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Posts posted by bkkandrew

  1. Villa at Soi 33 also sells it, at least when I last checked a few months ago.

    Na - keep looking there when I pop in for a few bits. May have simply sold out I guess.. Will check later,

    Cheers :o

    I am sure they still sell it, I saw it a couple of weeks ago. Not with the main magazines near the tills, but with the newspapers at the end.

    You know you are actually quite correct - went there this evening and saw one copy tucked in with the "Sun" etc. Trouble was it was the out-of-date one, same as at Bookazine in Grasorn, Chitlom. The one that expires on 12th October... :D

    Did not make it to Silom, nor the other places as have to fly tomorrow and was busy...

    What a shame, I always find the the "Eye" makes flights go more smoothly. The only problem is my giggling at my favorite bits, when other passengers wonder what I am laughing about! :D

    Thanks for all the pointers though!

  2. Why not get a subscription? I used to subscribe from HK and got the issues by airmail quicker than they arrived in the shops over there. I saved a bundle too.

    If you haven't got a CC, you can ask someone in the UK to "gift" a sub to you over here instead.


    Not as easy as that for me. I live 2-weeks here, 2-weeks UK, so every other issue I buy from UK..

    Thanks though, I had considered this and just binning the duplicates..

  3. One of the other problems faced by the "Mom & Pop" stores, and Thai business in general is the sheer volume of these stores and the total lack of imagination. There was a classic case of this a few years ago. The farmers seeing a neighbour reap a good harvest of a vegetable (I forget which) all grew the same vegetables the next year. The oversupply forced down the price so much that the crop was left to die in the fields as the harvesting costs were more than the crop was worth now there was so much of it.

    Every block here has at least one seven eleven, family mart and a couple of mom and pop stores in between, all selling the same things. Nobody has a right to sit in a filthy shop often smelling of cat piss, selling out-of-date food (espescially eggs) to people.

    The Markets are extreemly popular here and indeed fresher than the hypermarkets. The Air-conditioning also dries out much of their fresh produce as well. I don't think they (the markets) will ever be threatened as they are very crowded all the time.

    Nice post earlier about all the over enthusiastic Bangkok TEFL mill teachers coming on here correcting grandma grammar. Get a life.

    Could not agree more with you on that Steph.

    Personally, I have no time for teachers, possibly as I have never taught, or been tempted to do so, but more likely as I find them dull, so it is unlikely you and I will ever see eye to eye..

    On the more substantive point, it is actually a sign of Bangkok maturing as a city to see an increase of convenience stores appearing at more and more convenient locations. All other major cities worldwide have many chains of convenience stores, with outlets on every street. This means that busy city types do not have to wander far to pick up items during breaks.

  4. Thai man caught stealing Lady’s Underwear from Apartment Block in Central Pattaya.


    A very bizarre story now the Sirivirai Apartments in Soi Bongkot, Central Pattaya. Police were called to the location on Sunday Night after a suspected thief was seen at the location. Police arrived and arrested the suspect, Khun Nipon aged 27.

    The suspect did not steal money, or a TV or any items of value from inside one of the rooms but in fact stole women’s underwear which was put out to dry in front of a number of rooms. Khun Nipon was taken to Pattaya Police Station where he confessed to a secret obsession with ladies underwear and the odors produced by such items.

    Although many of the officers and journalists who attended this story found it extremely amusing, he had committed a crime and was charged accordingly. Police revealed to us that Khun Nipon had never had a girlfriend and was extremely close to his Mother who still controlled his life even at the age of 27.

    -Pattaya City News

    Monday 23rd October 2006

    You do have to have these stories once in a while to cheer you up!! :o

  5. I have wondered whether to post on this thread since it started..

    For well over 5 years I have actually commuted back and forth, once a month (half BKK, half UK). This is due to business, that being export, where I am required in both supplying and purchasing countries..

    I must report a funny feeling about "Do You Forget How Good You Have It Here?" as the original poster opined.

    I used to virtually "climb the walls" in the UK after a two-week stint. For the last year or so I practice this here as well. I can only put this down to mutually missing Thailand (when in the UK) and UK (when in Thailand). Perhaps a case of the grass is always greener on the other side??

    The one thing (apart from loads of Air Miles) that my travelling provides is a balenced view of the benefits of both home and adopted countries..

  6. How long have you got? :o

    My experiences range from:

    Had a B300 "fee" turning left on Petburi about 5 years ago on a turn left on red light junction :D:D:D

    The then g/f said "just pay", so being a bit greener than now, did so.


    Reported a deception (obtaining B40000 illegally), was told that, as they had a good income from the person orchestrating the deception, unless I paid more, they would not get involved... :D

    I have simply developed the gallic (although I am not French) shrug of the shoulders now.. :D

    TIT :D

  7. From this website:




    1. may refuse admission to visitors:

    - of hippy appearance with long, untidy and dirty

    looking hair,

    - dressed in an offensive manner, e.g. only singlet or

    waistcoat, shorts, silk pants, slippers or rubber/wooden

    sandals, unless part of a national costume;

    Surely you are describing the national costume of English Football Fans! We'll be all right then :o

  8. The element of surprise has been lost, it seems.

    The owners of the forum, those doing the math, are probably weighing the potential loss of advertising revenue against the potential gain from subscription fees. It’s not an easy decision to make. Have some compassion for them!



    Yes, I wouldn't disagree on that. Every business should have regular reviews of its operation from time to time. TV is no exception. The only difference is here is that the TV business is, by definition, a public forum, where such reviews set off a public debate that can take place faster than the owners of the business can consider the business review.

  9. How many dozens of times did the Thaksin administration blatantly lie that a problem would be solved overnight, or at the very longest, 90 days?

    As they say everywhere in the world, "Thailand wasn't built in a day...."

    I'm disappointed, but the writing of a national constitution is not something thrown together by ten expatriates in a farang pub, in an evening.

    Oh I don't know, a few mates and me have solved all the worlds problems down the pub before! :D

    Made us all wonder why world peace and harmony didn't break out with the 15th pint! :D

    On a serious note, however, the focus seems to be on the constitution, which is both the problem and the solution. Constitutions are only a successful apparatus when they stand the test of time, thats what they are for - to be omnipresent despite changes in political parties and figures. Constitutions that come and go are not treated seriously and ridden roughshod over - AKA Taxsin.

    It is worth noting that the oldest democratic monarchy is the UK, which has never had a written constitution... :o

  10. I used to love and I mean LOVE Thai food. However in the last couple of weeks I just cannot bear to eat it. Thai food still smells great, really appetising, but once in my mouth just tastes hot, plain and dry. I have tried various places but to no effect. Any ideas as to why?

    Back to the serious point..

    I am with you. Used to eat it all the time - even when going overseas!

    Really gone off it now, just eating Thai/Isaan once or twice a week. I think it is just a case of too much for too long. I have no doubt that I will get fed up of Italian soon as I am really turning into a pizza fiend :o

  11. The web site is written from a Thai point of view, not for the visitor

    If in doubt, ask at the customs desk.

    The old rule was that you had to declare over US$10,000, otherwise you could have

    trouble if you want to re-export the cash.

    Why risk carrying so much cash in this day of cards and ATMs??

    Unless you are drug smuggler? :o

    Thats a particulaly harsh assumption!

    I occasionally bring in large sums to purchase product when settling up a factory in time for shipping etc. When taking into account the rate and other charges, cash saves me between 0.1% to 0.8% over TT. That adds up on a $10K shipment!

  12. Seems like a typical loss of face scenario,

    Oops, we just tried to do something absolutely ridiculous, oh well we better take that back and to regain us some face we'll bring in a smaller, less ridiculous law which just creates a big pain in the ass for everyone...

    Quote George: "Manit said "sexy" drink promoters would be allowed to work as long as there is no logo of alcoholic products on their clothing."

    Well the breweries aren't going to pay these girls NOT to sell their brand are they - unless theY only allow the advertising on THE INSIDE OF THE DRESS - aha - I think I've struck gold here!!! :-)

    Well - every cloud has a silver lining. Perhaps this won't affect sponsers logos on the girl's bare flesh :o

    More exposed, logo'd flesh - now there's a good unintended consequence. :D

    You heard it here first!

  13. AOT ordered to improve services at Suvarnabhumi airport

    BANGKOK: -- Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Pridiyathorn Devakula has ordered officials of Airports of Thailand (AOT) to improve services at Suvarnabhumi airport before thinking of building a third runway.

    The order was made yesterday during a meeting with senior Transport Ministry and airport officials as Pridiyathorn was said to be not happy about the facilities available at the airport which has been officially opened late last month.

    Chalor Kotcharut, acting Transport Ministry permanent secretary, said that his ministry would focus on improving services for passengers at the airport, considered by Pridiyathorn as substandard.

    The deputy prime minister stressed that services must be improved first before construction of the third runway could proceed.

    The opening of the airport was ordered by the previous government amid warnings that its facilities were not yet ready to offer standard services.

    --TNA 2006-10-21

    I would have thought that actually decorating the interior airside would be another minimum requirement before letting them charge off and build more runways, buildings etc.

    However we may be disappointed, in that I have been told by a contractor that it is now as it is to be forever - namely that it is considered "modern" and "trendy" to have exposed wiring, ducting etc. and have an overall steel and glass look.

    Personally, I found the whole place to have a depressing feel to it, an unusual emotion to experience when returning to Thailand from the UK.. :o

  14. ^I'd agree with that one myself.

    I think the better answer there is to fly them to America and show them what obesity looks like when it reaches epic social proportions. Explain the phenomenon of "arm flab" on women and "guts" on men and watch the horror as you show them the regularity of women so fat that they are too weak and lazy to walk so that they drive motorized carts around the grocery store filling them with obscene amounts of food. It'd be like "Scared Straight," but for obesity, heh.

    Now I know we are straying off topic here, but on your last point, you are not serious are you? Motorised carts?? :D:o

  15. I don't think Thailand is unique in banning tobacco and alcohol advertisement; many other countries have already banned this or are about to.

    None of the mentioned events are organized by the advertisers it's just up to the organizers to get other sponsors.

    All this may take a while as big events like Johnny Walker Classics are usually tied up long in advance but could return to Thailand as Coca Cola Classics, or similar, in a year or two.

    Unless the next advetising target is sweet fizzy drinks to target obesity.. :o

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