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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Ah yes, the "Comer said" accusations. Perhaps you can show what money was paid by who, to whom, and what illegal services were rendered for this money. Currently it looks like Hunter Biden and company hustled some Chinese businesses out of some money for which they received little or nothing. If Trump had done that you would be calling it genius. However if you have evidence of anything illegal being done, please do share it. But you have to do better than "Comer said".
  2. DeSantis doing election stunts that in no way benefit the state at the expense of Florida taxpayers.
  3. More like they can't explain anything. At least not coherently.
  4. Right. It's not like anyone needs air traffic controllers, highway maintenance, visas, passports, national parks, government pensions, military pensions, social security,.... And so what if the US defaults on its debts? Countries like Argentina do it. We'll just look for an INF loan. The important thing is to remember that huge deficit increases under Republican Presidents are good, while they are bad under Democratic Presidents, because of, you know, reasons and stuff.
  5. That's approximately what the government did leading up to and in the Great Depression. It took US involvement in World War II to end it.
  6. "Contrary to your devoid of fact rant, Trump has yet to be proven guilty in any self serving corruption case. Trump was not using his political position to sell influence to enrich his clan." Who did the Trump University fraud serve?
  7. Here we go again. No one denied it was a laptop, so saying the laptop is verified is nonsense. The emails on the laptop have been verified as legitimate Hunter Biden emails. There is nothing on the laptop implicating President Biden of anything. There is no evidence of "selling out" the US to China on the laptop. Evidence suggests that Hunter Biden and associates hustled some Chinese firms out of some money and the firms got nothing in return. There is no evidence of anything else.
  8. The irrelevance of the above has been explained to you repeatedly. You are impervious to the logic.
  9. "In 2017, there was estimated to be near 400 million guns in the United States between police, the military, and American civilians. Over 393 Million (Over 98%) of those guns are in civilian hands, the equivalent of 120 firearms per 100 citizens." https://americangunfacts.com/gun-ownership-statistics/ Has there ever been a time in US history when there were more guns in civilian hands than people in the country? The same source shows that firearm sales in the US has more than doubled since 2000. If that doesn't make guns more prevalent than ever before, then what does? The point, obvious to most people, is that guns were once an expensive necessity. Now they are cheap and largely unnecessary. Easy access to guns has led to many school shootings, along with many other crimes. This is getting far off-topic, but I'm OK with responsible people who have had basic firearm safety training owning guns. I also have no problem with strict laws and severe penalties, strictly enforced, for people who handle or store guns unsafely. I'm part of the majority that wants to see more gun control laws in the US.
  10. I don't know about Jill Stein, but Ralph Nader almost certainly swung the 2000 election to George W. Bush, just as Ross Perot almost certainly swung the 1992 election to Bill Clinton. I don't know why the leaders of the Democratic and Republican parties aren't pushing for Rank Choice Voting. With the current system a left-wing third party Presidential candidate will swing the election to the Republicans, and a right-wing candidate will guaranty a Democrat wins. Currently the Republican seem more at risk of such an outcome than the Democrats.
  11. When have guns been more readily available and more lethal than now in the US? Answer: Never. When the US Constitution was approved the state of the art firearm was a muzzle loader rifle, and it was used primarily to put food on the table. It also cost so much that few families could afford more than one. Now anyone working a minimum wage job can earn enough for a high capacity semi-automatic handgun in a week, and they aren't used for hunting.
  12. Keeping their children safe. I'm sure most parents worry more about school shootings than drag queens.
  13. Some people judge Presidents by their accomplishments, some judge them by how entertaining they are on television. The "Entertainment First" crowd hate having a boring, competent President.
  14. The Thai military exists to protect the interest of the Thai elite, including the generals and he who must not be named.
  15. Suchind lead the coup and was PM during the protests/massacre. The 1991 coup lead to Suchind and Black May. If anything you should credit the massacre with Anand becoming PM, not the coup. Anand was competent, as far as Thai PM's go, but that was a high price to pay for a brief period of competence. I prefer the democratic approach.
  16. Putin saw Trump undermining NATO and America's international reputation. He chose not to do anything to upset that happy (for him) state of affairs.
  17. You approved of the government in charge during Black May? "The 1991 constitution allowed Suchinda Kraprayoon to be appointed as prime minister. That caused 17–20 May 1992 popular protest in Bangkok against the government of Suchinda and the military crackdown that followed. Up to 200,000 people demonstrated in central Bangkok at the height of the protests. The military crackdown resulted in 52 government-confirmed deaths, hundreds of injuries including journalists, over 3,500 arrests, hundreds of disappearances, and eyewitness reports of a truck filled with bodies leaving the city.[16] Many of those arrested are alleged to have been tortured. " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1991_Thai_coup_d'état
  18. Does anyone dare prosecute the coup leaders? Can you identify times when coups against legitimately elected governments led to positive outcomes for the countries?
  19. Care to explain what Disney did that was so far out into left field and why it warranted government intervention?
  20. Most people consider staging a coup against a legitimately elected government to be criminal. Of course the coup leaders pardoned themselves. You seem OK with that.
  21. "DeSantis seems competent even though he's in Florida." Competent at what?
  22. You think denying other countries their fishing rights, mineral rights, and territorial rights in general is not interfering in their internal affairs. I disagree.
  23. Ding dong the Tuck is gone, Which old Tuck, the lyin' Tuck, Ding dong Tucker Carlson's gone...
  24. Did you like his shows because they were entertaining, or did you actually think they were informative. If the Tuck show had been properly billed as entertainment, or very clearly presented as opinions, not facts, it would have been acceptable. Unfortunately many people thought it was a news program.
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