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Posts posted by oldhippy

  1. 1 hour ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    Quite obviously, that would mean they can still transmit the disease. However the 95% (or whatever other percentage you care to use) that don't get it are much, much less likely to be able to transmit it.


    Latest data from the Moderna and Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines, which I've already quoted above, shows an 89% and 67% reduction in transmission, respectively.

    A reduction of transmission, especially for the top vaccins is of course a good thing, but not the end of the virus.

    Like you, I want to travel again, I haven't seen my wife for a year, European winters are cold, but I am not optimistic about travelling again soon.

    I see a lot of wishfull thinking on this forum...

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    Fauci has never said that. What he has said in the past (because it was true then) is that there wasn't enough data (and/or it hadn't been analysed yet) to say whether being innoculated prevented you from transmitting it it not, so that you should proceed from the assumption that you still can, because that's the safest thing to do.


    As more and more data emerges though, all indications are that vaccinations do reduce the overall level of transmission - which is actually only logical, if you think about what vaccines are designed to do.

    And what about the 5% - 50% of the people where the vaccin does not work? (% depending on which vaccin)

  3. 1 hour ago, Cake Monster said:

    This was how the slang word " Farang " came to be.

    People with White Skin have been called Farang because of our Skin Colour, and Thais seem to relish the fact that the Guava Fruit Flesh is the white colour also.

    Farang means the flesh of the Guava Fruit and is ripe for feasting on in many ways in Thailand.


    But there could be a different explaination.

    In French Polynesia they call Frenchmen "farani" - and who were the first Europeans to come to Thailand?


  4. 1 hour ago, itsari said:

    I wish to add to your inquiry if it is offensive to refer to somebody as farang . I have lived here six years yet I hear my neighbor's still refer to me as a farang . Yet they do know my name . I consider being named  as a farang rather than my name offensive . But i do understand that Thai people are brought up that way . I have questioned many Thais why they do this when Farang is not all that precise only in that you are not Asian . They do not understand , simple as that . Take a life time to change there ways . My expected life time is not long enough to see change . 

    Yes, we have to be patient with them chinamen.

    • Like 1
  5. Again? And yet it is so simple.


    If a Thai does not know your name, it is convenient to refer to you as "farang".

    If a Thai does know your name, it is retarded or racist to refer to you as "farang".


    I do exactly the same: the tall guy / the black guy / the girl in blue / the fat woman...... become John / George / Marina / Maria, soon as I know their names.





  6. 20 hours ago, simon43 said:


    ...Yet these incompetent muppets managed to make godzone the only country in the world to be covid free....



    Off-topic, but a recorded 25 deaths and more than 2,000 cases doesn't make NZ Covid-free ????


    That honour goes to Vanuatu with 3 cases/million population (no deaths) and Laos with 6 cases/million (no deaths).


    Greetings from Laos ????






    and no flue victims in Laos ? Sure ?

  7. 1 hour ago, Patong2021 said:

    I  have many beautiful ties I purchase in Thailand. Silk and nice patterns. A  beautiful tie and a pressed well fitting cotton shirt project a good image when needed.   Sometimes when we go for dinner we dress up a small amount for change of pace and to bring some decorum of presence back to our lives. Disciplined dress encourages disciplined presence. In Thailand everyone have uniform. The uniform of lower classes is flip flops, t shirts and how we present determines how we will be treated.


    You don't trust the people who wear necktie. Ok. That would be your problem because I do not think they come to you for help or service. I expect it is you who must seek them out and whether you trust them or not does not matter to them. In life we must dress appropriately for situation.   

    Do you predate the sixties?

    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Phuket Stan said:


    Yes I remember the influx of terrible drivers from Hong Kong and the name change of Howick to Chowick...I dont know what else they contributed to trannsforming NZ....as far as I can recall Auckland had far better restaurants and cafes than either Sydney or London in the 80s....Melbourne was an exception

    Did you really mention restaurants in London? Even Farage was a culinary refugee.

  9. 1 hour ago, mfd101 said:

    Mmmm, the last time I was in NZ on a short visit about 4 or 5 years ago, what was quite striking was (1) Chinese tourists everywhere and (2) the food & coffee was - for the first time ever - as good as the food in Oz. And splendid cafes everywhere. Wonderful!


    Unfortunately, in what remains of my NZ family, the food hadn't changed since the 1960s. Inedible as ever.

    It's been 10 years since I visited godzone, did not see Chinese loopies, but the Lord of the Rings crowds had arrived.

    All things must pass.

    And I agree on the cafés.


  10. 1 hour ago, mfd101 said:

    When I was a child in the NZ of the 1950s-60s, wearing a hat indoors was considered bad manners.


    Clearly they haven't been keeping up standards!

    Ah the bad old days.


    Back in the 80's I witnessed the transformation from a backward English colony to a modern nation.

    The influx of Hong Kong Chinese certainly played a role - they even got rid of English cooking - fuze food was born.


    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, jvs said:

    For your information Bernie did a lot more!!!!He was a playboy and did whatever he pleased.

    Safety gear and the rest serve a purpose,it is also going by the rules,as is following the dress code.

    I am not dishing Mr Waititi and certainly do not want to take away any rights he has but is he going home at night driving a car and once home turns on the electric light or is that also to western for him?

    Maybe he wants to accept all the good things of pakeha culture, without the ridiculous nonsensical by products?

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