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Posts posted by Blindedbythelight

  1. On 17/3/2560 at 6:08 PM, DrDave said:

    Strangely enough, based on my observations, the overwhelming majority of French-speaking tourists in Phuket are of Arab and African ethnicities. I don't know if most are actually from France, or the some of the French-speaking countries of north and northwest Africa.  Mostly a younger bunch - typically under 30 from what I see.

    If they are from France and speak Arabic; they may be a terrorists.

  2. On 17/3/2560 at 10:14 PM, Get Real said:

    Get dry behind your ears! Why do I need to have any compassion, with all the shit that is going on and that you can read about everyday in this country?
    I am Get Real, what about you Westcoast?


    Nope I don´t kick them as long as they do not bark and run after me on the street or when I drive a motorbike. If that happens, I actually try to kill them! It´s ok soi dog lover, get me arrested or just talk a little bit small because it just makes you more stupid than you want to look.

    My profile picture, is the invisible Man. Have a good day. 

  3. On 17/3/2560 at 5:01 PM, mommysboy said:

    Many older Scots are very wary of Scots Nats and rightly so.  They will not take responsibility for debts you can be sure of that!  In fact, their stance is that it is not their debt.


    As a nuclear free state Im not sure what their status would be within NATO.

    Only three NATO countries have Nukes. And if they don't take their sure of the debt; they the Brit's will cut off the pensions, of people over 65 yrs. 2 % of GDP has to go to NATO. If they say no, you better learn to speak Russian.

  4. 21 minutes ago, Scott said:

    Then only the baby is a US citizen and that does not necessarily allow the parents to stay.   They may have to chose to take their child with them or to leave the child.


    About a month ago a woman in AZ was deported, leaving 2 minor children (US citizens) in the States.  

    I don't agree with girls coming to the USA, 4-5 months pregnant only to give birth and their baby is American. This is taking advantage of the system.

  5. On 16/3/2560 at 8:02 AM, Scott said:

    If the goal of the President is to widen the divide among Americans, then he is a success.   If his goal is to protect the US from terrorism, then he is sadly lacking.  


    It is well within the purview of the President, with the help of his State Department to severely limit the number of people entering from certain countries, but an outright ban is going to raise eyebrows.    Somewhere in those countries is some little old lady whose son is in the US and now has sufficient funds and a good enough job to bring his aged mother to the US for a visit (or to live).   So let her come.   His brother's and nephews might require a much more lengthy and careful review.


    Somewhere in one of those countries is a child who has suffered a catastrophic injury or disease that can best be treated in the US.   So let him come for treatment.   


    Somewhere in one of those countries someone has a spouse awaiting the visa.   After a thorough check, let her in.  


    There are too many variables and exceptions in the human condition and situation to try the outright full-fledged ban.  

    The quote about kids needing hospital treatment happened. And to make it worse. This little boy had 2-3 operations already in the states. His mother and Father had to go out of the country( USA) with the boy, for a few weeks. They left the other daughter in the states with a friend. Now they were barred from returning. What a joke this President.

  6. 4 hours ago, jaltsc said:

    400 people paid 125K for a scam??.....400 dumb a** people...fools and their money!!...But using university premises to make a payment, take scamming to a new level!


    However, the person who ran the scam appears to have all the qualifications to be president of the United States. 

    Not really.

    The person is in USA got money and 3-4 supermodel wives.

  7. On 13/3/2560 at 6:59 PM, DrDave said:

    That's what happened 3-4 years ago, during the first wave of Russian arrivals. In parts of Patong, most of the signs were changed to Russian, only to be changed back to English with the addition of Chinese when the ruble crashed.


    As you mentioned, I wouldn't be surprised to see signs changing again from English to Russian and Chinese (and maybe French too) in the near future. 

    Funny that the French are leaving their country, after letting in all the Syrians. Same as they did in WW2 !

  8. 7 minutes ago, robblok said:

    That might well be, but its not what was told them when they stepped in. These kind of rises are not normal, and should not be expected when you buy yourself in like that. 


    Without the buying fee i would 100% agree free market and so on.  


    Just imagine you told me you would supply me with a crate of champagne every month for 100$ if I pay up front a buy in fee for 100.000$ now the low price of the champagne is related to the buy in fee. I think that is a great deal and agree.. knowing that there will be normal price rises. Now all of a sudden you charge 300$ still cheap.. but maybe now too expensive if you take the 100.000$ buyin fee in consideration and I cant change that easy or sell this easy. Its a captive audience. 

    So why go to the Police ??   Are they stealing money ?

  9. 7 minutes ago, robblok said:

    I just dislike unfair business practices, otherwise I don't particularly care. 


    You are partly right they can go somewhere else.. but they have bought a membership under certain conditions.. and paid a lump sum that is now valued a lot less because of those increases.  To me its a thuggish way of doing business. Letting someone pay al lot of money to become a member and then all of a sudden raise membership fees with 300%.  I would have had a different opinion if there was no high entrance fee, that is what makes moving hard. 

    Ok but 300 % of a low price is still low.

  10. On 15/3/2560 at 11:16 AM, robblok said:

    Then let them raise it with the cost of inflation and a bit extra.. I doubt that is 300%

    Why do you care what they do. Its a golf course; not a apartment of housing complex.

    If they don't want to pay; they can go somewhere else. Many courses in Thailand.

    Private business, they can do what they want. If half the members don't sign up again.

    They are still doing OK.

    And maybe the group that are in the picture are trouble makes and they don't want them as members.

    They look like cheap Charlies. Maybe don't even tip the caddy girls.

  11. 1 minute ago, elgordo38 said:

    Great read and of course ALL politicians do naughty things. They soon become enshrouded in their own BS and get a Napoleon complex. Most are the product of their own undoing. Where do you think the phrase "hold your nose and vote" came from??

    Yes agree.  I heard never understand why all these dictators would rather die , then simply leave the country and go spend their billions on a nice island, somewhere ? It made me laugh when they found Saddam in a hole in the ground; or the nut in the sewer in Libra ?

  12. On 13/3/2560 at 7:51 PM, RuamRudy said:


    The Scots have clearly demonstrated that they want to remain in the EU. Brexit appears to be inevitable so no amount of waiting to see just how much of a disaster the future of a united GB&NI outside the EU is, will make up for that. Surely it is better to take all the pain in one go?


    Just as long as they are willing to take their part of all debts. I say don't let the door hits them in the ass .....

    Wait time Trump starts asking for Billions of dollars for NATO protection against the Russians, and Chinese.

    She just wants to be PM, of her own independent country. She should watch the ending of Braveheart. If she wants to see her future of her country. Scotland will always be the same as sheep. Afraid of their own shadow. The older people collecting a pension will always vote to stay.

  13. 17 hours ago, redwinecheese said:

    Well I don't care if you disagree with me liking Thaksin but I bet you Thais will always remember him for introducing 30 baht health coverage program.

    Yes agree.

    And it was the best time for most companies to make money here.

    I had my best profit years, when he was in power. He was a business man, and he understand how to bring in foreign businesses, and help them in every possible way. In four years I made more then enough for a great retirement.

    In the last 7 years ; my profit is down 15 %.

    Yes I know he maybe did some naughty things. But that is not any concern to me.

  14. 1 minute ago, jaywalker said:

    Not sure which light you got blinded by, but they've been hauling folks off to jail the last several years for any and everything said that's in the least bit disparaging about the government.

    It did not say Government Person. They were more referring to a Mafia type of person, I believe.

    Anyway, thanks for the back and forth.

    We agree to disagree.


  15. 2 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

    This post perfectly displays why you do not understand what is happening here.


    You have transferred your concept of society, government institutions and social norms from the West and applied it lock, stock and barrel to a completely different society. It doesn't work.


    Thais are very well aware of the dangers of coming into conflict with senior police, high-level civil servants, top military and local politicians. Their "status radar" is permanently switched on and it affects each and every interaction with others.


    Read the Thai press and you will find tales of injustice at the hands of influential people every single day, often accompanied by a blurred photo of a body lying on the pavement with a trail of blood running from it.


    Do you think the Thais do not fully understand what happens here on a regular basis? And yet mass protests against the inequities in society are few. This is not the West where street protests are common and often can bring about change. The people who are creating injustice here are the same people who decide who is set up and sent to prison and who can buy themselves out of trouble, what the law is and who it is applied to. There are no checks and balances. It is dangerous to protest and the vast majority of Thais just want to keep under the radar, pay the rent and feed their families.


    You do not understand the nature of this society and the level of inequality.

    I have lived and worked in Thailand for over 15 years. So I understand; but do not agree with your Post.

    I guess you have never heard of Facebook ? If the Thai people were upset or they thought what happened to this girls, was not right. It would be all over Facebook. And if you have a wife, Girlfriend, or male partner( don't get upset, some people are gay) you would have heard about it.

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