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London Lowf

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Everything posted by London Lowf

  1. Mine, used for the last three TR visas, has a light green background as it was a selfie taken in my lounge at home. However, every time I upload it I get the response along the lines of "This photo may be rejected as there is more than one person" - I ignore it, carry on and have never had a problem with it.
  2. There is no truth to the rumour that the West End of London was taken over by Arab money in the Eighties. There is no truth to the rumour that a huge area of West London was taken over by Indians and Pakistanis. There is no truth to the rumour that a large area of North London was taken over by the Jews. There is no truth to the rumour that a large area of South London was taken over by Afro-Caribbeans. It's the world we live in! Many countries seek investment from overseas. Many large devolpments on Phuket ground to a complete halt during Covid and are still abandoned. I only know of one (in Layan) that is currently proceeding to completion at full speed - it is clearly Russian-backed.
  3. I have a long-term semi-detached house in Kamala and a Russian couple moved in next door at the beginning of the year - pleasant people and no problem at all.
  4. In that location, I was a regular at the P Bar when I used to stay in Patong - now gone and the owner was not a healthy guy It seemed to do okay as most of the clientele were passing foot traffic. I found the outrageous ladyboy server and the "flow" of traffic at the junction quite entertaining whilst enjoying a beer or two . The location halfway to/from Bangla from my hotel was very handy.
  5. Thanks, but I fully understand that. My post was aimed at DrJack.
  6. One other point of interest - up until a few months ago I had to print off, sign and upload a declaration form - now you just tick a box. Also, it is no longer a requirement to uplaod a photo of yourself holding your passport.
  7. So why, having already uploaded the main page of your passport and the evisa program having successfully extracted your basic data from that do you later in the process get asked for a "Document indicating current residency"? Because TIT????
  8. True, but the OP only wants a spark plug. The first service on my ADV at an official dealer was B290 - okay, it's only an oil-change and quick checkover but they did it while I waited and I was pleasantly surprised.
  9. I stopped a few years ago - Branston (or even Tesco) seem to taste better to my aging taste buds. Many food in the west are becoming less tasty as the trend is for less salt and sugar to stop our youngsters getting too fat.
  10. Those Ayam beans are like Thai beer - not good when you first taste them but you do get used to them.
  11. To the person that posted the "Haha", how about elaborating?
  12. Passport is asked for/uploaded right at the beginning of the application, before getting to this question. I always use my latest Council Tax bill.
  13. To be certain I'd go to an official Honda/Yamaha dealer.
  14. Well, we're (presumably) both from the land where the public are frequently inconvenienced by a "POLICE INCIDENT" and so should be used to living in the dark.
  15. Are they legally obliged to explain their actions? I can't see that it's anyone elses business apart from theirs and the suspects.
  16. "The British man also allegedly catcalled the girlfriend of one of the suspects, which made them go ballistic." Well, that was clever of him!
  17. I freely admit that, to some extent, I do judge people by their appearance (clothes maketh the man) and this guy looks like a bad 'un.
  18. He's 94 and does not do long-haul or 30-degree heat very well. My point is not so much that they will not treat it - fair enough at his age - but the fact that they tested him and gave him the news fully knowing that he was beyond help. This was two years ago and, as I said, he had and still has no symptoms. Ignorance would have been bliss.
  19. Let the Thai-bashing begin, but before you do maybe the guy deserved it? Maybe he was giving the Thai guys trouble? Maybe he stole from the store and abused the staff? Maybe he was assaulting female customers as they went in or out of the store? I'm a Brit and I can assure you that many cannot hold their booze and become downright obnoxious after a few. When they get to a free and easy place like Thailand they completely lose it. A very intelligent and well-educated guy I worked with many years ago explained that you can reason with the vast majority of people that are mis-behaving, but there are a few that only understand one thing, and that is a smack in the mouth!
  20. I'm only reliant on the NHS is that I have various non life-threatening conditions that need monitoring and medications, all of which I could get quite cheaply in Thailand. What made me wake up and smell the coffee was my father's situation - like many in the UK (including myself) be does a home-test screening for bowel cancer every three years. A couple of years ago they needed to investigate further and confirmed that he has early stage but, because of his age, they will not operate - but will provide palliative care if/when the brown stuff hits the fan (!). He has absolutely no symptoms but will now live the last few years of his life knowing that he has cancer. Thanks NHS - he was better off not knowing!
  21. Do you think that you'll get good care in the UK? The NHS stumbles from one crisis to another (strikes, staff shortages, outdated systems [they don't use emails -everything is done by post FFS!], general lack of investment) and has been on a downward spiral for decades - great at telling you what's wrong but very poor at doing anything about it unless you are young. At 88 the chances are that you will just be offered palliative care which you're partner could maybe provide. I'm 70 and considering a permanent move to Thailand - the only thing that was holding me back was a reliance on the NHS but I'm now starting to believe that that is no longer a major consideration. Luckily, if I sold up here I would be able to self-insure to quite a high degree.
  22. It's a long drive to Phuket!
  23. Quite a regular occurrence on Phuket. Lucky critter not to have got poisoned/strangled by all of the plastic in the sea.
  24. DIY is fine if you're doing one room at a time but a 155m2 place is quite an undertaking if it needs a total makeover. I would get a pro in to do it. You've also got to take into account the heat - fine if you're young and fit!
  25. PS: In Thailand (and many other countries) the low-level designer stuff is fake anyway so it kind of defeats the wholed point!
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