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  1. Give them away and then lease them back from a country that has no historical claim to the islands.
  2. Except for the fact that, for several decades, the US has a strategic base there in the Indian Ocean.
  3. I thought America was built on the backs of immigrants.
  4. Why did former President Trump weigh in? I thought he was the current president.
  5. Same as me almost three years ago. I had lots of choice in easy to prepare meals and I take light exercise daily I lost 40lb + and ditched the bp etc., medications. I'm still the same weight and have a lot more stamina at 70+ y/o.
  6. Kier Starmer "expressed his support for her" that doesn't bode well. It's a bit like 80's football managers, "the club has every faith in the manager" hours before the sacking.
  7. The journalists probably don't worry about libel laws in Thailand or the strict computer crime law.
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