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Cat Boy

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Everything posted by Cat Boy

  1. When your standing on the right, everything appears left. As an aside, just so you know, laugh emoji reflect poorly on both the sender's knowledge and credibility. Just say'n.
  2. Quite the opposite. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism
  3. I don't think that wearing such a shirt in the US would provoke any reaction whatsoever. Fascism has essentially been openly embraced by MAGA and President Musk.
  4. With all due respect, why on earth would you even consider a DIY last will and testiment? Definitely consult a Thai lawyer for advice and have them guide you through and facilitate ever step. My will was start to finish in consultation with my Thai lawyer, there were many steps, including translation of my passport. When everything was finalised a copy was submitted to the registry office. It covers only assets in Tha, not those overseas in other countries. The total cost was very red, like 12-14k THB as I recall. That was a few years ago. But, regardless, leave this to the professionals, it's too important, and you, by definition, won't be around to correct or remedy any issues once the time comes.
  5. Absolutely no way this is going to happen. Just another wild, unfounded rumor of misinformation. Anti-trust on the American side due to his half-witted ownership of Twitter/X, and against Chinese law prohibiting the transfer of ownership of the algorithm outside of China. I'm just daily appauled at how what was once news has deteriorated into random heresy without any basis in reality.
  6. The denials and backpedaling from the Revenue Department will begin immediately, if they have not already done so.
  7. I'm in my early 60s. Mother and father died around 20 years ago. As executor of my father's estate, i sold the house, everything in it and at the same time all of my own personal affects that I had from a flat I earlier had in California. I arrived in '05 with a couple of suitcases. Blissfully unencumbered. I've never understood that overt attachment to the importnace of holidays, as you've phrased it "X-mas day alone", as each and every day is special, whether living alone or with others. I more or less adopted a fatherless family in Southern Bangladesh years ago, and go there frequently. I supported the younger boy through college and university, BBA and MBA, the older brother, I've just bought a 3-bedroom flat for he, his wife and their 2 young boys. With that said, I've just returned from a 10-day New Years holiday with the group, 7 of us total, which was good, but sometimes a challenge for me, basically an introvert. Happy to be back home in Thailand and my solitude. Yes, connectivity keeps our minds active and engaged in life and the living, But, close relationships living together 24/7 aren't for everyone and carry their own downsides. Connectivity is more, its the guy at the local coffee shop where you get your morning cuppa, you don't know his name, he doesn't know yours, but its a routine, ... along with the many other more casual relationships we encounter in our daily lives. That's enough. In dues course, I'll die here in Thailand alone, and that's totally fine by me, and as is my wish.
  8. Paid yellow shirt agitators with a lot of free time and nothing else positive to do
  9. In Singapore, they'd DEFINITELY go to jail. No questions asked. It’s an incredibly stupid thing to be doing in 2025. "Bangkok Hilton"... set an example.
  10. Just a recollection from 2019 thereabouts. I spent 15 seconds Googling to find the exact date and law promulgated, before I remembered that I don't care. Have at it
  11. As I recall his dictatorship essentially pardoned itself under laws they enacted by their stacked parliament under their tenure to not be held accountable for essentially anything
  12. The charges were trumped up by the dictatorship and are without merit Any prison time is absurd
  13. Daddy? Yingluk is Thaksin's youngest sister (huge family of siblings); Currently prime minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra is his daughter
  14. I wouldn't transit via Saudi Arabia, nor anywhere in the Middle East for any reason. Full stop. There are other routes and other transit routes. But, maybe that's just me.
  15. Yes, I've experienced that for a few days after a bout of drinking, but it goes away, and you've already related that that is not the cause. As for razor burn, I rub a bit of Vaseline and coconut oil on my face before the foam for shaving, and the same afterwards. It helps.
  16. It largely depends on how hydrated you stay throughout the day, the amount of water and other non-diuretic liquids (coffee, tea, etc) one drinks. Therefore, frequency alone, I've never seen as indicative of anything specific. Rather amount, not just a couple of dribbles when you feel the need to pee, and similarly a healthy, strong stream-flow, are indicative of good urinary health without prostate hyperplasia or other conditions which might cause blockage. Regardless, a PSA test or other supporting tests, to verify prostate health, particularly after a certain age, are key.
  17. You made my point. You're MAGA reply is off-topic. Everyone on this forum presumably either lives in Thailand currently, or did at some point in life, and are still interested in THAILAND. It's been nearly 20 years since I lived in the United States. This is not MAGA Now, nor America Now, its ASEAN Now. No cares about American politics, its endless, nauseating culture wars, and extreme inward focus on itself. No one cares
  18. I wholeheartedly agree, and that's why I try to limit my time on Asean Now formerly Thai Visa, particularly the comment section, and seldom make comments myself as there's inevitably negativity, mocking, insensitive backlash replies, laugh emogi, or reactions that do nothing to further the points made. For that reason I just skim the topics for anything relevant to my visa type, or related like TM30, and ignore everything else. Too much bitter, angry, Thai haters, too much MAGA rudeness and generalized lack of civility.
  19. Yawn. It seems so much easier for politicians to wallow in non-issues that do not affect policy, nor the well-being nor betterment of the public. Status quo means grift, wallowing in the past maintains that. Change threatens it. Let's have a multi-year commission to investigate this and in time come to no [meaningful] conclusion. With that said, the massacre at Thammasat University has never been investigated. Why's that ya think?
  20. Though I could easily name a hundred things, the first thing I felt upon arriving in 2005,was "a sense of home" that I'd never felt in the US my entire life. A secondly, I felt safe. Those two things both remain true, though I moved from Phang Nga to Bangkok many years ago, I can walk anywhere I want, any time of the day or night, and not feel fear. After getting violently mugged in San Francisco in the mid-90s, that underlying insecurity, that fear was always there, until I arrived in Thailand. That, in part, is why I've not really had a back-up for Thailand, Taiwan, maybe Vietnam, really nothing compares to the Land of Smiles
  21. Take your meds, that the most delusional thing I've read all day, and it's still morningtime
  22. "Rent", such matters are better left to professionals. "Own", is an entirely different matter, whose costs, tolls over time, cannot be overestimated, financially, but more importantly, emotionally, psychologicaly. The loneliness, and damage, from a long-term relationship, particularly marriages, particularly with children, betrayal, lies and emotional abandonment are long-lasting and can take years of therapy to help initiate recovery, substance abuse, or the feelings of obligations. Add to that a visa tied to the marriage. Property ownership,, etc. Creates a perceived unsolvable, existential crisis. Renting, on the other hand, with a growing feeling of attachment, that begins to fail, can be ended, followed by a short term feeling of sadness, tallying losses, a return to independence, renewed joy, a return to self-security change and moving on. Such matters are most definitely, preferably, left to professionals. LTR "ownership" should not be precluded, but very carefully considered, never the default choice, nor even aspirational. It should definitely involve consultation with a qualified lawyer and therapist, and not be some "morning after", "what the hell did I do?", "what the hell was I even thinking? ", conundrum, or nightmarish, quagmire with no chance of happy resolution. Such matters can become life-ending rather than life reaffirming. Perhaps "rent-to-own" is somewhere in the middle. Still, again, it cannot be overstated, test-drive, or lease, but choose a professional, the up-front costs are minimal. Both parties get something they need, it's an exchange for value, an you can always walk away, with both sence of self and securely intact, with head held high
  23. Yes, you can use an agent. Price depends on where you go. Varies wildly depending on the agent and location
  24. I haven't even tried for years since the system became so unreliable. Not even worth bothering with. I use a service
  25. Quoting Sky News is like a paid advertisement from the Trump campaign. It has NOT been officially confirmed that Trump won the popular vote, some states are still counting. Trump won more votes than he did in 2020, but not necessary more than Harris in this election, 2024. Kindly at least try to reflect objectivity, please!
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