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Posts posted by Aggressive

  1. 24 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

    Ivanka is working for and supports the man who ran the crudest, most uncivil hate-filled campaign in living memory and now Trumpsters are all aflutter over some distasteful yelling? Concerned about decorum??


    Personally, I wouldn't go after someones kids because I hate the father. You write that like she is an employee... Its his daughter, of course she supports him. 


    Nothing more than a chicken maneuver these guys pulled and somehow, some people think its ok. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, mcfish said:

    It's a synthetic opiate. Pop 10 to 20 and get back to us

    Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatal


    No need. Im speaking from experience, on both counts. Wasn't attacking you either. Just want to make it clear that these two things are not even on the same planet. They don't even do the same things in the brain for the most part. Just because its synthetic doesn't mean its better or stronger. 


    Can not compare it to Heroin or Morphine you will never get anything close to the effects or danger. 


    Not saying Tramadol should be banned or anything either. 


  3. 1 hour ago, MadMuhummad said:

    I'm currently on 60 Gaba per month plus 120 oxy's of varied strength. 10 pills would do me no favours whatsoever.


    Thats a bunch but people have different issues. I was talking more like when you leave the hospital with injuries and you get limited amounts in the beginning & stuff. Stupid to send people away in pain with paracetamol & gabapentin. But even then its all about the injuries. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    I would much rather have the wires twisted together and then held that way tightly with something like a wire nut or even a connector – – but possibly that is just my way of operating.


    No you are right. Its not just your way at all. Im just pointing out that tape can be used safely. Wire nuts are wholeheartedly better. But as it pertains to Thais they don't have safety in mind a lot of the time so it becomes a serious issue when done improperly. 

  5. 1 minute ago, xylophone said:

    I think the poster may have been referring to the Thai way of just twisting a couple of wires together and taping them up, without any means of fixing whatsoever.


    Nothing wrong with this if using solid core wire and pliers to twist the wire together. Just as tight as a wire nut. Of course you don't want a connection to be flopping around open to the world. They burnout because there is too much resistance creating a hot spot. Thats just bad technique. 


    Agreed there are way better and easier ways to connect wire than tape, but its perfectly fine with common sense. I never use tape with wire nuts but they should be in an enclosure, not open. 


    Thai electrical practice is very shoddy. Dangerous too. 

  6. There is an extreme amount of misinformation in this thread regarding electronics. Ring Mains are outdated. Barely even used in thailand. If you are wiring a house using ring mains in Thailand you should stop and seek professional advice or read up on codes. Nothing wrong with electrical tape as long as its done with common sense. Same with wire nuts and strip connectors. 


    5 amp for a lighting circuit? Nope. 


    The only real correct thing I have read in this thread is that "L" or line power should be switched, not "N" or neutral. Same with single pole circuit breakers, connected to "L" 

  7. 3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Would herpes on your backside be "genital" herpes then?


    Yes man, yes it is. Same exact thing, different location, transmitted the same. Without getting into details Im sure you can think of a scenario where 'backside' can contact your 'frontside' 


    3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Can get herpes on the mouth too. Herpes must be one of the most common infections in people, as most people have cold sores, and as we know, herpes is forever.

    However, I would venture that condoms would reduce the risk of getting them on the shaft significantly if not 100%, and that having sex without a condom with persons that may be having sex with other people increases the risk of an STD significantly.


    BTW, this little aside is a good reason to always leave the light on if having sex with a stranger. At least that way one can see if they have herpes on their backside.


    HSV1 is typically on the face/lips and HSV2 Genitals including backside, inside of the legs, pubic area, nut sack, etc. 


    Sure wear a condom of course but it won't stop a person from catchin' the herp' it just reduces a small percentage of surface area to exposure. 


    I know your being sarcastic, but light on or off, you won't know. Even if they are not having an active outbreak, its still transmittable. Most people don't get the herp on the shaft anyway. 


    Any who, I'm not attacking you here, by some freak of nature I don't have it (to my knowledge) but I have friends that do, male & female. Reading these posts in here I agree with most. Nothing wrong with having a good time with BG's and all that, but personally I would choose to keep it that way  -  fun. Possible friends. Not a relationship. 

  8. 12 hours ago, Pinot said:

    Tsk. Yeah, opiates are no problem, easy to quit, piece of cake. 


    Gabapentin offers very little in the way of side effects. Legal, over the counter drug almost everywhere.


    Death from prescription opiates is up 100% in the last year and highly addictive. Any and all of these opiates should be avoided at all costs. Opiates for pain have led thousands to addiction to heroin. It's the reason that heroin is no longer just an inner city drug.  


    The first line of defense against chronic pain should be Gabapentin.  I'll stand by that statement. 


    Well gabapentin does exactly zero for my herniated disc pain. Took it for weeks and it did nothing at all. Ive basically learned to deal with it, but it gets BAD sometimes. Cant sit down, can't lay down, can't sleep. Nerve pain in my groin & right leg from sciatica. Most of the time its a dull ache I can deal with but damn sometimes its a killer for days on end if I do something stupid like heave on something at work. 


    Opiates have their place. Nobody should be in pain unnecessarily. For real deal pain, not some funny neck ache from sleeping weird - real pain - a limited supply of opiates should be prescribed & monitored in a way thats impossible to become physically dependent or build a tolerance. 10 pills a month or something for the worst emergencies. 


    I agree with your statement sort of, but these blanket statements cause undue suffering to people with legitimate problems. 


    Of course there aren't many options in Thailand. You pretty much need to be dying to get any relief and thats inhumane if you ask me. 

  9. 17 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Really, she had better get used to it if she's going to continue to be an active political operative in her Daddy's regime.


    Thats an unfortunate statement because harassing Ivanka isn't going to do anything to help their case at all. More likely its going to press people even harder the other way. Its probably going to get themselves in trouble to boot. Just because we have freedom of speech, doesn't mean we have freedom of stalking or freedom of harassment or freedom of airplane antics. 


    On the flip side though - there should be more available seats on aircraft. 

  10. Quote

    “You look at porn websites, look at dangerous drugs on illegal markets. There’s distortion of news, there’s hacking in the business and economic systems,” Gen. Prayuth said. “That’s the world today. The rest of the world is preventing that, but Thailand has unlocked everything. This is the garbage on social media. We must find a measure to remove the garbage.”


    No Prayuth, you are literally making stuff up and feeding it to your people. 


    The rest of the world does not block porn sites, block free speech or press, call social media 'garbage'. 


    Unless you are looking at China or North Korea as "The rest of the world" then you are dead wrong. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

    And 63 Million voted for his opponent.


    So lets just undo all the work of everybody over the last 30 years to reduce Nuclear stockpiles. Cant wait to see how he reduces taxes while engaging in a pointless trillion dollar nuclear arms race. Hey though, drop a few nukes and imagine the real estate opportunities for his 3 little piggies.


    And the Trillion dollar arms race is where exactly? Drawing some far out conclusions from some news anchors wearing pajamas. 

  12. 1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Whose scenario is this?  And even if they did, we have ICBMs in nuclear submarines all over the globe.  How would such a lunatic coalition prevent massive retaliation?  WSpending hundreds of billions to address a problem that is vanishlingly small is nuts.  And I tried to do a google search to see if anybody out there supports your contention and came up with zip. This sounds like a methedrine fueled prognostication.


    Think what you want, if you are happy with the status quo or reduction then by all means thats up to you 

  13. 1 minute ago, simple1 said:

    We have a difference of opinion, arms control specialists have a deep knowledge of nuclear deterrence policy. However, exactly what is Trump suggesting that is an improvement upon the current nuclear weapons modernisation program? Yet again he is just mouthing off destabilising rhetoric.


    Fair enough, but personally I won't take those organizations like oath & expose the US to attack because some 'feel good' group thinks the world is a big PC happy-place. 


    Trump Tweeted basically nothing but whats already going on + possibly expansion. The destabilizing rhetoric is clearly coming from MSNBC. 


    Agree he should stop trolling the MSM. 

  14. 14 minutes ago, simple1 said:


    Not just my or the media's opinion, but people who specialise in nuclear weapons policy. To attempt to denigrate such people is, IMO, somewhat foolish as has Trump in his communications to date during the Transition Phase.




    The experts sited are not experts on 'policy' at all. They are merely organizations with an agenda. 



    "It is completely irresponsible for the president-elect or the president to make changes to US nuclear policy in 140 characters and without understanding the implications of statements like 'expand the capacity,'" said Daryl Kimball, the executive director of the Arms Control Association, a leading proponent of arms control based in Washington.





    If Trump and Putin both want to expand nuclear weapons, that would effectively end arms control efforts underway since the Nixon administration, said Joe Cirincione, president of Ploughshares Fund, a foundation that works to prevent the spread and use of nuclear weapons.




    You can not like nuclear weapons all you want, but the fact of the matter is that they are the only thing that will keep us from being attacked with nuclear weapons. The logic is that its never a worry of one country, but a worse case scenario of several countries bombin the US simultaneously. Thats the reason having so many is required. The US must be able to keep that safeguard as it will keep countries from 'ganging up' as it were. 


    Its extreme of course, but its true. 


    Regardless, its a freakin Tweet and pajama wearing news anchors. 


  15. 1 minute ago, up-country_sinclair said:

    She was a bad candidate.  Horrible, in fact.  That doesn't mean that she doesn't have a better temperament for the job.  The words, "let there be an arms race" wouldn't have crossed her lips. 


    Actually there is a bit more to the quote and a ton more context, but regardless, she wouldn't be taken seriously by any perceived threat of the US anyway. PC or not. 

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