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Sir Dude

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Posts posted by Sir Dude

  1. Democrats need to come up with some real policies other than 'Hate Trump' and unlimited immigration plus need to 86 people like Hillary, Biden and Bernie as they don't represent a winable (if there is such a word) chance at the polls ... and don't say lunatics like AOC as she is just becoming a polarizing hate figure too. I would suggest someone like that young Kennedy Kid, as he might fly with people including the all important swing voters. 

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  2. It always makes me smirk when an army commander turns up to do something like this that he is completely unqualified to be in charge of. This is a civilian expert's job to do and advise on. I can only guess that they think the mindless morons are impressed by the uniform/title/fruit salad uniform as they have been brainwashed by the system into thinking if an armed services officer turns up then the water will be parted ... carry on peons. Conversely, it's like sending fruit sellers to manage the border patrols. 

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  3. Regardless of the short-comings or principles of the other actors on the Middle-Eastern stage depending on your views, I would hardly describe Iran as a peace-loving innocent victim or some beacon of example ... steady on folks. Six of one and half a dozen of the other could spring to a rational mind ... and Iran is a fire and brimstone out-and-out theocracy, which is a little scary really when you think about it.

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  4. Really, this sort of report is meaningless because you get 4 unidentified men in balaclavas put in front of the cameras to try to show the cops are doing their job. We get no details, no follow up, no confirmation on sentences/names etc. later or anything. Might as well said " We caught 4 mermaids trying to steal fish at the local hardor" and then move on to the next item in the news cycle. Even in the small chance they get jail time they will be quietly released a few months later to do the same again...BS.

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