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Everything posted by captpkapoor

  1. Many many thanks, Mr Pib, you've gone to a great deal of trouble, and given excellent detail and clarification. May I DM you when I return to Thailand and start the process?
  2. The biggest problem is with the Schengen visa, because they insist on confirmed flight bookings AND confirmed hotel stays, and then if the visa is rejected for any reason, you've lost the entire amount. The US is far more sensible, they clearly tell you not to make any travel plans until your visa is confirmed.
  3. However no Muslim will agree that a Lingam is inside.
  4. Yes, exactly, this is the Shiva lingam. FYI, the Angkor Wat temples were originally built as Hindu temples and dedicated to Vishnu (God of Preservation, in Hinduism).
  5. Please clarify:- 1) If I had purchased my condo in Bangkok for approx 10 M thb in 2013, and have ownership documents in my name, would that go towards meeting one of their requirements? 2) I do have passive income, but that is in my home country i.e. my pension and other rental proceeds etc come to my bank account at home; so I can buy the govt bonds here to meet the requirements, of what value do I need? And what is the interest on them, paid out at what frequency? Many thanks for your help.
  6. Well, Hindu women in India routinely worship the Shiva "lingam" which is a phallic shape.
  7. I just did my 5 year renewal. Walk ins available in my area (Bangkok Land Transport office 1 on Rama 2). Long as you've done the online 1 hour training, and take a residence cert either from immigration or your embassy, you won't face any problems. Med cert, passport, old licence. No need for any agent.
  8. 2013
  9. I opened an account with Bangkok Bank at HQ branch on Silom Road, while I only had a tourist visa at that time.
  10. This is absolutely true. The banking system and myriad charges for each and every little thing is just a scam. In India, I can do almost everything on line - and free - no matter which bank to which bank. Here, a) "oh sorry, for that you must go to your home branch" b) withdraw money from SAME bank ATM outside your city and pay a service fee!! - preposterous! c) all sorts of charges when receiving money from abroad, and one of the highest charges I've seen when remitting funds from here to another country. My friends outside Thailand couldn't believe I'd paid that much to send them money.
  11. I absolutely agree with those here about the Thai obsession with money. I've yet to see a people so focused on money. Many poorer countries have far better financial morals. Unfortunately! I still love Thailand, btw, or I wouldn't be living here!
  12. India has again imposed mandatory RT-PCR test fro travellers coming in from 6 countries, unfortunately Thailand is one of them. The craziness never ends, it seems.
  13. Fastest growing economy in the world, and arguably the best PM the country has had in decades. As for all the snide comments here about Indian tourists: India is a very diverse country with many levels of education, and socio-economic indicators. Just because some of you encountered some who came on a group tour from a poor part doesn't mean there aren't many, many well-heeled ones (with daily spends and income way above the so-called farangs). Anyway, there's no point being wise where ignorance is bliss.
  14. So I went early morning to DLT Bangchak today; and would you believe, the lady there says since my residence falls under area 1 (which is at the DLT at Rama 2), they would do it with just the yellow Taabien Baan; but at Bangchak they would definitely need a residence certificate. So I hightailed it to the embassy finally and they'll give me a certificate of residence in 2 days and then I go back to the Rama 2 DLT place. I recently renewed my driving licence in India, completely online, uploaded my medical etc, paid the fee by card, delivered to my home by courier in 3 days. Three areas in Thailand: Immigration, Banking, and stuff like driving licence etc, they are Soooo far behind India, it's a joke. Here, for almost anything slightly out of the way, go to your home branch bank. Any old statement etc - pay money.
  15. Yes exactly, the junior lady at the front desk was clearly trying to convince the officer in uniform that I had all that was required, but he was adamant. Different officer, on a different day, at a different DLT office, all interpret rules as they feel.
  16. I tried that DLT queue app to get an appointment, it's a terribly user unfriendly app to use. Gave up after an hour of trying.
  17. The officer at DLT office gave me the address of Immigration at 319, Chamchuri Bldg, 18th Floor Phayathai Road. He had a laminated plastic sheet to show to everyone. Anyway I'll try there tomorrow and if not then go to the Indian embassy (sigh!). They'll ask for 3 days and charge me a 1000 baht + to do it.
  18. I went to the Dept of Land Transport Office Area 1 at Rama 2 today, to renew my 5 yearly driving licence which expires soon. I had already completed the 1 hour e-learning course from the DLT website. Took along my original licence, passport, pink Thai ID, yellow Taabien Baan, medical report. The lady at the desk had almost accepted everything, but decided to check with the officer in the back, who insisted I get a letter from my embassy certifying my residence, or from the Immigration office. No amount of convincing that I had the original condo registration title, yellow Taabien Baan, etc and all showed the same address, could change his mind. I thought this proof was needed only for the first application, and renewal would be an easy process. The embassy will take another 2-3 days plus a hefty fee. Is it easier to get a residence proof from Immigration at Phayathai Road? What do I need to carry with me there? Any help/ past experience much appreciated. Thanks.
  19. India has already made RT-PCR compulsory for travellers from 6 countries, unfortunately including Thailand. Considering that the cheapest Rt-PCR here costs 2000 baht (versus 1/10th of that in India), it's going to be bonanza time again for all the hospitals here.
  20. Oh my God! A real true blue white American causing a nuisance? How could that be? Sure it wasn't an Indian?
  21. Yes, in Sanskrit and in Hindi, the word "Bahasa" simply means "language".
  22. How is it that these type of crimes always involve nationals from the supposedly "elite" Western white countries, the "high quality", "big spenders" that Thailand needs, and not the "cheap" Indian tourists, so vilified on this site?
  23. And I call this bo....cks! I've visited Thailand since 1980s and lived here since 2013 and observed each class of tourist and resident.
  24. And I can show you a larger number of whites walking and spending nothing, conserving their pension cheques
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