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Posts posted by siam-i-am

  1. Explain that in the real world folk get money and success from hard work, coupled with recognising opportunities and NOT from simply just waiting for luck and sitting on one's ar#e.

    How many people in the glorious west are on welfare, Social Security, sickness benefits, State Pensions, disability allowance, in Jail, addicted to drugs, pregnant at 15, etc etc etc...................

    It's the way of the world, it's just that in the west, you can be a lazy good for nothing, and you can get taken care of by the state.

    In countries like Thailand, it ain't that simple.

    My younger sis is at Khon Kaen School of Technology, I want her to stay at school, fair enough, what will she do whe she has finished her education, get a great job with a high salary that enables her to have a lifestyle equal to what a person from the west can have? yeah right.............. :D

    Work 10 Hours a day serving food in MK Suki for 6000 Baht a month, maybe. 7 Eleven 4000 Baht per month, maybe.

    Meet some Thai guy who also has the same prospects, she gets married, has a kid, stays at home, he gets a job in Bangkok in a Factory earning a pittance for long hours, I'm sure they'll prosper as a Family but it will take years and years of hard work, leaving the kid with her Mother and going to work in the Factory herself to try to get out of the poverty trap.

    You can't begin to compare what is available in the west with what is available in other countries, go preach in Cambodia, Burma,Nepal, Laos, North Korea, Africa etc etc, are all those people lazy and stupid, I'm sure YOU could survive like they do....yeah right. You wouldn't survive a Month, they have to spend a lifetime surviving.

    Having that British Passport of yours is your Security, you can fork up big style and all you need is a return ticket home to the welfare state, many of the worlds population don't have that same security.

    Even the UK unemployed can afford overseas holidays, I used to know loads of guys that used to come to Thailand who are on Benefits back in UK, they used to claim for everything, rent out their house or flat that was being paid for by the government and come to Thailand, their money was paid directly into a bank account they never even had to sign on.

    I just wonder how people in the west would get on with low wages and no benefits or welfare state to fall back on . :o

    Spot on, I agree 100% In fact I've met several brits in Chiang mai having there Giro paid into the bank while they stay out here. I'm told in Aus they have there passports scanned if they are claiming benifit it stops when they leave the country. I take my hat off to the Thais that struggle for 28 days a month if their lucky. We in the west don't know were born.

  2. looking to buy in to hillside 4 condotel

    Buy side overlooking city. You wont tire of the view, and its a lot cooler. Forgive me but I must ask why on earth would one want to live there? :o

    why not stayed here a few years on and off some off the studios ive stayed in are really plush owner spent 600000 bht on the one im staying in now rent only 10000 i have car so handy for anywere nice view looking at doi suthep now beautiful why you not like im open for ideas so give us your input on other places cheers

    I have to visit friends there quite often, the power is unreliable, and as beautiful as Doi suthep is you have to keep the curtains drawn for most of the day, needless to say the air con on that side is always on (power permitting) I also find it difficult to park, my riends in the building tell me expats living elsewhere park their vechiles there when returning home. By the way in all my numerous visits over the years I have never been stopped by security, more often than not the doors on exiting the lifts are left ajar. If that is your idea of home, then I know why you would like to live there. :D

  3. I solved my eternal festive season 'what shall I send to Auntie Flo' problems early this year by walking into Rim Ping supermarket over the weekend and discovering a cute 2008 Chiang Mai charity calendar for a hundred baht, which has some really charming schoolchildren's paintings, plus the kind of descriptive text about Lanna which you might want to write yourself to get friends to come over and spend a week's holiday here.

    As the proceeds are being given to kid's charities I decided to plug it. It's a sweet and easy gift for chums, mums, and grannies and will likely stay on the mantelpiece for a whole year instead of ending up in the bin on the Twelfth Night, so every time they look at it they'll remember you. That might get you into a will you were formally out of! Now that's value!

    There is a simple web site at http:// chiangmaicalendar.googlepages.com

    Call me old fashion but I smell a rat what kids charities? how much of proceeds is going to said charities. I've looked at web site ambiguous to say the least, I may be wrong but will give my donations direct as usual

  4. Hi all,

    I am debating wether or not to settle in Malaysia under MMSH, or settle in Thailand.

    I am curious to know if some of you have have lived in both places, or have debated the same thing, and what you believe would be the significant "pluses" and "negatives" of each place.


    OK, you asked so here goes .....

    I've been in Thai-Lie-Land for over a year and have come to the conclusion that this is an extremely bigoted, racist culture. Every time I'm called " Farang," I cringe as I know this is used in exactly the same way as a very rude word used in the West for dark skinned people. A seething hatred of " Farang" is rampant , in fact I believe it is taught in school.

    As a woman I don't have two-faced " Bar-Girls" sucking up to me or shall I say, lubricating my way, so I really feel the sting of discrimination in every outing from my house. Sitting at a traffic light - " Farang!" Walking into a store, someone will comment, " Farang!"

    But it is never said to your face.

    Racism against lower income foreigners is actually legislated.

    Burmese construction worker are not allowed to drive cars, own cell phones or be out after 8 PM.


    Can you believe that? Someone needs to get the UN involved on this issue.

    To say that Thai people are stupid is to do a diservice to stupid people all over the world. Along with the unbelievable two-facedness of these people, they suffer fromwhat I call No Concept of Future, NCF.

    It's apparent everywhere. See the man unloading his truck on the street, no thought at all to the cars passing at 45 mph inches away from him. See the woman with her 3 year old clutching his 2 other siblings on a motorcycle...

    I'm quite attractive, can still turn heads at age 45 with a minimal preparation and would sure like to meet a man near my own age but forget it, there are so many prostitutes here. I haven't had a date in a year now except with a Thai man who took me to a three hour "Whiskey circle". What fun!!

    However, I notice that the foreign men here flocking here are no prize and are only coming here for the main commodity Thailand has to offer, which cheap, easy sex, so I guess it is no loss for me.

    Still it would be nice to at least SEE some foreign men that I think are attractive. ( Well, OK there is one..)There are attractive Thai men but they all seem to be either 20 or 60 and will expect you to clean up after their whiskey circles.

    It took me a while to get it that lying is the way here in Thai- Lie- Land , it's your responsibility to make sure people stay honest-if they get over on you, good for them-no one cares.

    It seems to be especially OK, even admirable- to screw " Farang" over ....

    There was a new internet service offered through an " Air Card" Like a cell phone for your computer. Having read rave reviews I went to a Tech. Mall to purchase it. Nope.. You must have a work permit even though I have a perfectly legitimate visa.

    This was purely to discriminate against foreigners...

    Inconsiderate doesn't begin to describe their so called "Manners."

    It is 8 AM and I've been listening to the same Karaoke song since 6:30, emanating from a house 200 meters away at a volume so loud I cannot have a phone conversation within my own house. This goes on pretty much every day. When the rest of the neighborhood stirs I'll be listening to 3-4, maybe 5 different stereos.

    I'm residing in Thai-Lie-land under an Investor visa which requires 3 million baht in a fixed bank account.

    I went to the bank the Friday before just before Christmas to withdraw 6 million baht from a different account as after the 30% withholding fiasco, I'd decided that, at 2 weeks of age, Thai-Lie-Land's government was too immature and reactionary to trust with my money.

    It took me 3 hours. I was there 2 hours after closing and only finally got an international draft because I refused to leave.

    I had the proper forms alright but the portion asking about import, export funds I had marked N/A as I am not going to run any kind of business. The bank manager should have corrected it when I first deposited the funds. A young woman at the main Siam Commercial Bank in Phuket Town asked me very personal questions about my money such as did I have receipts for purchases and unbelievably, just where did

    I, " Get the funds initially?" " Your amount of money, it's too much for a tourist .." she stated while on the phone with BOT( Bank of Thailand)

    "Well, if you'd look at my passport, (although it really isn't any of your business, ) "you'll see I have a " B" business visa.

    Well where's your work permit, then?" As if she's an immigration official.

    But , In Thai-Lie-Land I guess she is.

    However I don't have such a permit. I'm not allowed to work as far as I know.

    But I really don't know anything as I wasn't told anything.

    Am I supposed to register my address? Immigration, in their ridiculous militararistic uniforms, tell you nothing.

    I fully expect my application for the yearly renewal to be withheld next September unless I repeat my performance with an expensive lawyer as I did with the "extension."

    The initial investor's visa , 1200 Baht , was initially granted for 90 days. It took another 20,000 to get it extended for 9 months, a full year.

    A woman at Phuket immigration actually recommended I get married to a Thai man. Oh yeah, and get murdered for my savings? No thanks.

    All the businesses , lawyers, restaurants, etc. run by foreigners have as employees, grossly incompetent Thai women that are the owner's girlfriends. I had a high dollar lawyer's office-manager give me totally erroneous information which caused a house sale to collapse. The most expensive, nicest restaurants you have to chase down the server to get another drink... Oh, on and on and on...

    You can forget about using the title Ms.

    I got a driver's license and Mrs. was put on it and now I have to explain constantly I've never been married and cannot produce a marriage certificate or divorce papers.


    Thai's are all about appearance. They may live in a tin shack but will have the latest model car and it will be shiny clean. Their clothing too is always neat in appearance and clean yet they'll eat 2 inches off the sidewalk and think nothing of sticking viral infected fingers way up into their nostrils. They routinely throw garbage from their cars and will burn plastic refuse in front of your home if the wind is blowing away from theirs. Having absolutely no regard for the environment, there are no laws requiring them to do otherwise.

    Ugh, and then there's how horses are treated in Thailand . I took many many pics of the pony rental/torture stable where I rescued my horses from. Pictures that would make you sick and cry, but am afraid to send them to the paper as I may find myself on the business end of a shotgun. After I leave though...

    So , unless you are a sexually unattractive man who can't find women ( or men, or children, or hamsters...) in your own country, I'd say, STAY AWAY from Thailand, it has very little to offer socially.

    The people are beyond horrible.

    On the plus side , it is beautiful and the food, fruits and vegetables are of excellent quality and cheap.

    Thats amazing how these people are inclined to shut down any sensible comments,(being here for too long does it :D )

    Great post phuketti , nice to see, there's more than one foreigner living here for reasons other than p*ssy . . Well since i am man, i guess i'm still unique :D .. Btw. you're also one of the very few people here on the 3mil residency :D same me, hey u better don't burn bridges ditching it , coz @ this time it's the only option for us to ever stay in this country, which is still a nice place to live, if it only had less bigotry :D

    Phucketti is right, but when you've lived here a while you get to ignore what you don't like, I know where to go to eat and get what I order, take my car for service and not get ripped off. I have all things I need in my own name it's a hassle but can be done. I have a number of Thai friends and they will freely admit for the most part Thais are racist but if the truth be known so is the rest of the world. Being a brit I dislike most of the brits that hang around the girls for hire bars so I guess I'm a racist throw in bigot if you must but I'm honest. I like living in my ivory tower and seldom take off the rose tinted specs. The Phuketti's of the world remind of this every so often. But I'm staying because it's better than living in UK, and maybe Malaysia. :o

  5. I saw batterry sex toys being sold openly in world trade center ten years ago, under the guise 'Hand massage tools" :o I once saw a gold one on a table in Hi So house my girl asked the lady of the house (discreetly) why did she buy? Got the the reply sanuk. :D

  6. Most have kept it to themselves as if you brag about making money in thailand some theiving scumbags will take it off you quicker than you can say "can i see your government id please ,.

    You are so right I know a dozen or more who are doing very nice and not one of them owns a bar or restaurant, they all own their own condo's or house's, do a couple of hours a day and keep there heads down. The opportunities are there, alas so are the pitfalls.

  7. Never a mistake in 7-11? I beg to differ.

    I've lived here for over four years and was nearly short changed in a 7-11 once.

    you sure showed us. that must have been traumatic.

    I recently purchased a greeting card from Central 95bhat gave 1000 bhat note I recieved or so I thought 900x 100 notes + 5bhat coin going down the escalator I noticed I was short changed 100 bhat I returned the assistant was called to the till without asking she handed me the 100 note, no one turned a hair. Sh*t happens I've been ripped off in London, Rome, New york, if your from out of town your fair game to an unscrupulous few, get over it. As a magistrate of Nero's once said caveat emptor, (buyer beware) On a brighter note I feel I get a better deal from a Thai owned business than I do farang. :o

  8. Now before i met these girls my previous GF was a warm, kind, selfless very poor Thai girl and she said to me "Why you not get Thai lady middle class, you can get one so easy, why you stay me?"

    Sorry but I don't believe a word you say. Hi So-Low So maybe, but the above never. The words Mitty and Walter spring to mind :o

  9. Are the majority of americans and germans deaf ? if not why the <deleted> do they all shout at each other !

    The same reason that the Brits get drunk and start picking fights with everyone. :D

    Seem to be glad of them in Iraq :o

  10. The only ones making decent money are the landlords, the Thai attitude to business is that person has opened a coffee shop, book shop, hairdresser etc. They must be doing well so I will open next door if they have a farang friend to keep it afloat so much the better. No business plan, research, nothing I've talked to many over the 10 years in the city most have a little money and big dreams they come and go the landlords remain.

  11. I love Thailand. It's my favorite place to play.

    But I know know I can only take it for one month or so per year. Although that month is something I look forward to all year round I'm always relieved to step off the plane in San Diego were the weather is just, well, near perfect.

    Even back where I was raised all I hear about is everyone complaining about the heat and wicked humidity in Jersey.

    Most days in BKK I find I'd take my shower in my nice AC room. Walk out into the hall, the air is already changing. Get down to the lobby it's a little hotter and "muggier."

    By the time I get into the cab outside my clean white tennis shirt is soaked and my kakies feel like duct tape on my legs now I get to freeze all the moisture in a taxi refrigerator.

    How do you deal with it everyday?

    I stuck BKK for 3 years then moved to Chiang Mai a lot cooler :o

  12. Malaysia is offering the best package 150,000Bt(Ringet) in the bank you can get 10 year visa and have House,Car in your own name.

    Sure Thailand does not want us here any more only thing they give us are problems

    they do not understand people living here help the economy by spending there money here and also supporting other people.WE do not make money here and take it out of the country we stay here silly buggers :o

    As a retiree of 10 years in Thailand I hate to say this, but your right :D

  13. Sorry, that heading should read "Let's hear about the nice things Thais have done for you" (Is there any way to edit the title/subject lines when we make a mistake?)


    It seems that the vast majority of comments I read at TV are aimed at complaining about Thailand and Thais, and I'll be the first to admit that I get frustrated with the way things are often done here, but certainly there must be some people that have encountered good honest Thais who have bailed them out in one or two situations. Let me start off with a story of my roadside hero.

    Some time ago, I was driving along highway 331 near Phoenix Golf Course Road (at least that's what i call it) when something happened with the cooling system in my car. The temperature indicator shot up to a dangerous point, so I immediately pulled the car over and popped the hood. There was a hissing sound, indicating a leak somewhere in the cooling system, but no steam was present, and determining where the leak originated from was almost impossible. Within 5 or 10 minutes, a Thai man driving a pickup truck stopped and offered assistance. To my luck, this guy was an auto mechanic. After poking around under the hood, we both agreed that the likely culprit was one of the rad hoses. He quickly had his tools out and pulled both the upper and lower hoses off then explained that he was going to drive to his shop in Ban Chang to get some new ones, about 20 kilometers away. I waited and eventually he returned with new hoses and clamps. Without the benefit of a hoist and doing it at the side of the road, replacing the lower hose was quite difficult, but the mechanic persevered and did it. Triumphantly, we poured water into the radiator only to see the level dropping which meant there was a leak elsewhere. Then we saw a little stream of water coming out the side of the block -- one of the frost plugs had corroded and had formed a small hole. Without hesitation, the mechanic was in his truck driving to Ban Chang again to get a new frost plug. After a while, he was back and replaced the frost plug, fixing the problem. Needless to say, I was very grateful and willing to pay a fairly hefty price, as this had chewed up 2-3 hours of this guy's time. When I asked him how much he wanted, he only asked for 300 baht -- a ridiculously low fee, I thought. I gladly paid what he asked and added quite a large "tip" on top of that, for which he was very happy. Let's face it, this guy bailed me out of a situation when he didn't have to, and then he even had the decency to charge me no more than he would a fellow Thai.

    'I bet this type of thing happens often in Thailand, and it would be nice to hear about other kind things Thais do for farang.'

    A song taew driver living near me has helped me change a tyre, provided jump leads, gone out of his way to tell me I'd left my lights on, these 3 things have happened over 3 years but it amazes me considering the things I shout at song taew drivers.

  14. China must be quite pleased with Thailand becoming a dictatorship then. I imagine there has been some interesting conversations between Sonthi's office and Beijing.

    But not as many as before take over. Job done, move on :o

  15. According to this months Property report Thailand. "A draft regulationto to allow foreigners to buy homes in Vietnam when put into effect is likely to drive up demand and prices on the high end property market" Ngo Tri Long deputydirector under ministry of finance. This follows Malaysia and China allowing foreigners to purchase land. Will Thailand follow suit? or will it remain No can falang.

  16. Enjoy your VERY short day in the sun. Don't forget your sunscreen.

    Excuse me? Not sure what you mean by that :D - I was simply pointing out that the Dollar has dropped rather than the Baht having strengthened. The £ is still 68-70 against the Baht, much the same as it was 2 months ago. I repeat - I'm not gloating, merely observing.

    Relax, someone who uses a pic of an old gay brit actor cannot be serious :o ...can they.

  17. I brought this problem up in another thread about recommendations for eyeglasses but this is about what we can do if we have been had.

    Top Cheroen (Central Plaza) tested my eyes, made glasses for me and they are, in a word, crap and I simply cannot wear them. I remarked that they were visually uncomfortable right away but they insisted that it takes time to get used to new lenses and if they were still a problem a month or two down the road, bring them back.

    I did - bring them back, that is and they basically told me that they would make me a new set and only charge me 90% of the original price. Since it seemed ridiculous to pay almost the same amount again to the same people who couldn't get it right the firest time, I asked for a refund. No deal and they were reluctant to talk to me or my wife any more. I went to Top Cheroen's website and sent them an email about my problem and they didn't even bother to respond.

    Short of telling me that if I had put it on my debit card I could simply cancel the payment, does anyone know if there are protection agencies here who deal with such things?

    Sorry to hear of you problem Dustoff I shall avoid them, reminds me of an optian in UK I complained I couldn't see far in my new glasses, he took me outside pointed to the sky and asked whats that? I squinted it's the sun he replied how far do you want to see :o

  18. Thais appreciate any attempt at humor by their guests including silliness.

    I'm not funny, but I'm silly, so it makes it easy to lighten the atmosphere and be friendly with them. One of the best things about Thailand in my opinion. :D

    I agree 100% I used to ask Thai girls if they had any English in them when they replied no I asked if they'd like some? most laughed striaght away, even the slower ones once it was explained. Give the Thai's credit they have a great sense of sanuk. :o

  19. Yesterday I saw a shirtless and barefoot young falang on Nimmanhaemin, of all places! God forbid y'all start overtaking this side of town, the bloated (s)expats at my condo are sketchy enough...

    I can put up with bloated but shirtless barefooted beer in hand and tattoo's and I've seen more than one, what must the Thai's think :o

  20. There does appear to be some major differences in the backpacking community depending on where they're from. Europeans tend to be more laid back and respecting of Thai culture. Americans in groups can be very loud and obnoxious as UG pointed out.

    Actually, I am always amazed at how loud Europeans and Canadians are in large groups of any type, mostly because they are so critical of Americans.

    Most be something to do with LARGE GROUPS. :o

    I think you'll find the Canadians are actually Americans pretending to be from Canada :D

  21. I don't get to see many other Farang where I live, as we are a bit remote, and the only time I usually bump into them is my trip to Phitsanulok every two weeks. There are about three other Farang in a 20 km radius of me. One English guy who I socialised with a few times but haven't seen in over two years, one Italian who I haven't met and only stays here part of the year and one old guy who I said hello to in the market a few years back but he completely blanked me (I still see him occasionally and we just ignore each other).

    As I said we go to Phitsanulok every two weeks are so and invaribly end up in Tesco/Lotus or Big C. There aren't many Farang in Phitsanulok but I will always see one or two. When I first came to Thailand I would always smile at other that Farang who I would make eye contact with and sometimes even strike up a conversation. As I say it is not like Pattaya we are still very much a minority here. Anyway, I always smile at the Thais who I make eye contact with and they always smile back. I noticed that many other Farang would blank me and I would find this strange or even a bit rude. Then I thought about it a bit more and realised that the only thing we really probably had in common was our skin colour and the 'where do you come from?' & 'How long have you been in Thailand?' conversation gets a bit stale after a while. So for the last few years I too have got in the habit of blanking other farang. I don't mean anything bad by this and of course I would help anyone who I thought was in trouble.

    Anyway I was in Tesco/Lotus Phitsanulok last monday and there was an old farang who I kept bumping into. As is now my routine I blanked him. After bumping into him for about the the 10th time however it was obvious that he was a freindly sort and wanted to chat. The problem was though that after you have blanked someone for a while it is actually a bit awkward suddenly acknowledging them (at least I think so). So I continued to blank him. Was I very rude?

    Yes :o

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