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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. "In a series of early morning tweets on May 3, President Donald Trump acknowledged for the first time that he reimbursed his personal attorney for the $130,000 payment that was made to porn star Stormy Daniels." "It says that “the Company” reimbursed Cohen from the trust account created when Trump became president. “The Company accounted for these payments as legal expenses,” the criminal information said." https://www.factcheck.org/2018/05/qa-on-stormy-daniels-payment/ Mislabeling the payment as a legal expense is where the law may have been broken. I concede it's a weak case, and with so many other more substantive and better supported criminal investigations involving Trump I think it was a mistake to push this one to the front. However even it is decided that the payment wasn't illegal, I think it's a stretch to describe a person who had a fling with a porn star while his wife was recovering from giving birth to his son as being "clean" is a huge stretch.
  2. How do you walk away clean from a pay-off to a porn star?
  3. I agree. The "problem" could be alleviated by acknowledging the obvious: The best, brightest, most hard-working and ambitious all over the world want to live and work in America. It is idiotic that they are not welcomed in large numbers. Not open borders, but much easier long-term work visas and immigration rules in general for such people. There is a self-serving strategic logic to this. Great power contests are won often by economic power more than diplomatic policy or military strength. Economic power greatly enhances diplomatic and military effectiveness. Being more open to the world's "best and brightest" would be great for the economy.
  4. Ok, I know this is futile, but provide evidence of your claim "other officers that were openly disparaging their Commander in Chief speaks to where your allegiance really lies." What officers in addition to General Mark Milley, and most important, what did they say and when? However I can answer the question--The allegiance of all officers in the US Military is to the US Constitution.
  5. Reality check: I asked you "Could you identify some of these irregularities that seemed to favor Biden?" after you posted that the 2020 election irregularities seemed to favor Biden. By replying with "been there, done that." you seem to be acknowledging that you have no credible examples.
  6. To show that you aren't just posting BS with no basis in fact. Or are you?
  7. Patience! I'm sure they'll start on it as soon as the check from Mexico clears. ????
  8. Then why didn't he increase security at legal points of entry, where most illegal immigrants and smuggling occurs? Why didn't he crack down on people drawing illegal immigrants to this country by hiring them?
  9. As a retired USAF officer who takes his oath to the US Constitution seriously and a real patriot (not a creepy flag fondling pretend patriot) I think your casual attitude towards insurrection is appalling.
  10. "NO prosecutions what so ever for BLM riots !" I missed that obvious lie. "A June 22, 2020, article from The Washington Post tallied over 14,000 arrests made since May 27. The Hill reported over 17,000 arrests had been made in the first two weeks of protests." https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/02/22/fact-check-thousands-black-lives-matter-protesters-arrested-2020/6816074001/ "The federal government deliberately targeted Black Lives Matter protesters via heavy-handed criminal prosecutions in an attempt to disrupt and discourage the global movement that swept the nation last summer in the wake of the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd, according to a new report released Wednesday by The Movement for Black Lives." https://www.npr.org/2021/08/20/1029625793/black-lives-matter-protesters-targeted "An Associated Press review of court documents in more than 300 federal cases stemming from the protests sparked by George Floyd’s death last year shows that dozens of people charged have been convicted of serious crimes and sent to prison." https://apnews.com/article/records-rebut-claims-jan-6-rioters-55adf4d46aff57b91af2fdd3345dace8 I don't know if you are really that appallingly misinformed/uninformed or if you are attempting to misinform others.
  11. Convicted by the government put in place by coup leaders who pardoned themselves, rewrote the constitution (twice) and leaned on the compliant courts. I seem to recall you objected to an elected government attempting to pardon Thaksin. Why no objections to coup leaders and their pardons?
  12. Like the coup leaders who "pardon" themselves and are never punished.
  13. Really? I think the theft and refusal to return government documents is the most likely conviction. Seems like it would be a slam dunk.
  14. Trump started campaigning at least two years before the election. Regardless, there is no rule that says that politicians are immune from prosecution just because they are campaigning.
  15. Calling a pay-off to a porn star a business expense is an "accounting error"? Did Trump think he was in the porn business? I'm sure law enforcement and prosecutors have looked at the laptop and decided there is insufficient credible evidence for prosecution.
  16. There's a difference between peers and cult followers. However it would be difficult to find a jury of self-proclaimed billionaires with murky finances.
  17. Could you identify some of these irregularities that seemed to favor Biden?
  18. I suggest he not be prosecuted until after the coup leaders are prosecuted.
  19. In some parts of the world local people are paid to preserve the environment, usually meaning paid to not cut down forests. Has anyone ever considered paying Thai farmers to not burn their fields and villages to not burn surrounding forests?
  20. An invasion may not be necessary. China dwarfs Russia in every measure except nuclear arsenal, and Russia is becoming increasingly dependent on China to keep its economy going. Putin is making Russia a satellite state of China.
  21. Wrong. From your source: "Chansley's release comes weeks after his former attorney demanded he be freed in light of new video from the Capitol riot, but his move to the halfway house appears to be unconnected." "A former federal prosecutor unconnected with the case said it was doubtful public pressure played a role in Chansley's transfer, noting the move appears 'kind of routine' under BOP guidelines. " "Federal inmates can receive a 15 percent reduction in their prison sentence for good behavior behind bars, and can also serve the final 12 months of their sentences in halfway houses at the discretion of the Bureau of Prisons. " From one of many other sources: "His former attorney and legal experts say it has nothing to do with Tucker Carlson, or the Fox News host’s broadcast of footage of Chansley seemingly being led through the hallways of the U.S. Capitol by police." https://time.com/6267335/jan-6-qanon-shaman-jacob-chansley-released-early-prison/
  22. And Trump said unto his followers: "Covfefe". And lo, his followers were sorely confused.
  23. The kind of democracy where the people vote and the election results are respected, whether the military and elites like it or not. Don't try to divert the topic away from Thailand's democracy and upcoming election. The last three legitimately elected PM's in Thailand (Prayuth does not count as legitimately elected) were removed by military or judicial coups.
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