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Posts posted by TaveewatLim

  1. 22 hours ago, Moonlover said:

    We evolved to run on our toes and the front pad of our feet, not our heels. Our hunter/gatherer forbears ran this way in bare feet and some, such as the African Bushmen still do. Running this way greatly reduces the shock loading on the aforementioned joints. And, it turns out that all fleet-footed mammals, run on their toes, not their heels.

    I'd to suffer from plantarfasiitis because I run incorrectly.

    I just found a small gadget that help me to correct my running form.

    It's "Milestone pod".It's a little foot pod which you just attach to your shoe and it can sync to your smartphone via bluetooth.

    It's not only give your distance or pace but it still give you others data such as cadance, ground contact, stride length, rate of impact.

    You can use all of this informations to correct your running form and choose your proper shoes.





  2. 14 minutes ago, GarryP said:

    I even bought a Concept2 for my son last month as he had tried mine and thought it so much better than his exercise bike, which had just given up the ghost, and much more convenient than going to the gym for cardio. 

    Maybe you and your son should try row pro software?.

    I really want to try rowing online, but nobody row online in my time zone?.

  3. 5 hours ago, tropo said:

    (Did you not read my long review of the SkiErg above? I made a big effort for you LOL)


    I don't find it pleasant to row below 25 for long periods. When I do, it's for relatively short periods. It's good if you want to develop more strength, but that can also put your back at greater risk of injury. It's also good for technique training as you have more time to think.


    If you want to get the feel at lower stroke rates and finding it difficult, just lower the damper setting.

    Yes, it's use more strength and muscle.

    I'll lower my damper setting and try to row at 26 spm and check my average heart rate again.

  4. 1 hour ago, tropo said:

    On the rowing machine, when I start hitting my high heart rate numbers I'm concerned (and nervous) about my lower back and knees, which ultimately limit how hard I can row safely.

    Agree, and the other problem for me is rowing not suitable for long steady stage intensity. 

    I can maintain my heart rate at 160 bpm when I run about one hour but on the rower, just take only 6 minute to got 160bpm.

    For this reason, I think BikeErg is more suitable for me to do long intensity steady stage cardio than rower.I can control my heart rate zone on the bike which I think it's easier than rowing.

    I attach my split time on the rower, that show my heart rate is get through 160bpm in 6 minute and my running data my average heart rate at 10K is just 151bpm




  5. On 30/7/2560 at 9:30 PM, simon43 said:

    Another month has passed and here's my latest update about my path to fitness and a healthy body.


    One month ago, I was treadmill-jogging 10 Km in 58 minutes, 25 seconds. Now my time is under 55 minutes.  I've been free of injury.  If I feel even the slightest discomfort on my legs, then I stop the run. 


    I will (slowly) try to decrease that time.  I'm still running fartleks (5.5 minutes fast, 30 seconds slow). So there is room to improve my time. 


    Last weekend, I went to BKK and bought a pair of road-jogging shoes (Asic Gel Kinsei 6).  I tried these out a few days ago on my first-ever road jog.  I managed 10 Km in under 60 minutes, with no stress or discomfort, (and no fartleks).


    Oh, I also bought a new road/off-road bike, only 8,500 baht (plus the excess baggage charge on Bangkok Airways...)


    So now my new regime is:


    - Road-jog 5 Km before breakfast

    - Cycle 7 Km to work

    - After work, stop at the gym for about 45 minutes of upper-body and abs work

    - Cycle 7 Km home


    This doesn't tire me out at all and I can do the 10 Km runs at the weekend.


    I'm still on my rabbit food diet (salads, fruit, oily fish, nuts, keffir milk, lean chicken, protein shake).  Suits me fine and the results speak for themselves.


    When I finally get the last of the flab off, I'll post a photo :)


    Your pace is about 6 min/km, quite good for beginner.

    Don't try to run fast and you should consider in crosstraining. I used to run at pace 5 min/km a lot and suffered from plantar fasiitis.

    I had to stop running more than 2 years and shift to rowing.

    When I row a lot I have problem from sore back, now I found that crosstraining is the best way to prevent injury.


  6. 17 hours ago, tropo said:

    I dislike riding the recumbent bikes, but you make some valid points. I'm not trying to sell you a Concept2 BikeErg, but there is something extra special about this bike. You can fit your own pedals, seat, and handlebars to it so you can adjust it to suit you. In your case, you could put some handles on it that allow you to sit bolt upright.


    Talking about exercise equipment for old fats: Here's just the thing you were looking for:




    I just ordered one. Why did I get this? Because I hurt my back and it hurts when I row, so I can't get the cardio workout I desire on the rowing machine right now. Arthritis makes running impossible. My knees used to hurt riding bikes too, and even walking. My knees also didn't feel good on an elliptical trainer... so what to do?


    Get a SkiErg!!!


    Limited knee and lower back involvement. The pulling action is much kinder on shoulders too - no compression. There's a lot of different exercises you can do on this machine. It's the perfect answer for old farts LOL. It's also a very good workout for youngins too. I'll tell you more when I start using it next week.







    I also don't like recumbent bike. I used to try it once in fitness center and feel like I didn't do any workout.

    I have the same trouble, back pain when rowing, especially when back to rowing again from long resting period.

    Longest distance I used to row is 12,000 meter or about 50 minutes.I can't row more than that compare to running I can run 2 hours with no problem.

    I think BikeErg is suitable for training in endurance sports such as distance running, cycling or triathletes.


  7. 21 hours ago, tropo said:

    Well guys, after much deliberation I've taken the plunge and ordered a Concept2 SkiErg. I hurt my back a couple of weeks ago. I was doing a lot of stuff so I'm not exactly sure what went wrong, but it has made rowing very tricky. The SkiErg looks like a great way to do cardio while saving the back and knees. The SkiErg involves flexion of the spine in an abdominal contraction, so it should be a very good balance to rowing.


    Look forward for your review.I interested in BikeErg but no more room for it.

  8. New toy for indoor cyclist.


    The Concept2 BikeErg is the latest addition to our family of sports-based ergometers. The BikeErg has the same flywheel and Performance Monitor as our Concept2 Indoor Rowers and SkiErgs, bringing to cycling the strengths and features we've previously brought to rowing and cross-country skiing.

    The flywheel uses air resistance to create a smooth, quiet ride that responds to your efforts. The damper is your gearing, allowing you to adjust the feel of your ride. Unlike most stationary bikes, the BikeErg has a clutch, so just like a real bike, when you stop pedaling, the flywheel keeps on spinning.

    The sophisticated Performance Monitor gives you instantaneous workout feedback, with a wide variety of displays and workouts to choose from. The Performance Monitor is calibrated to ensure accuracy so you'll be able to directly compare your times and distances with other people, as well as track your progress.




  9. Sole F63 , Horizon advanture 2+ or BH fitness F1 are the model that popular for home use treadmills in Thailand. Pricing around 30,000-50,000 ,  not cheap but it's far better than a lot of chinese made treadmills.

    If your jogging is not more than 45 min per day, running at the park is better. Treadmill take a lot of space, expensive and hard to maintainance.

  10. On 16/6/2560 at 10:59 PM, tropo said:

    Why is that? Overtraining? Decreased training? Boredom? Injuries?


    In my experience continually fighting (previous) numbers takes the fun out of rowing and sets one up for overtraining issues. i.e. Staleness, quitting, injuries, mental stress etc. If you overdo rowing you can end up with injuries.


    Most of my rowing now is 5 or 10-minute intervals as part of a weight training circuit. I purposefully set the display NOT to indicate meters. At the end of the day, you can only do what you can do. Trying too hard is not good for older people. What's the point? Who cares how fast you can row? That's only important for people who are competing. That performance monitor can be your own worst enemy. If you row slower today, why stress about it. The important thing is you're getting good exercise.


    Keep it fun. Don't obsess with numbers.

    My performance drop because I'm not have time to row. I have to take care of my 2 years old son, send him to nursery and take him back home. He take all of my workout time?.


  11. 21 hours ago, GarryP said:

    Well, I started off slowly in mid February only doing a few minutes each day then moved over to intervals and am now doing 30 minute sessions - with the odd interval set. My distances continued to improve  (with the exception of April when the heat wiped me out) and now I am just over 7,000 meters per 30 minute session. I am quite happy with where I am now and do not think I will improve much on this. My main target was to lose a few kgs and improve my fitness levels. At first it did not seem to be working as far as weight was concerned, but as my performance has improved, the weight has started to come off - not much so far but then my target was only 4 or 5 kgs (I am down 2.5 now).  At 7kms it really burns the calories. If it is to be believed I burned 450 cals in my 30 minute session this morning. I try to row 5 days a week. 


    Since I started rowing I have had no trouble with my back at all. Hopefully, that is a thing of the past.


    PS No longer any bum pain at all. So will not bother buying padding after all.     

    My performance is decrease from 7500 in 30 minutes to about 7200 ?.

  12. 6 hours ago, GarryP said:

    I workout in my living room. It is not air-conditioned so I only use a fan. The room temperature is above 30C most days (March and April), but with me changing to working out in the morning I think I am catching it before the temp reaches 30. Before it was round about 32C when I did my workouts. I was just surprised at how different the levels of performance were. I knew there would be some difference but not so much. I googled for information on the impact of heat on working out but none of it seemed to point out such a big impact. Probably because the papers were not about people working out in the tropics. 


    The rains came just over a week ago. Not frequent but enough to impact the temperature in Bangkok, or at least the area where I am living.   

     I also workout in living room and workout in the morning. I use both aircon and fan to cool me down. Rowing without aircon is torture.

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  13. 1 hour ago, GarryP said:

    I have been trying to source a Concept 2 seat cover produced by Vapor Fitness but have been unable to find anyone who ships to Thailand. the postings on Amazon and eBay do not ship here and neither does the actual manufacturer/supplier (I inquired by email). Do any of you users have any suggestions? I would prefer to get this one than the one made by Hornet Watersports. 


    PS since I have started using this machine my back pain troubles have disappeared and my stamina has also improved but fat around the middle seems to be a bit more stubborn.

    I'd never use seat cover because my model B seat is made by pvc and softer than model d plastic seat.

    I'd just back to row again from long rest period.My stamina was drop, I can't row longer than 5000 meter.? 

  14. 5 hours ago, tropo said:

    My burnout is getting bored with doing it every day rather than being physically exhausted. I do a lot of weight training too. I did notice your rowing program lacks diversity. Have you considered doing some shorter/intense rows? Perhaps some interval training?


    Most of my rowing are 30 minutes and 10,000 meters row. I get used to 6K running which I use about 30-35 minutes then I try to row at the same time. My 30 minute rowing got about 7K and burn about 450-500 kcal whichis close to my 6K running.

    I like long steady state rowing more than HIIT but I'll try interval next time.?


  15. 13 hours ago, tropo said:

    Are you sure you're not mentally and physically burnt out on the rowing and taking a break?


    I still haven't gotten my enthusiasm back after that January challenge LOL. From February until now I've posted my lowest rowing distance in 2 years. I think I'll pass up on challenges for awhile.:smile:

    No , I'm not burnt out. Actually I row at the morning but now I have to use my workout time to do my DIY project instead.

    My irrigation system is take almost 2 rai , it very big yard , take a lot of time and costly, then I decision to do by myself.

    Although, I still running 2 times a week , lifting weights on Saturday morning.?

  16. 57 minutes ago, GarryP said:

    I borrowed a printer cable from the office and it worked fine. Thanks for the tip. I confirmed that the software is up to date so I only use the wifi link with my mobile phone at the moment. Still taking it easy with 2km sessions and doubling up at the weekend. Hope to increase as I get fitter. Already completed the Valentine Challenge, but then it was intentionally easy. I will not participate in the Mud Challenge in March. Too hard for me at the moment.

    I couldn't complete the Valentine Challenge because I got a flu?.

    Actually I'll use Valentine challenge certificate as my valentine gift card.

    Mud challenge is hard but I'll try. March in Thailand is too hot for running.

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