account when I started using wise like 4 years ago!  Great, so now we need to wait 7 days up from seconds. That's an appalling regression of service.

    • Agree 2
  8. Last time I used Wise it popped up some message like "my account was associated with micro-transactions" and it took 5 days to send following some verification. First time that ever happened and not sure if it will happen again. Same bank I always used so I don't know what's up. Maybe they're doing some changes to the system right now.

  9. 5 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    You do realize you are contradicting yourself.


    As pointed out, can buy condos only.   And I doubt many Thais are dumb enough to sign a 30 yr lease on house, when they can simply buy.


    Wouldn't sign  30 yr lease for anywhere.  TH is the only place I ever stayed at one locations for more than 3 years.


    30 years is effective ownership if you're retired but I wonder if there's some way to transfer them. Otherwise the market for them would be limited. You know Thai people want to see houses to farang at inflated prices so there may be some way otherwise they wouldn't have all this public marketing.

  10. OK well I guess I got my answer. Targeting foreigners to purchase homes via a 30 year lease seems like a viable business. Retired people will be dead before then anyways so who cares and if the lease permits you can sell to another Thai, which makes it a viable investment for people of any age. If this is true I think the "foreigners can't buy homes" in Thailand narrative is greatly over stated. 

    • Like 1
  11. 49 minutes ago, Tropicalevo said:

    A 30 year lease is legal.

    A second 30 years as an option is also legal (or it was back in 2001). This gives 60 years.

    Some developers have been known to offer 90 year leases. Not legal. 60 was the maximum.

    The thing to remember with a lease that it is ONLY for the people included in the contact. The lease dies when they do.


    I wonder if there are limits on who can issue these leases. Can you transfer the lease to another Thai citizen? If you can do that there are functionally no limits here. Most people don't live in a house for 30 years anyways so buying and selling means they can inflate the property market. Curious if that's what's happening now.

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