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Posts posted by Aggressive

  1. 8 minutes ago, mike324 said:


    US and Russia has 90% of the world nuclear stockpile. There is a treaty to continue to decrease the number of nuclear weapons each hold. Stockpile is outdate? yes many are but that doesn't mean they can't still use it, its just in a less effective way to be deployed.


    I think Trumps always speaks before he thinks, so his words can be interpret in many ways. The US still has the most advance capabilities, and it would take another decade for Russia or China to catch up. So in the mean time, Trump does not need to mislead people with words and get off of the damn social media.


    I agree, but I also agree that no matter what we need top shelf defenses and I see nothing wrong making sure we are completely modernized. The US should never be "less effective" if we have capabilities to be more effective. Nukes are out there, the only defense is more nukes. Nuke us and we obliterate you sort of thing. 

    People don't like thinking of it like that, but its completely true. 


    Dont underestimate Russia & their capabilities. 


    Yes Trump needs to quit trolling the MSM, I agree with that. 

  2. 15 minutes ago, simple1 said:


    Yep and funding has already been allocated & estimated at approx US$1 trillion over 30 years to modernise and maintain the nuclear arsenal. As your link quite correctly  highlighted it is utmost recklessness to tweet on strategic nuclear weapons policy that can be open to misunderstanding / misinterpretation / mis.... / mis...


    If this is the future standard for a US Administration to communicate with the world on such important matters, not a good look and frankly undermines US credibility.


    He didn't tweet on strategic nuclear weapons policy lmao. Taking that to a bit of an extreme yourself. I agree he shouldn't have said anything but its a tweet & a sensationalized report from pajama wearing idiots. 

  3. Just now, joeyg said:

    How can you be sure I'm proud.  All jobs must be done.  Sorry you disapprove of my life choices.  Tell us allitlle about yours now.  That would be fair.


    Maybe because of your wall of text describing what ur up to? 


    I don't necessarily disapprove if your life choice homie. I don't see a single thing wrong with paying for sex or having a good time. For myself at least, I draw the line after that. No reason IMO to ingrain yourself in the day to day life of a prostitute & expose yourself to the drama that is surely going to erupt sooner or later. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, joeyg said:

    I've got a very hot Lao girlfriend that is sponsored by a German gentleman/50,000 per month + school and an Italian gentleman/20,000 per month.  She she has her own place 10 minutes from me.  She comes over to cook great Lao veggi food almost every day.  We hang out go out and watch movies go out and hear live music sometimes.  My favorite is going to the produce markets shopping with her.  I spend 8 to ten thousand bhat on/with her a month.  The ROI is fantastic.  I just have to make sure I'm quiet when the German or Italian guy call in to check on her.  The saying here I always hear is that a "Sponsored girl" is the expats best friend.  I've helped her write some emails to these "rocket scientists" but not to much though as not to cause suspicion. 


    What makes it really great is she is unusually "elegant",  quite fit and lovely.  Now her German boy friend is in town for a couple weeks.  Boo Hoo.  However before she left she introduced me to several of her girlfriends with instructions for them to take good care of me in her absence.


    Merry Christmas:thumbsup:


    Damn man you realize one of the biggest motives for murder and assault worldwide is the exact situation you have put yourself in. 

  5. A bit more context from Politico, if anyone actually cares about that sort of thing:






    All this started because the US nuclear stockpile is outdated. This is fact. 

  6. 49 minutes ago, rooster59 said:

    Donald Trump has reportedly said ‘‘let it be an arms race,’‘ the day after he called for the US to strengthen and expand its nuclear capability.


    The Full quote for more context:



    "Let it be an arms race because we will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all," Trump said, reported MSNBC's Morning Joe.


    And of course the ridiculous 'morning joe' skit with the anchors in their pajamas feigning shock. Beyond dumb. 



    The response was coming from this tweet:


    Screen Shot 2016-12-24 at 10.53.00 AM.png


    And Mika Brzezinski from MSNBC asked him to clarify this tweet, privately, over the phone, in a conversation for witch we have no context and only get this one 'soundbite' from some news anchors in their pajamas.


  7. 5 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

    I did say verbally attack and reporting supports that.


    "A man was kicked off an airline flight from New York after allegedly accosting Ivanka Trump."


    "Professor Matthew Lasner had tweeted earlier that his husband, Dan Goldstein, was chasing the couple down in the terminal "to harass them."


    "An eyewitness told TMZ that Mr Goldstein was “screaming” at Ms Trump, saying “why is she on our flight? She should be flying private.”




    Dudes lucky he's not in bracelets somewhere. 

  8. 24 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

     Such as basic protections against discrimination with employment and housing which gay Americans do NOT have. 


    Since when? Are you talking about 30 years ago? Or today? So totally rare to hear about this sort of thing nowadays, not really sure where this is coming from. 


    10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    So in many right wing states, it will indeed be illegal, and poorer women that can't travel will resort to dangerous methods and many, many women will die. Thank you trump! 


    I dunno what to think about this statement ^ 

  9. 5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    What are your identities? You come on here broadcasting idiotic stereotypes about gay men and then you say nothing bad was intended. I call B.S.


    So others can broadcast idiotic stereotypes about non gay men and thats ok? Idiotic stereotypes about Trump voters, and thats ok? 


    Honestly I don't understand what your wound up about. 

  10. 8 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    The First Amendment stops on planes? I didn't read that in the Constitution. They are now public figures. They draw from the public purse. They are no longer private citizens. They cannot be immune from scrutiny, comment and criticism unless you believe this is now a feudal society and we all are to show obeisance to king donald the gullible and his douche brood.


    Basically - yes. That applies to both sides just the same. Its an aircraft with passengers. Its not about Trump or Gay Rights. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

    Not talking about homophobic media. Talking about the bigoted GARBAGE that you posted. Own it or retract. Don't blame it on suggesting it's socially acceptable to trash gay people because of media, and also now the election of trump. 


    My god. 


    Ok I'm owning it. Not retracting anything. its was typed with the best intentions. Nobody is saying its socially acceptable to do anything. 


    Stereotypes abound. Generalizations abound. You can not hold your own judgement of others - then find it 'appalling' when other people have the same. 


    Again, no hate here, but in all fairness, its not just about you. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    The election of donald has destroyed the established rules of polite society. It was his stated intention to bring down the Establishment. Well, it is brought down.His douche brood can no longer expect politeness.


    Actually they can fully expect politeness, at least on a public aircraft, minding their own business. Just like anyone else - pop off at your own peril in a situation like that. 

  13. 13 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    Quite a collection of nasty old bigots you've gathered there.


    Any reason to think that you are entitled to think that your 'lifestyle choices' are superior to anyone else?


    Its not about gay hate. The comments are about the gay community being unusually snarky & sassy. Yeah I'm generalizing here. Plenty that are not of course. But this seems to be where its coming from. 


    Of course there is nothing wrong with that, usually. But popping off on an airplane like that, thinking you can get away with it, nope. The airline gives not a single care about politics or weather someone is gay or not. 

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