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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. "White supremacists commit the highest number of domestic extremist-related murders in most years, but in 2022 the percentage was unusually high: 21 of the 25 murders were linked to white supremacists, according to the ADL report." https://www.reuters.com/world/us/white-supremacists-behind-over-80-extremism-related-us-murders-2022-2023-02-23/ How many people were killed by BLM and ANTIFA last year, or any year? Remember to provide a source for your numbers.
  2. Are you claiming that a much larger percentage of the US population are white supremacists? Do you have a source for that?
  3. True, but the Republicans only threaten to trash the global economy by putting the US in default when there is a Democrat in the White House.
  4. Ron DeSantis the educated man knows that closing the border means shutting down official border crossings which would do massive economic damage on both sides of the border. He also knows that you can't "close" thousands of miles of border, much of it in remote locations. Ron DeSantis the undeclared Presidential candidate knows that his knuckle-dragging base won't think his comments through so he can say any nonsense that appeals to them.
  5. Exactly what mess(es) did Trump clean up? Was it of the magnitude of the economic disaster that President Obama inherited from President Bush?
  6. Although if Trump is elected he will try to change that.
  7. And Ukraine and NATO would no longer exist.
  8. 20 years ago, under Republican President George Bush with Republicans majorities in the House and Senate there were massive tax cuts justified using the argument that government surpluses would be bad for the economy. Republicans only care about the deficit when there is a Democrat in the White House. I can guarantee that if the next President is a Republican the priority will be more tax cuts, justified with the discredited Laffer curve.
  9. Either very irresponsible original news release from the RTP or another example of someone purchasing a "Get out of jail" card from the police. Either way neither the police nor the country look good.
  10. I agree with the entire article, especially the final: "And if, for some reason, they decide to delay the election results or disqualify another prime minister candidate in the opposition for allegedly holding shares of a media company that is no longer in operation, there will be hell to pay, and things could end quite badly for them."
  11. I don't think AI will be picking vegetables or cleaning hotel rooms for a while. Biden is trying to get them to apply through approved channels. Unfortunately some of them are desperate and willing to take great chances to enter the US. Other than using deadly force and using it often, people like that are difficult to stop. Better to accept that many will get through and worry about the ones who commit serious crimes once in the country. Past experience shows that illegal immigrants are less likely to commit such crimes than current citizens.
  12. You're right. Considering the difficulties employers are having in filling low paying positions we need much more than 11,000 to enter.
  13. DeSantis loves to keep his name in the news with laws and suits that rarely or never hold up in court. What does he care, it's all being paid for by the Florida taxpayers.
  14. "Still not seeing the end-game for him on this, especially given his statements during the CNN Town Hall." I believe his strategy has always been to wear down those filing legitimate claims against him by dragging things out for years. This ties up their time and finances indefinitely. Few can afford that.
  15. Joe, you were elected in part because we wanted a President who would think before he spoke. You're letting us down.
  16. "The ASEAN policy of non-interference in member affairs has been challenged, and the bloc has become increasingly firm with Myanmar’s junta, which has failed to execute the five-point peace consensus agreed with ASEAN after its coup caused chaos." "increasingly firm"? I assume that means more words and nothing else.
  17. Pleased do tell us about your experience with "that family". Don't whine about how protests and the repression of the protests inconvenience you, the protests wouldn't have happened if election results were allowed to stand. I know few people who lived here when Thaksin was PM who did hate him. You really should make some friends outside of Bangkok. Yeah, protest calling for elections can get messy, especially when the military is firing on protesters, journalists, a nurse tending the wounded...
  18. If you read the full article you'll see: "The FBI responded in a letter Wednesday, with Christopher Dunham, the acting assistant director for congressional affairs, saying that while the FBI was committed to "beginning the constitutionally mandated accommodation process," it was also bound by Justice Department policy, which "strictly limits when and how confidential human source information can be provided outside of the FBI.""
  19. Once again, try to provide a source that doesn't fall in the "Comer says" category.
  20. Not until the last soldier. Just until the last Russian or Wagner soldier on Ukraine territory is gone.
  21. I have nothing against competence and experience. Especially when supported by experts and allies who have substantial competence and experience as well. Clueless noisy braggarts who claim to have simple answers and quick fixes for complex problems are the ones who worry me. They never seem to have trouble selling their snake oil to the gullible.
  22. "I was just following orders!" When has that ever ended badly?
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