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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. I see. So the old and infirm should not vote, military personnel should not vote, politicians in the nation's capitol doing their jobs should not vote, expats should not vote... I assume you don't vote.
  2. I want to "believe" in rational skepticism applied to verifiable facts. Lara Logan obviously takes a different approach.
  3. Not just Clinton or Obama. I don't think any President in living memory had, or would have maintained, such blatant financial conflicts of interest and been so greedy in taking advantage of these conflicts.
  4. "Logan started her comments Wednesday by predicting the Biden administration is trying to engineer "a Reichstag fire" — an event the Nazis used to consolidate power and curtail liberties — then went on to claim she was shown a secret United Nations plan in which a "global cabal" would "dilute the blood of patriots" by importing 100 million immigrants, stating God knows "the open border is Satan's way of taking control of the world," and insisting Israeli intellectual Yuval Harari "and the rest of them at the World Economic Forum ... want us eating insects, cockroaches ... while they dine on the blood of children."" She has definitely gone off the deep end. To be clear, this is not a formal psychiatric diagnosis, this is a statement of the obvious.
  5. If she had said that the Biblical God believes in tribalism and invading the land of other tribes and killing everyone in them (read the Old Testament), I would at least know where she gets her ideas. As it is it's clear she has a weak grasp of human history. It's also clear that you have a weak grasp of current affairs. Who are these globalists who don't recognize borders? Are you referring to Putin?
  6. It looks like they are posting on FB every day, so probably open. I will try to swing by some evening and check it out.
  7. Thanks, I hadn't noticed that. Perhaps it closed. Too bad.
  8. I've been away for awhile (pandemic and stuff like that) but have finally returned to Thailand and will be in Chiang Mai soon. I'm eager to catch up on the Pretty bars and restaurants. I consider them to be the Hooters of Thailand, but with better prices, better food, and prettier staff. I like the ambiance of places like that. Has anyone been to Sip Aholic Bar and Bistro https://www.facebook.com/sipaholicbar/reviews ? It looks interesting.
  9. For those who don't like to waste time watching pundit TV, there are transcripts of his shows here; https://www.foxnews.com/category/shows/tucker-carlson-tonight/transcript I only spot checked, but it seems like a lot of opinions, some of them whack-a-doodle, with little basis in fact.
  10. Thank you. You've now made it clear that when you post "regime change" you mean Putin change. Yes, sane people would like to see Putin go before he does more harm to Ukraine, Russia, and the world. However regime change is a change of government, not leadership. If the Russian people like their current government they can keep it, just get rid of the whack-a-doodle Putin. Do you put Putin on such a pedestal you think he is Russia?
  11. I see, you don't have sources so you use the "common knowledge" nonsense. The US has not called for regime change in Russia. This is "common knowledge". Prove me wrong with sources supporting your "hyperbolic nonsense", as you like to call it.
  12. I think I've asked for sources for your regime change nonsense before and you didn't provide them. I suspect you won't this time either. Could it be that you're making this up?
  13. Right, much better to give in to nuclear blackmail this time. And the next time. And the time after that. And when China and North Korea see how effective it is and start using nuclear blackmail also; better give in to them too. Of course after Iran fast-tracks their nuclear program and other countries acquire nuclear weapons so they can blackmail as well we better give in to them also. Or we can call the bluff and make sure Putin knows that any pain he delivers with nuclear weapons will be returned many times over.
  14. Why? Is it because Russia has long been an imperialist nation and is now trying to expand the Russian empire?
  15. Your first source states that the ban on sales of some semiconductors will hurt the chip industry. That is no surprise, and is considered a price worth paying. Your second source states that the person stating the obvious in the first source knows what he's talking about. Ok.
  16. Hilarious, especially the part about Russia trying to stabilize its neighbor. I do agree with the last sentence. Oil has funded the deep state corruption of Putin's government.
  17. The virus doesn't float around on its own, it is carried on small droplets of water/mucus that people expel when breathing heavily, coughing or sneezing. A good quality mask will filter out these droplets.
  18. In the long run it should slow down the development of smart weapons and AI that can be used for both military and domestic uses.
  19. Trump was watching his supporters storm the Capitol on television and doing nothing to call them off. I assume this is an example of the strong leadership Trump brags about. The warrant and search came long after the last election, after many months of getting Trump to return the documents, and months before the 2022 election. It was about as benign a time as was available. If it had been political it would have been an "October surprise" search. But of course to a Trump supporter any time action is taken to make Trump comply with the law is political.
  20. Has any Ukrainian complained about US support? Is your argument that without US support Russia could have easily crushed Ukraine and then invaded other countries in its quest to rebuild the Russian empire? Shouldn't the country that started the war, and is currently losing the war, be the one to stop the war?
  21. I'm sure these people expected something in return. However I'm not aware of Hunter Biden delivering anything of significance. That makes Hunter a hustler, just like Trump. "Grip and grin" photo ops with a Vice President does not count as anything of substance.
  22. "The Russia government isn't 'Putin' any more then the France is Macron, the UK is Truss (or soon to be Sunak), Germany is Scholz, the democratic (unelected) European Union is Von der Lyden, the US is Biden, or the Ukraine is Zelensky." Putin speaks for Russia, and arrests, exiles or kills all prominent voices that challenge him. The same is not true for Macron, Truss, Scholz, Von der Lyden, Biden or Zelensky.
  23. People freaking out about mask wearing reminds me of how old folks and rednecks freaked out about men with long hair in the 1960's. Give it a rest. Let people make their own choices.
  24. "decapitated" and "annihilation" are over the top exaggerations. China's semiconductor industry will be set back by this, hopefully for several years, but it won't be destroyed.
  25. "Jack Trump up for records or fix America?" Both. Jack Trump up for records and other crimes, and prevent him from continuing to undermine democracy.
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