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Posts posted by shady86

  1. Why is that...?

    It's very common for car makers to sell one generation of the cars for 6-8 years with one or two mid life facelifts. Normally they keep the chassis and engines same but make changes to bumpers and exterior lights to make the car look "new" again after 3 years since launch. If I'm not mistaken, the previous Tuna had at least 3 major facelifts, basically same body for over 10 years, one of the longest Toyota model sold.
  2. Toyota is not even in my mind. As stated in a earlier post, I testdrove the Accord, and I didn't like the way it was handling the road (light steering). On the other side, the backseat could be folded down, but only 100%. Not split or 60/40. So very unpractical. And if you want all the bells and whistles, you have to go top model hybrid, which have even less space in the back and cant fold the backseat down.
    I am looking into a car more practical than my Volvo S60 (I can fold the seats 60/40 now) and that handles almost as well on the road. And in that regard, I think the coming CX5 tick all my boxes so far....

    Mazda makes great driver car but Cx5 rear legroom is too small for me. I wished they would introduce cx9 here but it will cost more than 2mil baht.
  3. Gary, a VERY interesting message. It is obvious that you are very knowledgeable in this respect. Unfortunately, I am not. I could never buy the necessary equipment and put it together by myself. I did not even know that there is such a thing as a DEEP CYCLE battery or an AUTOMATIC battery charger. Therefore, please allow me to ask:
    1. I presume you live in/near Bangkok but do you know whether all of these items are available in Chiangmai?
    2. If not, I will go to Bangkok. Where to buy them?
    3. Where should I try to find a knowledgeable electrical professional (engineer?) here? All we have here are the little boys with a screwdriver/tester. They call themselves "electrician" but they know nothing. Do you think one of the local universities could point me in the right direction?
    Thank you for your courtesy.

    You can try looking for these in Lazada.
  4. It seems like you are paying a premium for that couple of inches of extra height. I preferred the older small SUV's like the Suzuki Rav4 and the Vitara.

    I don't care much about ground clearance, seating position and comfort are more important for me. I find these SUVs are even more confortable than big saloons due to confortable seat height. Also ride with SUVs are more confortable due to the bigger wheels. Rav4 is comparable to crv but Toyota don't sell here.
  5. For me it's the ride height and easy of going in and coming out. I'm 1.8m and I find these just nice to get in and out and the seating height is just comfortable. Pickup SUVs are little to high for me. Interior space wise, I find crv have comparable space to a big saloon like camry

    and accord. I've tried the latest everest and Fortuner and don't find them much more spacious then crv. The extra 2 seats at the back are not conformable at all.


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