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Posts posted by siam-i-am

  1. I think the solution depends on what the sandals are made of. If they are leather or suede, destinkification may be difficult, depending on the volume and saturation of stink molecules. Synthetics, such as nylon, rubber, foam, and other raw materials for space-age footwear, may be more amenable to a good cleaning. I recently destinkified a nice set of foam Teva sandals, using a small brush and some laundry detergent, in two separate vigorous applications. It didn't hurt to give my feet similar treatment.

    Maybe it's just your feet need washing? Just a thought. :o

  2. Some temples have incurred debts in the millions of baht after they borrowed to produce the amulets, unaware their popularity would slump so soon.

    the words greed and karma spring to mind.

    Too true. Borrowed? I don't believe a word, it was only a few years ago they donated a couple of tons of gold to Thaksin and his cronies, because their coffers were full. A farang wearer of the safron robe told me recently, that he complained to the Abbot of a wat in town about the use of temple grounds for car parking. He was told in no uncertain terms to go back to his own country. It's all about the money. Incedently we have a similar religion in UK, you also get free meals and meditate all day long it's called, 'Benifits. :o '

  3. :D - know this will present the opportunity for creative responses, but

    nevertheless have a friend who needs their ten sheep, currently residing in

    Mae Rim (sheep not friend), sheared. Any Kiwis out there who brought along their

    shears? (Donny-we won't let Thai immigration know if you take the job)-

    Know the winter is approaching but don't think the sheep

    need too much of a sweater to get through it. -JOHN

    Mentioned this thread to an old antipodean friend, he said he'd do it. Providing you supply the wellies? :o

  4. I know I only have relatively few posts on here, but I am on TV every day. How do I get to moderator status? I have free time and would love to help moderating the CM board. Not interested in SUPER moderator, as I dont really read much of the other threads.


    Can I join the elite?


    I have been asked twice to become a moderator. Both times I said no because I wasn't interested in being a guy who is into rules, and the fact that most (if not all) of the mods are the kind of people who take themselves way too seriously, doing things like deleting posts for no good reason and playing power games with others....

    I agree, a little consistency wouldn't go amiss either. But give a man a whistle. :o

  5. Just a question...

    You know on the X-Files everybody was a Special Agent, not an Agent a Special Agent. How come every moderator in this place is a Super-Moderator, not a Moderator, but a Super-Moderator ?

    The prefix super can be many things, choose the one you feel most apt. Superable, superb, supercillious, super-duper, superficial,superfluous,superior, superlative,or even superiority complex, can you add anymore? :o

  6. This topic may have been discussed before..I am looking for Yoga classes in the Silom/Sathorn area.

    I know there are many variations of Yoga but am looking for one that is fairly mainstream..do not wish

    to put my legs around my neck type of stuff, more in the line of breathing and stretching stuff.

    Many thanks


    Try Bangkok forum :o

  7. Decided to post this in general, rather than the Pattaya forum.

    Pattaya was mentioned in the latest Bangkok-based Big Chili Magazine as ...

    "the most cosmopolitan city in Thailand"

    This is based on the incredibly diverse demographic of vistors and residents, yes even compared to Bangkok.

    Pattaya is growing up. Many of us are sick and tired of the slanderous tripe gererated by the international media focusing only on illicit sex. There is so much more.

    Now it is time for Pattaya to promote itself in a way that reflects its new hyper-sophistication. No more "Good Guys Go the Heaven, Bad Guys Go to Pattaya" t-shirts.

    Pattaya needs new t-shirts, new slogans.

    One idea I had was a t-shirt with a picture of a taxi meter car saying PATTAYA TAXI METER.

    Also, how about a slogan? Bangkok has the Big Chili, the Big Mango, etc.

    What shall the newly emerging New Pattaya slogan be?

    Some ideas for starters:

    The Big Stomach

    The Big Prik

    Not so good, but please pipe in with your Pattaya promoting PR ideas.

    Mods asleep or one rule for one? :o

  8. No.

    In Thailand power & postion are the ultimate goals. Money & corruption are a by-product of what it takes to be & stay in power.

    Some might argue that people seek power to attain wealth, however, after lengthy discussions with middle to high level politicians I am aquianted with, I do not believe it to be the case.


    So would everybody else on planet Zog. I beg to differ. :o
  9. I've got important people coming round for dinner and I'm making everything with fresh produce I realise the maid has forgotten the veg. So I cycle out to the local market, I turn into the small soi and hear what sounds like a car backfire, then hear police sirens screaming a car turns into the soi at the far end, tyres squealing people running out of the way. I lift my bike onto the pavement then more squealing tyres this time its the police. The first car gets level with me as it turns out of the soi a guy throws a backpack out of the door it falls at my feet. Within seconds the police are screeching past me still in pursuit of the car. Now all the people come on to the street talking about what had happened. It's then I realise noone has noticed the bag I lean over the bike and pull on the zip it's full of money! I lift the bag on my back and cycle home It took an age to count there must be at least 3 million bhat in used notes. My visitors will be arriving in a few minutes, here's my dilemma, do I open a can of carrots or send out for a take away. :o

  10. hmm looks like a death sentence case

    I hope so...they deserve it!!!

    Nobody deserves a death sentence. Only uncivilized countries still practice it.

    I agree. Put them away for a long time in a hellhole Thai prison & that should suffice.

    The death penalty was in place before they sold the drugs. If you don't like the rope don't sell the dope. Question. Why doesn't the "civilised" people of the world donate 10% or more of their wealth to the starving? Answer because civilisation only goes as far as the soap box on which your standing. Explain civilised. Then name me one civilised country.

  11. Its such a shame and so very sad, I visited there once and although on the surface it looked good, after I took a closer look you got the sense that they were not sure how to take care of all there various animals, and thought something would eventually happen, such a shame poor animals, but must admit chiang Mai zoo was alot worst, when I went there, I saw dead snakes still in there enclosures, I could take another visit.

    I heard about that keeper said he accidentally bit his own tongue. Or was it suicide? We will never know. :o

  12. I live in a high rise concrete condo. This building is about as unnatural a structure as you can imagine. In the last few months,

    If they have started to come around it's because someone is feeding them, its not nesting season, get up early and see where they gather. The cd hanging from string does work, good luck. :o

  13. Good luck, Terry :D .

    Good luck indeed, but I can't help thinking the suffering would be less if all dogs were sterilised before being sold. There are lots of markets selling these poor mites, only for the owners to lose interest when they grow older. With all the good will in the world 10 dogs a month wont stop this canine epidemic. :o

  14. A good friend of mine had a couple of properties in the Uk, one he used himself the other for renting out, hes recently sold both houses so he could fund his move to Thailand. When I asked him about how much tax he had to pay on the rental house, he said nothing, im not going to tell them. I said to him im sure they will find out. But hes convinced they wont. Im concerned he will get caught out so want to get a bit of info before he get in too deep.Has anyone any experience of this, or known anyone do the same, did the tax office find out and how , what happended when they did find out?

    If he paid tax on the rental income they will get him, if he didn't chances are high he will get away with it. :o

  15. What a disaster is that place.

    It's actually surprising the ruling junta haven't pulled the plug, since it's clearly a Thaksin thing that's very clearly failing like a slow motion train wreck.

    I supose you could call the people who sold them the feed 'Rogue traders' :o

  16. yes that is correct, I would have adopted several, but my precious good looks stopped me

    Funny it was my good looks that got me three beautiful children. The population explosion will not happen here, the any number allowed on motorcycles and plastic helmets optional will see that darwinism will prevail. On a personal note I like kids, I went to school with them. :o

  17. my vife has kalled and told me she knows evvryzing vhat vas going on behind her back. as soon as i find out vhen she vill be returning i vill shout:

    today is a good day to die! :D

    You will be missed, erm the little lady that's brought this all about is she pretty? does she...you know the bit with the tongue? I guess what I'm trying to say is it would be a terrible waste if you were to go today and she would be left alone, I feel it only proper that I volunteer my shoulder to cry on, petite is she? Just a thought. :o

  18. that snake looked at me in a quite xenophobic way. looks like because i am a farang. thinking of leaving Thailand. being surrounded by ksenofobes becomes unbearable. would reconsider only if my wife would allow me to have a mia noi. but she is as stubborn as a water buffalo in heat. please advice how i should proceed.


    Doc you old Sidewinder, this post sounds Monty Pythonesc to me. A wife is like a buffalo? Did you say this to Rattler? Do you want the mia noi so you can Adder to your lisP of conquests? Believe me another women in your life would be as Constricting as a feather Boa on a hot afternoon, so enough of this venomous talk, besides I think this snake in the garden is a load of old Cobra's :o

  19. There are plenty of very good Thai wine. Although I know of none from CdeL.

    As someone mentioned, Khao Yai PB Valley is a good bet. Not all of it, some of it is muck (steer clear of the Sawasdee range), but I defy anybody to try the PB Tempranillo and say it's not good. 700 baht is twice what most of us would like to pay, but this stuff is good enough to wheel out when guests come for dinner, or as a present for visitors to take back home (aong with some Lanna or Doi Tung coffee, of course). Easily as good as ost Spanish Tempranillos. You'll have to do a little research for the best year, but there we go siam-i-am, a more than quaffable Thai wine.

    Going on past experience I'm not willing to gamble 700 bhat, but will see if Darling wines has any in stock and sample a glass, will get back to you polecat. :o

  20. I'm throwing a party that you could appear at. Just wear a veil and call yourself "Fatimah". When I clap my hands, enter stage right shaking your stuff.

    I will ply my guests with hookah pipes and turkish delights. Later, you might be required to perform intimate acts with a donkey. Is this ok? :D

    Dear OP :D ,

    I prefer you don't have any intimate acts with that donkey if he is the one who's throwing this party :o !

    Eeawe eeawe he always says that :D

  21. I guarantee the crap you get in Thailand is shit quality like the beer


    Guarantee it do you? I'd be quite happy to take you up on this. There are some prize-winning wines produced from good vineyards over here.

    It's a pity that forum rules prohibit me from making personal comments about your intelligence level . .


    Who awarded the 'prizes' and what were the wines called I've yet to sample any Thai wine I could seriously consider quaffable. :o

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