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Posts posted by PJPom

  1. 44 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

    Guaranteed - in every single thread about high speed trains someone brings up the "Thais at crossings" thing.  High speed rail has no level crossings anywhere in the world.  It is either elevated or ground level and completely fenced off - no crossings.  It also prevents livestock wandering on to the track.


    Do people really not understand this?  

    You do realise that you are in amazing Thailand where they even steal the pins that secure the rails to the sleepers, they will probably steal the fence.

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  2. I see what you mean, I just checked the prices and compared them to Macro or Tesco Lotus. I bought two kilos of belly pork to make respectable bacon for 134b a kilo. Pangasius/Dory 96b best cut, 79b with belly flap left on.

    1 hour ago, SteveK said:

    You must be joking! 474 baht for ONE FILLET!


  3. That car would be an insurance write off in Australia, salt water and the electrical system do not mix very well. Living in the Wide Bay Area with the famous beaches and Fraser Island this is a common occurrence and I have seen the results of salt water corrosion happening within a week.

    Alternator, air conditioning compressor, power steering pump all live low down in the engine bay and a good soaking in salt water ruins them, advice is sell it quickly.

  4. Pangasius is known as Basa in Australia and despite numerous sensational exposes sells very well for about A$10 / 200baht per kilo in the Supermarkets, it is catfish by any other name and is raised in pretty murky waters. Having said that I buy a packet of four fillets every week for about 90 baht at Macro, dusted with tempura flour, dipped in beaten egg then coated with small seasoned breadcrumbs and fried in good oil and butter until golden colour. My other half always calls it Dory and demands that I do it at least once a week, served with steamed mixed vegetables and a fresh sliced tomato from our garden it passes as a pretty good meal.

    I have tried battering the fillets but they do not firm up like Cod or Shark, maybe cutting them into smaller portions would help. 

    I have a local cafe doing fish and chips every Friday for 300baht, that is currently A$15 roughly three times the price I pay in Queensland where the waiter earns 400baht per hour not per day and the fish was swimming in the Ocean the day before.

    Eating Thai food is perfectly satisfactory and economical but I still get the cravings for home food, silly isn't it.

    P S Heinz salad vinegar and black pepper on the vegetables is a great addition.

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  5. Read the whole article, it has not been passed and will, if passed only affect a very few people.

    pro is that it will enable people to get rehab easier. Con is that it might increase crime by the desperate addicts

    10 minutes ago, bluejets said:


  6. For heavens sake get to a Doctor, I am still getting over what I thought was Dengue but turned out to be chikagunya, equally as painful.

    No real treatment for it apart from treating the symptoms, muscular and joint pain from My eyelids to my toes.

    The Doctor gave me one injection and two types of tablets for pain which helped greatly and now two months later I only have tablets for fluid retention.

    I am still not 100% and feel fatigued very easily , also swollen feet and lack of grip especially opening screw top bottles.

    My local pharmacist is a very knowledgeable young lady and she tells me that the symptoms can last for six months or more, age is a factor in recovery and seeing that I have exceeded the three score and ten I can’t complain.

    The cost of two visits to the Doctor, injection and initial tablets was 800 baht, further tablets from pharmacy another 120 baht.

    Get to a Doctor....Now....please.

  7. 38 minutes ago, steve73 said:

    Failed... It was coded as Dummy Branch - MCL0001.. i.e. Domestic transfer... 


    edit.. perhaps should have added.. that was to Kasikorn.

    Check what MCL0001 means, I found the meaning on here posted by another and according to Kasikorn it means “ international fund transfer from other bank with API system “

    This was acceptable to my IO last month.

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  8. Lets keep this light hearted, no need to attack the frog eaters or the rost bif. At school I was forced to learn French, German and Latin, French seemed terribly hard and surprisingly German was the easiest, I’ll save my comments about Latin for another day.

    France is a beautiful country, it’s architecture regarding soaring Cathederals and it’s Chateaus is really unsurpassed.

    It’s countryside with the neatly tended hedgerows and tree lined roads, supposedly planted on Napoleons orders to give shade to his marching armies.

    The food and it’s varieties is world famous, well worth trying.

    To sum all this up France is a fabulous country, but unfortunately ruined by being full of Frenchmen who speak an unintelligible language.

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