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Posts posted by billmichael

  1. 1 hour ago, KittenKong said:

    Whilst he does seem to have committed some sort of crime, it seems very premature to accuse this man of being "scum" or indeed anything else. There could have been some sort of accident and he could have panicked. People do that.


    Plenty of time to criticise him later when the facts are known and he has been tried.

    Yes, we must wait and see.  However, no father I have ever met would do something like this.  Even a dead child by accidental means deserves a decent burial.  I suggest the man is mentally unstable or culpable.  I wonder if New York still has the death penalty.  I believe Thailand still does.

  2. Such nonsense.  Personally, I ADORE the way Thai speak.  There is no need to tear them away from their heritage.  This reminds me of brainwashing Native American children to cleanse them of their history and culture.  Perhaps the "director" should be encouraged to return to their own country and stop mucking about with something that is already perfect.

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  3. On 7/27/2018 at 6:58 AM, fdimike said:

    I live in Udon Thani and have been touring by bike throughout Thailand, Laos, Cambodia , Vietnam, Malaysia & Singapore for about 10 years.  There are tons of small back roads (paved and dirt) to ride in Isan.  I would suggest you buy a map for NE Thailand.  PN Map makes a good map but it's very fragile.  I personally use Reise maps which are practically indestructible and provide good coverage at a decent scale. 

    Thank you so much for your kindness.

  4. If you are uncomfortable with your electric service just pay the money and have a qualified electrician come out and re-inspect your installation to make sure it it correct.  There are probably lots of intelligent people in this forum trying to be helpful but you will be so much better off with someone who can actually be there at your home to have a "look and see".  Let the electrician know of your concerns and ask all the questions you want.  If you do not already know much about electrical systems I would NOT take the cover off as there are lethal voltages in there.  Where I work we put "Death On Contact" stickers in such cabinets.  Anyway, good luck with your concerns.

  5. I am wanting to visit Thailand and tour the country on a motorcycle.  I have made a brief inquiry with a company who does this but the lowest price they charge starts at $7.500.00 USD for a 17 day tour.  This seems pricey to me.  Is there a tour company anyone can name that does this cheaper?

  6. Oh, Please, for God sake's, could some writers here have just a little bit of sympathy...???

    I have been a nobody all my life but even I can see that having been at the top it is a long way to the bottom.

    I have liked Johnny Depp for decades.  He has brought a lot of happiness to millions.  It is sad to now hear he has troubles.  Only a heartless monster would kick him while he is down.  You understand, right?

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 6/5/2018 at 7:24 PM, Marpa47 said:

    100% ownership now is no guarantee and it all may evaporate if a situation develops.  Very easy for some 'leaders' to make up rules as they go along.  Just observe the changes made under previous administration in USA and how dramatic the reversal of these same changes under the current administration.  And this is in a centuries old institution where there were, (used to be?), checks and balances.

    Marpa47, you are right.  There is no question that if 100% foreign ownership of property were allowed then Thais would be pushed out of their own country.  Although I am not really happy about it, Thais are doing the right thing by keeping their jewels in the family. 

  8. Even in America if you live in the city and walk your dog you are expected to clean up after your pet.  No one wants to step in dog poo while out enjoying the weather.  You do not need to have a "talk" with the old Thai guy because I think the answer to your question is obvious.  If you Do speak to this old man show some respect as he was in Thailand before you.

  9. 7 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    As long as you're an American you can do that.


    Is this true or are you speaking in jest?  I am an American who would like to retire in Thailand and had thought about a small plot of land somewhere.  Has something changed since I had heard farangs cannot own land in Thailand.  I have my own money so I am not looking to live off of the government.

  10. 13 minutes ago, jerry921 said:

    Why not do both? You can hit the cheap end on the envelope at 500 Baht and find a gift that costs 500 baht less than you might otherwise give at home and come out the same.

    I think your suggestion is excellent.  BTW, are you the one and only Jerry Hopkins the legendary writer and journalist...???  If you are, I LOVE your books about Thailand and if I could I would shake hands and take you out to dinner.

    • Haha 1
  11. 2 hours ago, dotpoom said:

    I have been asking for many years now.....where are the charitable organizations that help the elderly. 

      I wasn't long living in Thailand (Pattaya at first) when I noticed all these businesses and organizations constantly donating to childrens charities....when I'd ask....why not the same effort for the elderlyI was met with blank stares.

       Eventually, I went to a convent to find an answer to my question. I was told that it was because "the family of the elderly took care of them".

       I got involved with the Father Ray foundation later on through one of the nuns. I happened to be walking with one of the " house mother's" one day and remarked how sad it was for the children there at the home who had no parents etc.,...She suddenly went silent...."what's wrong" I asked.

      "You feel sorry for these children".. she asked  "They have a far better life than I had". She went on to explain that they are never hungry, always have nice cloths, go to school (with daily pocket money) get all their books bought for them.

      She went on to say....her Mother took her out of school when she was old enough to go selling on the street carrying that long bambo stick thing with a basket on each end. She was always hungry, tired, poor and never happy.

      I have thought long and hard about that day since.

    PS.... Her Mother ended up in a Wat but they couldn't take care of her after she became immobile. Through that same Nun I met we managed to get the Mother into a Nursing Home ( the daughter had never heard of such a home) where she eventually died.

    It is a struggle to care for the elderly.  I had a terrible time looking after my mother here in the USA as she aged and became mentally ill.  There are resources if you are a drug addict however there is almost nothing if your mother or father are poor and out of their minds.  No one wants to help if you are poor.  In my small town there are "assisted living" facilities but it costs upwards of $3,000 USD per month and this does not include groceries or necessaries or any additional things like bathing, medications, &c.  If you are so poor that you are taken in by the state the best you may get is a bed where you are basically doped up and left to rot.  It shouldn't be this way.  May a multitude of blessings be upon those who care for the poor, the old, and the sick.  I was lucky.  My mother refused to take her medicine and succuumed to a massive stroke.  

  12. On 2/7/2018 at 1:06 AM, geriatrickid said:

    I wouldn't be surprised if the prizes were indeed doughnuts. Mr. Toy  received 118 online votes to qualify as one of the 15 finalists. Something is very strange as Mr. Aek had 1,246 votes at the same point and Mr. Champ 1,723 votes.


    How embarrassing.  It is 2018 and we should  no longer make  the type of sexist comments that reduce people to  sex objects.  Comments like yours are precisely what the chap is trying to counter. That is why he is speaking out about online comments.  It is not his fault he has a physical condition that causes his physical feature. Typically, such a pronounced continuous  feature is a manifestation of a hormone imbalance. His pudginess and lack of muscle tone certainly suggests that. 


    He is  overweight. If you notice, the abdomen its a bit padded. He lacks muscle tone. The added weight may be due to to an underlying physical ailment. I admire the kid for having the courage to go on up there and to be at ease with his body image.

    I admire his lovely and perfect bod (in my view).

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