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Posts posted by SirBuwanaDogbossKing

  1. 21 minutes ago, samsensam said:


    if E cigs are illegal then surely it doesnt matter if you are using one or carrying it in your pocket either way you're  breaking the law by having an illegal item in your possession? like carrying a knife in the uk, you dont have to be stabbing someone for it to be illegal.

    that's the point...........where as the notion come from that the use of E cigs is illegal? All the info I can find infers that the sale of E cig paraphernalia is illegal in Thailand. There are probably in the 10's of 1000's of users of E cigs in Thailand (many of them tourists) if it were actually illegal to use them then we would be hearing stories on a daily basis of people being apprehended by the police. The fact is that we have never heard of anyone actually being prosecuted for using an E cig.

  2. 2 minutes ago, overherebc said:

    So you're 106 and your old english teacher told you not to believe what you read on TV?

    This gets complicated.


    E cigs, parts and refills selling or using totally illegal in Thailand.

    Some still use them, but, piss-off the wrong official one day and .....................

    Show me the proof to your assertion that the use of E cigs is illegal in Thailand. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    Yes, all foreign exchange is accounted for, and all brits departing and arriving are accounted for. So at 11:59 last night they knew, to the baht, how many pounds were exchanged and to the person how many brits are in Thailand. Its not hard to marry the 2 figures together.

    You could even take out the long stay visa holders and large exchange amounts(condo purchase etc) and be left with some pretty accurate numbers.



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  4. Hi Guys,

    I am looking for advice on current land sale price per rai in Nong Khai area, land is 25 rai plus 1 rai natural spring pond which provides water all year round and fishing for the locals. I bought the land 5 years ago complete with 8 year old rubber trees , land is 60 meters from main road with good vehicle access.

  5. 6 hours ago, amvet said:

    Given the Brexit nuts and the Trump nuts and the Korean situation I feel safer in Thailand and have for the past 20 years.  I'm only 72 and have enough to live here comfortably and will continue to do so. I like skinny women/or reasonable facsimile who shower four times a day and I feel very much at home here. 


    "I,m 72 and like skinny women or something made similar (facsimile) who shower 4 times per day........LOL you probably are in the right place!

  6. 2 hours ago, Thaidream said:

    As much as I do not agree with Donald Trump or his politics- there is no way the current NK situation was manufactured to sell more arms to South Korea. Please read the entire history of the Korean War and the United nations Command that was formed to stop NK aggression. To this day, there is no peace treaty that has been signed only an armistice. Throughout the years, NK has done everything it could do to harass the United States and South Korea to include seizing a US ship in International waters; killing many South Koreans on raids into South Korea; digging huge tunnels into the Demilitarized Zone to use as an invasion route; holding Americans in NK  on false charges and continually lying and cheating on every concession the US and South Korea has made.


    There is no equivalency between NK and America.  One is a rogue state rruled by a brutal dictator who subjugates its own people to be able to channel money into a nuclear weapons program that it is threatening to unleash. In  America, while we have a President, that many would criticize, is a  democracy. At least we can vote every 4 years and remove Trump if that is the will of the people. Try having demonstrations in NK about removing Kim and see what happens.  


    As far as Europe is concerned, it was Russia who invaded the Crimea not America.  It was Russia who has interfered in many elections on the European Continent as well as in America's election.  The US does not need to manufacture any type of incident in Europe in the hopes of arms sales but why should American taxpayers subsidize NATO which protects Europe while Europeans enjoy the benefits of a higher standard of living.  Europe agreed to spend 2% of its budgets to protect Europe from any invasion be it Russian; Chinese or a missile attack from Iran.  It is the Europeans who have allowed unfettered Immigration from the Middle East that has destabilized its Nation States and threatened its culture and allowed terrorists in its midst. You might want to ask the German Chancellor why she did it and to what end or why England has areas in its country where its own citizens are not welcome and are harassed.


    The United states has made a lot of mistakes in its history and I, for one, have always called out my country when its policies in such places like Vietnam; Iraq and Afghanistan as well as domestic issues have gone against both national and world interests. However, putting the blame on the US for the Korean situation is completely wrong and shows a lack of understanding what the actual issues are.

    here, here, nail on the head

  7. Just now, wakeupplease said:

    Not true my friend some are good drivers but the vast majority are as I think wayward to say the least. All down to one thing road signs that are ignored as they are thought of as decoration only and the bib not getting out and doing their job.

    In all my time in Thailand I have never seen any Thai who would come close to passing the UK driving test. BTW that's 2 things!! 

  8. 6 minutes ago, Artisi said:

    Seems you had time to waste before making comments on licence issues which had nothing to do with the post,  so what's changed? 

    Think if you stay of the smarties and learn to read you will find no reference at all to LICENSE ISSUES in my post, also if you take the time to read through the threads of this post you will see that a good majority also concur with the sentiment of my post, which is the simple fact that Thais are utterly useless at driving.

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