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Posts posted by Trippy

  1. 32 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I'm just watching the students protesting at USC standing up against the hundreds of police that have been sent to evict them. The police appear to be a shambles, and seem not to know what to do when faced with so many students. According to the journalist speaking, the protest was completely violence free till the cops started pushing students around, and they look to me they'd like to start beating the students, but there are so many news crews filming that they know they won't get away with that. Any agro is coming from the cops, NOT the students. The cops are geared up with helmets and clubs as if they expect a huge riot, but if there is one, IMO it will be them that start it.


    A group of students are gathered together to be arrested, and the cops have started to arrest them.


    For sure, the college administrators that called the cops in are going to be facing a LOT of anger.


    The protestors are calling for the college to divest from israel.


    Apparently the protests are going on in many universities all over America. Good for them. This should put a chill down Biden's back.


    It makes my heart glad to see young people do care about more than pop singers and social media influencers. I wish them well in their struggle to achieve justice for Gazans.

    It just blows my mind how some people can support Hamas, but a whole country supported hitler so I guess it's possible. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Mike Lister said:

    Because we now know that a fine is possible for not filing a tax return, this information changes what we said about acquiring a TIN. Previously we wrote that it wasn't necessary to obtain a TIN, if no tax was due. The new information about the fine above, now changes what we have to say regarding TIN's which may now be needed, as long as the assessable income threshold has been exceeded.



    If I'm in Thailand all year, but all my income is from US social security thus not accessible income. Do I need to get a TIN, and do I need to file a Thai tax return?


  3. Just now, Roo Island said:

    One of the most embarrassing things I've ever seen. From the link above. Child's play.


    “It's like you'll go: Person, woman, man, camera, TV. So they say, ‘Could you repeat that?' So I said, ‘Yeah. So it's person, woman, man, camera, TV.’ ‘Okay, that's very good. If you get it in order, you get extra points.’”

    And yet, Biden is afraid to take it. Why is that?

  4. 3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Ideally the goal would actually be well under 1000 like 800 or even less because rents always go up and social security COLAS never make up for price rises.

    So yeah this topic is really only about D list places.

    Some D list places do offer more than others as far as possible activities.

    Like Huntington WV.


    Everybody has their own preferences. Personally I would rather live where I want, and if I'm short of cash get a part time job, or even 2 days a week driving Uber. 

    But that's cool, I won't comment on this topic further.

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