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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Because the first half of the 20th century taught the US that isolationism doesn't work.
  2. They've all been corrupt. At least the ones that are voted in can be voted out. You can't say that about the military "leaders". I use "leaders" because we aren't allowed to use the proper term.
  3. Bull. The protest was dying of apathy. The military jumped in while there was still some semblance of protest left to "justify" the coup. The real reason for the coup is obvious to everyone who lived through that time and its aftermath, but can't be discussed here.
  4. It's correct. Previously people were required to have a permit for concealed carry and take a short safety course to get the permit. Now anyone who can get a gun (not difficult if you have the money) can carry a concealed weapon. Open carry, openly carrying a gun, is still illegal. The NRA crowd are outraged about that.
  5. And Kathy Griffith wasn't holding Trump's severed head, but the Trump world went nuts.
  6. There are many definitions of "classical education", but I don't think any preclude art depicting nudity. Ancient Rome was quite bawdy compared to now. If you want a chuckle, do an internet search on "Priapus" and check out the images.
  7. Would you agree that Kathy Griffin didn't really hold up Trump's severed head, so did nothing wrong? https://www.the-sun.com/news/1742978/kathy-griffin-decapitated-trump-head-election/
  8. Initially people were claiming that the lack of security at the Capitol was evidence of some kind of conspiracy. Now you are complaining about the fact that the Capitol was closed that day for security reasons. Being illogical allows you a great deal of flexibility, doesn't it. It's amazing that people who call themselves patriots will riot and attempt to prevent the certification of legitimate election results.
  9. Clearly you are impervious to logic. The "newly surfaced video" shows that he behaved himself for four minutes. Nothing more. If you think only a few people broke the law you are incapable of counting in addition to your incapacity to grasp reality. Here's why the guy got four years in jail: "Jacob Chansley, the self-proclaimed "QAnon Shaman" who entered the Senate chamber and left an ominous note on a desk for then-Vice President Mike Pence, pleaded guilty to unlawfully obstructing an official proceeding -- the most serious charge in the government's indictment against him." "The other five charges against Chansley were dropped as part of a plea agreement he entered into with federal prosecutors." https://abcnews.go.com/US/qanon-shaman-pleads-guilty-felony-charge-role-jan/story?id=79821976
  10. There are videos of Hitler playing with his dog. Does that mean he was innocent of all crimes?
  11. Unbelievable! You think that if a person is not constantly breaking the law that makes him a good guy? The majority who did nothing wrong have not been arrested. Some of the hundreds who did break the law are being held to account. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/doj-says-video-of-qanon-shaman-fox-aired-lacks-context/ar-AA18zQbD Going back to my bank robbery analogy, what matters is video of the crime, not videos of routine activities.
  12. I don't like seeing men wearing the ball-bag bathing suits, but I don't expect laws banning them.
  13. Really? Does Trump still remind his supports about Operation Warp Speed and urge them to get vaccinated?
  14. Because the FBI realized that Mr. Epps was not one of the people that illegally entered the Capitol: "From the available footage, it appears that Epps was in attendance at the rally but that he did not go into the Capitol or engage in any violence. One video actually shows Epps as he attempts to de-escalate a fight between police and protesters." https://www.snopes.com/articles/389126/who-is-ray-epps/
  15. The Faux News team went through 41,000 hours of video and came up with 4 minutes of a rioter not acting crazy, and you take that as proof that no crime was committed. You are deep down the rabbit hole. No, you didn't watch 41,000 hours of video footage, you watched carefully edited segments that removed all violent acts by the mob. Does the fact that the actual criminal acts got the most coverage somehow disprove the fact that major crimes were committed? Can a bank robber caught in the act on film show videos of times the bank was not being robbed and use that as evidence that the bank wasn't robbed? People who want to preserve democracy and election results hate the country? You are truly off the deep end.
  16. DeSantis is a man of no convictions. His idea of leadership is to check which way the crowd is heading then run in front and yell "Follow me!" To be fair, that describes a lot of politicians. DeSantis misread the pro-Putin stance of some of the Fox News talking heads as representing the conservative base and went with it, until there was push-back. He then backed down. He did the same with Covid vaccines. https://www.newsweek.com/videos-desantis-promoting-covid-vaccines-resurface-cdc-1767539
  17. Please identify the parts of my post that are lies. If you don't do that, we can assume you are lying.
  18. A short article that is worth reading in its entirety. It illustrates how scum like Carlson and other Faux News lowlifes can ruin lives by putting ratings ahead of truth.
  19. Right...It not like he lead an insurrection, or gave secrets to the Russians, or absconded with classified documents, or... Oh wait, he did!
  20. Right, the Trump-Zelenski conversation in which Zelenski is discussing his country's need for Javelin anti-tank weapons and Trump abruptly changed the conversation to investigating Joe Biden. https://edition.cnn.com/2019/09/25/politics/donald-trump-ukraine-transcript-call/index.html I can think of just two reasons for such a sharp change in subject: Trump wanted to link US support to Ukraine to a Biden investigation (blackmail) or Trump has a short attention span and can't stay focused. I suppose both could be correct. Why do you think Trump took the discussion in such a weird direction?
  21. You're deep in the rabbit hole, aren't you? No matter how often and thoroughly that nonsense has been debunked, you just can't let it go. "It's true that Joe Biden leveraged $1 billion in aid to persuade Ukraine to oust its top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, in March 2016. But it wasn't because Shokin was investigating Burisma. It was because Shokin wasn't pursuing corruption among the country's politicians." "As European and American diplomats pressed Ukraine to clean up its corruption, they focused on Shokin's leadership of the Prosecutor General's Office, which he took over in February 2015." "Mike Carpenter, who served as a foreign policy adviser to the then-vice president, told USA TODAY that Shokin "never went after any corrupt individuals at all" and "never prosecuted any high-profile cases of corruption." " https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/10/21/fact-check-joe-biden-leveraged-ukraine-aid-oust-corrupt-prosecutor/5991434002/ Of course having your nonsense discredited again won't prevent you from using it and other fake news in the future.
  22. Another court ruling against Trump: Trump’s Attorney Ordered to Turn Over Documents to Special Counsel https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-attorney-ordered-turn-over-194455521.html Of course Trump will appeal and drag the case out as long as possible.
  23. Oh so you have trouble writing coherently, because you definitely gave the impression that you thought the money was to influence President Biden when you posted: " No he is the presidents son and that is the one and only distinquishing feature he has that gives him an edge in getting money versus the Chinese and Russians giving it to people who truly are professionals in their field." I assume the Chinese thought they could influence US politicians as easily as they bribe Chinese officials and officials in much of the rest of the world. Hunter was sleazy enough to take advantage of that. However there is no evidence the money they wasted influenced Joe Biden in any way. Come back when you have evidence to the contrary.
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