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Posts posted by PJPom

  1. Funny how ideas and prejudices change, as a boy made in Japan implied poor quality, a few years later made in Germany implied quality.

    We now look at globalisation with Honda made in America and Thailand and other countries, Mercedes in South Africa and check out the variety of scources  for Ford and their parts. 

    To condemn China and their manufacturing is very shortsighted, they can and do produce high quality work, hello all you Apple owners.

  2. I thought only the locals tinted their windows so they cannot see what they hit.

    I have just removed the windscreen tint from my older car and just put a darker band across the top also cut a piece out of the side windows so I can see the rear view mirrors, marvellous improvement to my nighttime vision.

    Driving here is dangerous enough and driving blind is damn stupid, your OE globes are legal and adequate as long as you don’t cover your screen with vanity film, as others have said the glass with clear tint is as good as you need, as for lights ,buy a pair of LED spots connected to main beam only .

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  3. Why is it that the police are too dim to realise they could be very wealthy just by enforcing the laws regarding road transport.

    I am sure I read that the police get a slice of the fines that they impose , can anybody confirm this? so if a policeman was to stop and fine people for breaking the laws for only a few hours a day the revenue would be amazing, his share would certainly improve his lifestyle, and maybe in a few years would affect people’s attitudes.

    Having said this there is one insurmountable problem T I T

  4. 22 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Top Reasons for Postponing-Canceling an Election in Thailand:


    --it's not an "auspicious day"


    --our new Mercedes Benz' haven't arrived yet


    --somebody's fancy dog ate all the ballots


    --it's been so long since the last election that we don't remember how to hold one


    --we're still consulting with Russia and Cambodia on how to run our elections like theirs


    --more than one party wants to be listed on the ballot, and we can't have that


    --because we haven't yet reached our limit on total postponements yet


    --because we have the guns, and you don't


    --because, we CAN, and there's nothing you can do about it!!!



    The last two lines !!!!!  No further comment 

  5. 1 hour ago, Kieran00001 said:


    An example for you, the blue whale numbered over 300,000 a hundred years ago until unregulated hunting killed 99% of them, now with the strict laws banning whaling the numbers have increased to between 5000 and 25000, so at best less than 10% of their original number. Another is the fin whale, which numbered over 200,000 but now is reduced to about 3000 and shows no sign of recovery, and you want us to believe that there is no longer a reason to protect them as that is "sustainable".


    And Japan was already hunting whales "within reasonable limits", hundreds per year, and also some unreasonable ones, such as the 50 whales they were caught out illegally taking from the Antartic protected area.  The ICC hasn't banned all species, but Japan want to hunt more, including the species that are totally banned, and you support that, what a big guy you are.






    To correct your figures, 60 years ago the blue whale was nearly extinct due to unregulated slaughter by the America, UK , Canada , Norwegian and other Scandinavian countries plus Japan, the South American nations and Australia and New Zealand .

    This slaughter nearly denuded the Antarctic and in the thirties the population was thought to be 20,000+ which then continued to drop until the fifties

    The whaling restrictions only really came into force in the sixties with the IWC bringing in restrictions which luckily averted the extinction of a superb species.

    The proposed renewal of hunting by Japan will only take place in the North Pacific with no hunts in Antarctica which will save the Australian govt sending a warship .

    No doubt Greenpeace will be up in arms but if they do as they have said they will harvest at a sustainable level, we will wait and see.

    As to your last comment, I was raised and educated to debate the idea, not the person.

  6. We get so emotional about Whales, the furore caused by the death of these creatures is totally disproportionate. 

    Hunting of Whales for food has long been part of the lifestyles of many cultures and now that the wholesale slaughter for purposes other than food has been stopped the Whales have become a sustainable entity.

    Japan has every right to hunt Whales for food within reasonable limits though the uproar will be deafening.

    I wonder how the Vegans will react ?.


    My quandary is I know and have as friends people who own and use their Elephants to give rides to Tourists, all I have seen is that they treat them much better than an expensive tool.

    My meaning of the word tool is this is what they use to make money and survive, a tool can be abused or treasured.

    In the case of my friends Elephants they are treasured and humanised, a few examples;

    they all have names and they respond to them,

    they have personalities and these are respected,

    they are worked, carrying Tourists but never overloaded or worked continuously,

    beatings are not used, if a slap with the hand doesn’t work try persuasion, much safer for all involved, an Elephant weighs a couple of tons!

    I have seen the videos of the cruelty involved in training and I cannot defend any of it but over the last couple of years have watched an Elephant born in captivity being trained. NO cruelty is involved, teaching her to behave is just like teaching a child, yes, she has been slapped and pushed but this is by a twenty year old who possibly weighs 70 kg, no harm done. The outcome for this young girl is very uncertain, what is going to happen to her if she can’t help the family to earn a living, will keeping Elephants for public entertainment be banned, if so who will feed and shelter her?.

    I have no answer to the problem, I hate cruelty but agree that animals can be used by man for his benefit, how many of us admire a person on horseback, what is the difference.

    Just a final note, the head owners wife had a baby two years ago and when they came home from Hospital he took the three day old baby and introduced her to each of the six Elephants, she now has six Elephant Aunts.

    Final final note, I have never ridden an Elephant, always politely refused but have been picked up by one after running out of bananas, everyone in hysterics apart from me.

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  8. Why do they want her kept in the country, should we think the obvious that it will be easier to make her disappear ?

    Pakistan is a country with a very vocal and violent minority who are very little advanced from centuries of religious domination and indoctrination,they also have approx 120+ nuclear weapons , frightening isn’t it

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