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Posts posted by Machiavelli

  1. I can understand the anger towards this cowardly act.Its sickening to say the least. I will say one thing that won't be popular having read through the thread. Stop stirring hornet nests in foreign countries. Stop removing leaders who have created some semblance of stability in foreign countries and then leaving a mess.Above all stop killing women and kids and call it collateral damage. I don't condone what happened in London but If what I have listed above does not stop;Buckle up. 

  2. 17 minutes ago, JAG said:

    And cheaper - which is perhaps more to the point!

    I would say smart investing by southern schools is more to the point. Why pay a higher wage for the same result? Why pay a higher wage to a non performing so called native(even if hes from Bulgaria) when you can cut costs,achieve the same result and have an added bonus of an employee who actually turns up for work every Monday sober.


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