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Posts posted by BangkokReady

  1. 7 minutes ago, seancbk said:


    So US voters now get grief for reading an intelligent UK newspaper ?


    Just a joke based on the reddit comment in question. Amongst other insults, 'Trump voting Daily Mail readers' was thrown in, so I am reversing that.


    I am anticipating that the user will remember the contents of the post he is referencing and get the joke. Perhaps he will take it as an insult. These are the times that make life interesting.

  2. 7 hours ago, Formaleins said:

    They say video game violence now does not affect children, however, given the limited mental capacity of the locals, and the bitch slap violence of almost every Thai soap opera, it makes you wonder.

    They have always said that video game violence does not affect children.  The idea that it does is just some scaremongering by people that want to ban everything.  It's along the lines of "the gunman had an Eminem CD in his car, Eminem made him do it!"


    Why do you mention video games and then TV programs?  They are not related.  If TV programs make people violent, that has nothing to do with video games.

  3. 10 hours ago, webfact said:

    The livestreaming prompted a team of Bung Kum police and rescue workers to be rushed to the condominium,

    Quite impressive to see the Police actually responding to a crime as it happens.  (Although it's probably because it was being watched by the public so they would lose face if they did nothing.)


    10 hours ago, webfact said:

    but they found the room locked from inside.  They did not break open the door to get in for fear that the victim might get killed.

    And showing consideration for future events and consequences to their actions.  This is a promising new direction.  Let's hope it catches on.

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  4. What's with all the psycho yanks on here that say if someone touches you in any way you can batter them? Is that actually in the legislation over there?


    "Well the guy put his hand on my chest so I broke his arm."


    "OK. That sounds totally reasonable and proportionate.  No jail for you!"


    No wonder you all carry guns and the cops shoot you for looking at them the wrong way. You're mental.

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  5. 3 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

    I agree with you but i have asked a simple question of numerous Thai's down many years...''What do you think is most important...Love or Money '?    Without exception they have all said ...MONEY !

    Perhaps being married and having a kid with someone who treated her like garbage changed her mind. Could it be that in Thai society it's a lesson that people only learn through bad experiences?


    She doesn't look stoked but it's shitty raising a child alone and that's probably her main concern.

  6. 4 hours ago, Ossy said:

    Wow! . . . a cop with a reputation for busting crime? Big Joke . . . right?

    Given the context you can see how the name is appropriate.


    "You want to help people and protect the vulnerable? You don't want to just collect bribes and line your own pockets? You must be mad, a big joke!"


    Hopefully one day what he is doing is seen as the right thing to do, rather than something crazy.

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  7. 3 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

    If they rounded up all the Thai fathers & uncles who were having sex with their daughters & nieces, that would eliminate at least 25% of the male population.  Had one in our moo bahn that had been having sex with is 16 year old daughter since she was 12.  People found out, called the cops and now his ass is in prison.  The last anyone heard of the daughter, she had run off to Pattaya. 

    What a sad story. I suppose some therapy leading to a normal life is out of the question?


    (No wonder they end up stabbing someone or killing themselves. The one person who is meant to give everything to protect them destroys them for their own selfish pleasure. I guess he can make some merit and be ok in the next life.)

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