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Posts posted by husky

  1. I went through exactly the same situation. EXACTLY. After I called a few folks at the embassy, twice I got someone who simply did not know and gave stock answers like "we are very busy this time of year...." or, "keep trying, new slots will open up...", etc. I tried telling them that nothing was availble for the next 15 years and the unlikelihood and ridiculously high probability of that NOT being the reason but......Bottom line, there are many slots available! The system you are trying on has a problem, you have to keep talking to someone who won't give you the stock replies. The schedule will be repaired once your complaint makes it high enough and you get hold of sympathetic embassy personnel. THERE ARE SLOTS AVAILABLE. PLENTY! Call the embassy. Once somebody gets the message enough, they will contact their internal IT personnel and the magically the site will be repaired.
    Were you able to get an appointment in Bangkok?

    I checked today the availability in Chiang Mai and that calendar is normal, ie there are a few appointments days available within the two month time frame as you would expect. We don't live near Chiang Mai so we can't go there I don't think, however, it does show that my browser and the way I am accessing the system is totally normal and the problem is with the calendar at the Bangkok embassy. I found the phone line not helpful but am encourage that you got someone there who would help I haven't had any success in that regard.

  2. Call the Live Call Center Service: 001-800-13-202-2457, follow the promps, enter your pin and you'll eventually get a live person who will then give you an appointment time
    I don't think this is recent as I just called, there was clear communication, she said that they use the same calendar that I see and there are no appointments. She did say to keep trying back as appointments come in periodically although I had yet to see one.
    Write to your US congressman/woman or senator. USCIS has a special congressional liaison unit that expedites things miraculously if they receive even a phone call from a US rep.We have done this many times and it works always.

    I will try this.

    Have been checking continuously and have not yet seen an available appointment at any time.

  3. Right now it's extremely tough to get an appointment, I've been trying. When there to register my son's birth a few days ago the officer doing out interview said the high demand is the result of a work exchange program the US has pushed at Thai universities and they're swamped taking around 150 appointments per day.
    That is good info to have. Once their system gets totally swamped they should allow for appointments in more that 2 months and let the chips fall where they may. I would be perfectly happy to get an appointment in 1 year, that way I could plan for the trip. Well anyway thanks for the info will keep checking.
  4. Husky it just occurred to me that when we were trying to access the I-130 application online (which is why we ended up having to download and print a generic one) the site would not work with Google Chrome browser which another guy in line at the Embassy suggested was the problem
    For us it is the DS-160 form.

    It allowed us to buy an on-line PIN to fill out the application, upload a picture (to required specifications), enter many pages of personal information and then in fact complete the DS-160 form on-line. The very last part of the process is scheduling the interview. This is a completely separate web site. Prior to starting to enter data you must have a number for a completed DS-160. After that you must again enter several pages of information prior to getting the appointment. Once you fill in all of data the very last step is to 'pick and appointment' from a calendar. Everything up to this point works fine, it is only when you get to the calendar that all dates show as 'no appointments available' or 'non-working days'.

    After trying this several times called the call center but found I could not use my on-line PIN code, so I bought another code for $20. The operator said 'OH yes, everything is working fine, the only problem is there are no appointments'. I asked if she could make me an appointment. 'No, we use the same calendar screen where you are seeing there are no appointments available'.

    It really sounds just like a skit off Saturday Night Live, but it is no longer April 1st and I don't think it is my browser although I have tried several just in case.

  5. A possible solution is to call and get more info at one of these numbers that I see on the USA web site.

    Visa Information and Appointment Website:



    Live Call Center Service: 001-800-13-202-2457

    To talk with someone at the live call center you need a PIN which cost $20. You can't use the same PIN which you purchased to do the on-line application. When you get through to someone they know nothing, only to tell you to keep trying the on-line system for an appointment.

    We are having the same problem getting an appointment. Hopefully there will be someone with a solution out there.

  6. I am now having this problem trying to schedule a Non Immigrant visa for my wife for a short trip to the US. The calendar only goes out two months and there are never any appointments available. Purchased a PIN on-line and then another one to call the call center. The only advice there is to keep trying. Here is the site for the appointments: NIV appt site. Is anyone successfully getting appointments now?

    (Also sent in an email, no response). This seems really hokey... Advice appreciated!

  7. Me and my Thai wife were married many years ago in Singapore and have registered at the Ampur office as living together as husband/wife หนังสือรับรองถานะครอบครัว and have lived in Thailand for many years. We were planning on going for a 2 week trip to the US (I am American) and I was just wondering as a part of the Visa application process would the US Embassy require the marriage to be registered at the embassy? I found this link here US embassy marriage procedure which describes the process, will the Visa application get hung up if this hasn't been done or is it unrelated?

  8. In all political arenas the leaders of various parties often fall foul of either their own mis-guided actions (or criminality!) or are discredited by the opposition. What happens then is, they step down amid much publicity, disappear into the background whilst others repeatedly re-affirm the party line and the party re-groups and carries on.
    What I think is different in this case is the thing is being financed by Thaksin himself and it takes big bucks. Just the initial payments for the first round of protests would = 200,000,000 baht (100,000 x 2000) and that only includes the cash payments, not transport, food, etc, and doesn't include payments to mid level staff, etc. etc., etc. Unless Thaksin wants to take a back seat, nobody else has the money to pony up and the reds are stuck with him.
  9. It is like Parking the Car on a Motorcycle Taxi Rank - There are no signs telling us not to, we just use our common sense really and not park there to avoid this type of trouble
    After living here for a while I am more practical then at first. If someone goes to the trouble to even give me a dirty look I move the car, anything said and I am happy to move it. This is after having my tires nailed (without anything said). Technically you can often argue that it is legal to park there but in the end there will be some kind of problem. I've also seen instances where there is an area reserved for food carts and such, but it is not posted. A Thai parked there and one of the sellers down the lane said that was reserved for food carts and he moved the car. So I think often the 'posting' of areas where one should not park is left up to the public, not a good system but one the Thai's I believe tend to follow.

    Of course this does not justify violence and the driver should be dealt with legally.

  10. This is very good information. I thought if the marriage was registered, there was then a problem with getting a tourist visa as they would then try to make some other type of visa. The birth certificate is Thai/American and the child has a US passport......

    Let me just make sure I understand this. If the marriage is 'registered' in Thailand then the Thai wife can get a tourist visa, correct?

  11. Here is the situation. My Thai wife (unregistered) would like to make a trip to the USA to visit. We have a child together who shares my (farang) last name who is a US/Thai citizen.

    What would be the easiest way for her to make a 2 week trip to the USA? Would she be able to get a tourist visa, or would they make it more difficult since we share a child, ie. would they try to get her to get a finance visa?

    What is the best way to proceed?

  12. Sounds like he is belittling the cash handouts the government has been making, claiming that under him you won't need to be lining up with your beggars bowl. I guess it could be called a slip up as it has been misinterpreted. Even with the limited context given, it does not seem to be about paying protesters.

    From listing to the tape of Taksin, he says 'you don't need to get in line to get 500 baht' could be interpreted multiple ways, as pointed out above. But then obviously someone says something to him and he tries to cover it up even though it could be interpreted multiple ways (maybe just keeping his mouth shut would have been better).

    he hesitates and then says, brothers...... brothers who ever received 500 baht this was sent from the democracy so you can eat..... in the era of Thai Rak Thai. In the era when I was the prime minister.

    Seems like he is really bubbled it in this clip......

  13. I am about to get all the documents ready to go to Pattaya immigration for yearly extension of stay for Thai wife non O visa.

    I have the document from immigration 'Documents Required in case of Thai wife' and have been doing this yearly for a while - mostly want to make sure I don't get hit with any unexpected rule changes.

    Here is what I am not clear on from ready the document. It doesn't say anything about 400k or 800k in a bank account, but has income requirements of 40,000 per month (must show position + salary) or a pension from overseas (40k per month). There are only two categories: one for working under work permit and the other for pension.

    Prior to this an adequate balance in bank + verification letter from bank was sufficient. Has that changed?

  14. I disagree, Husky. Changing visa requirements on long-term tourists has such a tiny impact on the Thai economy that it wouldn't even register on even the most sensitive economic indicator. As I've said elsewhere in this thread, this is just Thailand exerting a little control over their immigration policies in order to generate the appearance that Thailand isn't quite the "wild west country" that people believe it is... partially because of (what used to be) their laissez-faire visa requirements.
    I don't claim to know the actual motivation, but it is rather uncomfortable for all of us long stayers to see one reg. tightened after another. It has been going on for a while. Then I always read some comments to the effect of 'Thailand is shooting themselves in the foot', 'If they don't want my money, I'll just take my money and go spend it elsewhere', etc., etc., etc. Just my opinion, but I think they really don't want the money, if it was a different set of economics I think the policy decisions would be different.
  15. Well like I said: I was spending 100% of the millions of baht I earned every year (including all the tax money I got back from the IRS) in Thailand. Now I'm not. If that is what makes the Thai government happy, more power to them.
    Didn't read every comment, but there are a lot like this. Actually, I think the Thai government really doesn't want farangs spending their money here. Why? Too much foreign investment driving up the currency, which makes life difficult for all of the exporters (a major segment of the economy). Their stated goal is to drive down the value of the currency to make exports more competitive, as long as there is more money/foreigners wanting to come in than can be accommodated, no surprise they can tighten up the rules and not worry about those who end up not spending their money here.
  16. Checked out a few of them. I like the Pratunam center guy, cheapest and most flexible. I've dealt with MBE before and they have a lot of hidden fees.

  17. There is a one-man-band guy in Pratunam Centre. 5 minutes walk from Chitlom station. If you are interested, I can post his details next time I am over there..

    I think I can find this. Is the Pratunam Center across from the Pratunam market and on the same side of the street as Pantip Plaza? I will check this out and compare it to the MBE clones as Saladaeeng

  18. Why not open box at Thai Post office. I did and only required passport and current address in Bangkok. Cost is less than 200 baht a year.

    If you want Mail Box Etc. I think one is located at On Nut BTS just inside the door of Lotus on the same level as BTS platform. I've seen others but do not remember where.

    I need a Bangkok address, but would need a service to forward to mail. I used MBE before, they were OK but a bit pricey, I guess there really isn't anything else out there is there? (Like some Mom and Pop mail forwarding operation).
  19. I would like to open a postal box at a postal service company -- like mail boxes etc. in Bangkok. Does anyone have any recommendations for one that is fairly close to the BTS and has reasonable yearly rental fees?


  20. Had mine out at the same hospital including CT Scan but it's been a couple of years. It was gangreaus (infected) so I had to stay an extra night and it raised the cost some. The total was 70,000 and insurance paid it all (except for a massage gal that came in to give me a health massage).

    As a side note, since the new construction at Bangkok Pattaya hospital I've noticed that the costs have nearly doubled. May be related to your experience.

  21. I've been using the MCI operator number of 001-999-1-2001 to make collect calls overseas on a regular basis for years. The service has worked perfectly up until earlier this year. Now the 001-999-1-2001 doesn't seem reach an operator, gets a quick beep beep beep as if the network is unavailable, but consistantly doesn't work.

    What other ways are there of making collect calls here from a mobile?


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