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Posts posted by amjamj

  1. On 5/15/2014 at 4:53 PM, phuketrichard said:

    Last year did the Laos/Camboida trip again and use Osmach, July 2013 trip

    I have the the english thai plates as well but have never used them

    i have never exited Cambodia to Laos but have heard from some motorcycllst that have>

    If you do this PLease let us know.

    BUt unless u really want to go to PP why not just head from Siem rep across ( via Kulen- Preah vihear city) to Stung Treng?

    I am heading back to Cambodia via Surin again in late june and plan on visiting Rattanakiri ( east of Stung Treng) and Mondulkiri this trip

    Happy trails



    Hello, how to get the english thai plates ? Thank you.



  2. On 6/25/2012 at 11:17 AM, Antaro said:

    i have crossed border at Koh Kong province last year. they did not accept the a asean car pass book. they only allowed me the to stay in koh kong province. when i was trying to enter shianoukville with my car i got stopped by the police at the first traffic light and had to pay myself out of the situation.



    How much did you pay ? I just didn't stop when they tried to call me, and no problem.





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