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Cat Boy

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Everything posted by Cat Boy

  1. Perhaps there should be an excise tax, payable annually with registration fees, to provide medical assistance and life insurance for victims of drivers of high-end luxury and so-called Super-cars, since they almost universally seem to be both terrible driver's and oft times infirmed by drugs and drink
  2. I'm outraged there is outrage. How is anyone, okay, admittedly fragile "Netizen" snowflakes, so easily outraged about everything and anything?
  3. The baby was still-born, read: dead upon birth. No one killed the baby. It was already dead. Dumbfounded about what exactly? The mother did nothing wrong (legally) and should not have been arrested
  4. Nip it in the bud this time. Voicing an opinion is one thing. Inciting insurrection and violence, Sonthi himself is long a threat to the internal security of Thailand.
  5. Virgin Active. 5 or 6 locations in BK. Swimming pool. Great gym. staff and instructors. Originally I belonged to CalWow beginning in '05, now long-since bankrupt. Then True Fitness, likewise bankrupt. Virgin Active is well funded and best equipped, I've been a member since '15.
  6. Victim blaming based entirely on wildly uninformed conjecture
  7. I foresee a defamation lawsuit brewing
  8. Las Vegas has thrived and prospered for many decades having been long labeled as "Sin City", why would Pattaya be any different. Civic pride is a good thing, unfounded puritanical backlash isn't, yet it keeps popping up under both military dictatorship and elected governments to foster votes. Move Forward has the right idea, actually legalize and regulate health and work standards for sex workers as is done in Germany for better living standards for those in the industry and the safety of both public and those engaged in sex work and stop this blind hypocrisy between the law and real life.
  9. "I used to jog, but the ice kept falling out of my glass" - David Lee Roth
  10. Actually, I read his comment as written by an American, where denial of coverage is automatic, lengthy delays to see specialist are routine, healthcare is completely unavailable for many, and choosing between death and bankruptcy for a surviving spouse is commonplace.
  11. Yes, the beginning of the backpedaling. In the end, nothing will be banned or returned to the blacklist, and in a few days time open, incredulous denials will commence that it was ever even considered. TIT
  12. “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ― Voltaire
  13. Apparently stringing together random words whilst saying absolutely nothing on point, that being recriminalizaion of cannabis, is all you have left. Trolls can only aspire to dementia in their keyboard isolation I suppose. Sad 😔
  14. No interest. Zero. Couldn't care less. Not for me, that was the 70s, 50byears ago, Cheech & Chong, High Times, NORML,... yawn. Still, globally, the trend is towards legalization not recriminalization. Now the capitalist there really no likelihood any prohibition will fly
  15. Just empty words, there is far too much money invested and yet to be made from the cannabis trade both domestically and from tourism for any minority-lead, military-ajunct, coalition to pass such a self-destructive prohibition. Chang Mai frequently has the worst air quality in the world, household debt in Thailand has skyrocketed, education and English proficiency are a shambles, and yet, now is time to kill off a cash cow like cannabis? Reminds me of politics as usual in a few other disfunctional failed democracies I can think of, looking at you UK & USA
  16. 2.5 PM pollution effects everyone, whereas even in this Health Ministerial fantasy world affects Thai children who partake (groundless and unsubstantiated as that is). However, since none of us were born yesterday, it's no secret that neither one will be seriously addressed, and the more frequent the public announcements, the less likely anyone will even raise an eyebrow.
  17. John Campbell has long noted excess deaths that are not attributed to Covid-19 and recently noted these white blood clots post mortem but he has NOT attributed the former with the later. Those excess deaths remain unexplained, while this Thai doctor's assertion of a relationship with mRNA vaccines is unsupported and unattributable to John Campbell.
  18. From personal experience, I'd recommend : Don Knox MBACP Snr. Accred Bangkok Counselling Service, Ltd https://www.bangkokcounsellingservice.com/ Services offered in English as well as Thai language, individual and group, in-person and online Conveniently located off Sathorn in Central Bangkok nearby BTS and BRT
  19. Just curious if there are laws in Thailand, albeit enforced or ignored, that require disclosure upon the resale of property regarding the death at that location by suspicious, unexplained manner, by violent "unnatural" cause, or suicide, given the widespread beliefs in superstition. Such laws are common, but not universal in the US, and vary by state and locality
  20. From the Bangkok Post 19 January 2019 "Gems Galore in PM's Baffling Box Talk" https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bangkokpost.com%2Fopinion%2Fopinion%2F1613822&data=05|02||07a0f8d3c3894419cbd808dc21f73cdc|84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa|1|0|638422592984352466|Unknown|TWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D|0|||&sdata=XrC3HVFzJhGc241DeSxoIGghqUn5%2FLvpoavjX1X7Bzs%3D&reserved=0
  21. When society, government and private business regard teachers with such a low social status, and the education of children is merely indoctrination, discipline and subservience, or psychologically termed learning hopelessness, as former PM General Pryut phrased it, "Students should be taught to think inside the box, not outside of it", such miscreants as these teachers will continue to to infest that most noble profession and permanently scar the innocents in generations to come
  22. The question is did the volunteer have a work permit. Volunteers are required to have a work permit in Thailand. The bear was obviously on a long term overstay since '93 and will likely do time, albeit in a caged enclosure
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