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  1. Nothin Ha Ha but facts ok
  2. Pure facts and the truth ha ha
  3. Precisely and my local Revenue Office stated the same and had my written figures with me and did not want to see them and yes my total personal allowances of 500K exceeds my income and also know a Thai friend who has his own business and has a friend in the Revenue office and also confirmed this. So many viewpoints and frankly a not very thought out process at all!!!
  4. Most have Thai families and impossible but no tax as stated for me by the Revenue office
  5. Of course but have a nice day./ Was going to block you but for some reason can not but buy ok and enjoy the beer
  6. Many do not live in Hua Hin and totally different in other Provinces!!!
  7. You are probably right but in any case my personal allowances are higher than my income and been told by my local Revenue Office that I simply do not file.
  8. Relax and many have not only renewed their permission to stay in Jan, Feb and March this year and also 90-day reporting and nothing mentioned bit in any case my local Revenue office has stated you do not need to fill in a tax form and do not fret.
  9. UN pensions and presume you meant UK pensions?
  10. Precisely and also the local Revenue office has repeatedly stated among other things and has you have no employment here in Thailand or elsewhere and your personal allowances exceed income coming in then no tax and why you fretting!!! Well, why not go after the filthy rich of all Nationalities and yes including the elite Thais but no, it would be too difficult as they of course have their own laws and can if necessary, can afford and hire a so-called Lawyer and Accountant!!!
  11. Well, why not go after the filthy rich of all Nationalities and yes including the elite Thais but no, it would be too difficult as they of course have their own laws and can if necessary, can afford and hire a so-called Lawyer and Accountant!!! gRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  12. Well, why not go after the filthy rich of all Nationalities and yes including the elite Thais but no, it would be too difficult as they of course have their own laws and can if necessary can afford and hire a so-called Lawyer and Accountant!!! gRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
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