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Posts posted by Aggressive

  1. 3 hours ago, webfact said:

    he and his husband were removed from a JetBlue flight after his husband "expressed displeasure" about flying with Ivanka Trump


    3 hours ago, webfact said:

    Lasner tweeted earlier that his husband was chasing the couple down in the terminal "to harass them."


    Probably thought they were part of the 'Resistance'


    In reality they were 'stalkers' 


    In an airport. On a plane. Now they are upset that they got booted. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, kamahele said:

    Let's put this into context. The daughter of a crazed, psychotic billionaire who has promised to stack the supreme court explicitly to take away the right to marry from gay people was flying on a budget carrier and there was supposed to be some sort of expectation to privacy and protection from citizens expressing their anger? Don't think so.  As for Obama's children, they are minors not middle age adults who campaigned for their father.


    Thats entirely your context. He's not stacking the supreme court for the explicit purpose of removing gay marriage. I seriously doubt anything will even roll backward on gay rights at all. 


    You don't wanna start harassing people on flights, regardless of politics. Probably won't end well. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, gdgbb said:


    I'm simply replying to your comments made on the open forum that invite a response, why should I PM them when you don't?


    Because this is going to go no direction other than personal. I don't agree at all with your view of dogs. I think its an English thing. A brit thing. Not all English of course. But when I do hear opinions like the one you vented in the beginning, its usually a Brit saying it. Usually followed by something along the lines of "Should be Banned" or "Dogs are vicious animals that harm babies" or some such nonsense. A girl in the OP was trying to help a wounded dog, you think its foolish. I think its humane. Leaving it there all battered is cruel. 


    I think opinions like you have come from the fact that the UK is a nanny state. You don't like to hear that being British and all, but thats what I think. 


    Now, I don't see any point to go in circles about this. I don't think your view is something to be proud of & I don't agree with you at all. If you want to get the last word in, by all means go for it. If you want to continue this exchange because you take it personal, then PM me. 

  4. 33 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    I've had enough of your Chicken Likken-sky is falling on our heads-BS.


    I'Ve read up on tramadol and  stand by what I said.


    The drug does not cause dependency, misuse and abuse does.


    Now go away and bother someone else.


    Tramadol does cause uncomfortable physical dependency. Even if prescribed, used as directed, daily, over a longish period of time. 


    No attack - It just does. To say that only misuse and abuse causes dependency, now, thats an incredibly dangerous statement. 


    Its not nearly as bad as legitimate opiates, but to tell 'patients' not to worry because if you take it like I say you will not get physically dependent - thats not a good idea. Its an extremely careless statement that could disrupt the life of a patient. Walking around thinking they are doing the right thing, then the doctor takes them off abruptly without a care in the world thinking its non-addictive, and the patient is the one that suffers - not knowing why the hell they are so screwed up/depressed/etc... 


    Im not a doctor - I'm choosing to use the doctor/patient scenario as most likely. Ive been through Tramadol dependency and it sucks donkey testicles, though not as bad as some portray it to be. 

    With all that said - alcohol, the legal drug is vastly worse on all fronts. Not saying people should treat Tramadol like the 'devils medicine' or whatever, just know whats up. Thats all. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Chip Allen said:

    The comments about this medicine are simply confusing. My doctor specifically told me that he chose Tramadol because it was NON-addictive and did not stop working after a long period of use. It has NO euphoric effects and does not enhance sleep. It simply makes pain endurable. Some of the comments about this drug,  completely clash with the statements of my physician. Someone has incorrect information, and I hesitate to believe it is my doctor.


    That was the logic when it first came out. Non-addictive. Thats what a lot of the literature said. Its proven now that it causes some very weird physical dependency. However its not nearly as bad as legit opiates. Wasn't even classed the same, and that made it even more appealing for docs to prescribe. 


    This is the truth. Doctors know a hell of a lot more than a layman, but they don't know everything about every pill unfortunately. 

  6. 52 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    Celebrate ignorance. Wallow in mis-information. Stay protected in your bubble. Welcome to Trump-land.


    Blaming the listener for a failure to communicate is the 'creed of the disempowered'. Which is entirely my point about the cliche-ridden rants of the Alt Right.


    Sooooo basically you don't like something? 


    Not too much misinformation going on other than Trump celebrating an Electoral College Victory. House, senate, supreme court as well probably toasting to the majority win. 


    I understand its crushing for you guys. 


    Sorry, not sorry. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, gdgbb said:

    You're right again, I'm a  Briton and i assume that "ur" a yank because of "ur' wording.   I'm happy to say that I don't express my views in order to gain popularity, what would be a greater waste of time than that?


    I haven't lived in Britain for 22 years so your derisory tone towards the country with the reference to a nanny state doesn't bother me but it is a bit rich from a yank considering that nanny states don't come much more nany-ish than the US!


    Thats cool. Say what you want. Im not here to change ur mind. Im on a tablet so "ur" is easier, but if it makes you feel better - attack away. 


    Im expressing my view because I wholeheartedly disagree with you. I could not care less about popularity. 


    Other than just trying to be insulting, I think you would be surprised what the average american is allowed to do legally compared to England. Im sure you will take that statement and roll with it, but far and away, you guys are nannied Vs US. 


    Anyway getting off topic. We are different. I don't agree with you at all. Thats it. I think culturally there are differences that are pointless to debate. No reason to get derogatory. 

  8. Just now, gdgbb said:


    "Geez you make it sound like it was some disease carrying vermin or something."


    You'd be daft to bet against that being the case! 


    You're right with your observation, I see them all as a pain in the arse and a pointless liability, ably demonstrated by this one. 


    Just shows one of the differences between most Americans and some of the brits. Assuming ur English because of ur wording. 


    The story in the OP wouldn't even be news worthy as people would be stopping in their cars, calling animal control, basically freaking out over a dog getting battered on the road. The sheer fact of an animal suffering on the road is heart wrenching to us, regardless of wether or not it was a stray or whatever. Not saying bad shit does not happen, but you wouldn't be very popular with those views. 


    I can see you guys view things differently... I assume its due to your nanny state and non-exposure to wildlife & animals. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    Not upset in the slightest. I have no duty to carry my 'side'.


    Why are the Alt Right so reliant on emotional responses? All that stuff about liberal theory and you color it with your 'feelings'.


    Because to post at length your political spin requires a a certain drive thats unusual - you are emotionally charged about it all. Hostile. Someone posts something & you reply with a wall of text to an a feeble attempt to berate people so you feel like you "win"


    "Liberal Theory" eh? Thats..... Im sure you think you might be on to something there... I think I will just stick to history. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

    Prove it.


    Did you read what you just posted? 


    1 minute ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

    Care to debate or just stick to your generalized stereotype ad hominem against anyone and anything that doesn't follow the Right Wing PC.


    Actually no I don't. You are incredibly hostile and any attempt would be futile. 

  11. 20 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

    I doubt we will have many further exchanges. I do not think you are equipped to voice anything more than just generalized, stereotyped political rant that operates around the 4th Grade level. Just like practically all th others on TVF on that side.


    You are very upset. Pretty insulting too. 


    Dunno how you are going to gain headway for your side being like this.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Expanding on why trump is a threat to democracy, and, yes, fascist.



    So-far-left-it-falls-off-the-map sensationalist opinion piece with barely anything in it resembling truth or fact & the author barely writes anything other than Trump & Republican hate mail. 


    Authors other liberal rants


    Other than liberal feel-good scribbles, nothing in there resembling a shred of insight. Rather watch grass grow, or paint dry, than to read that. 


    Sorry but geez. 

  13. 6 minutes ago, jonw8uk said:

    Serious question to the guys against riding a bicycle, yet recommending a scooter - you think a push bike is more dangerous than a scooter?


    I recommended a scooter for farting around the apartment/condo/house area for local easy runs, same as a bicycle. 


    There is a difference between making a simple 7-11 phone card top up run at 11PM on some backroads than day 1 hopping on a scooter & cruising Sukhumvit. 

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