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Nong Khai Man

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Everything posted by Nong Khai Man

  1. What are the Requirements at Savanakhet Changing a Retirement Visa Extension, Back to a Marriage Visa Multi " O "....Do YOU Still need to Show Money in a Thai Bank ??
  2. Serves You Right......555 !!
  3. UJ Offered me So Much Help on Immigration Matters when I Need it......R.I.P My Friend.....
  4. Oi, I was a Taxi Driver.......Watch Yer Mouth O.K. ??
  5. M8, The U.K. Embassy & Helpful DO NOT belong in the same sentence.....THEY Will NOT Repatriate you If yer SKINT With NO Means to repay them....
  6. And which Airline would that be on ?? 20,000 GBP 555 ! 555 ! Would That be for an Air Ambulance ??
  7. He Might NOT Have ANY Funds in The U.K......#SKINT !!
  8. Doesn't matter how experienced you are, the number of idiots on the road here make it likely that you're going to come a cropper sooner or later.....Yep and THAT Sir is ONE Big Problem,Most of them haven't got a Scooby about Road Sense....It's Me,Me,Me, !!!
  9. And just who would pay for his repatriation ?? The British Government WON'T !!!
  10. I Know of one A Very Good friend of mine that had paid his Bills of " Over 1.5 Million Baht " But He Still Passed Away 1 Day after being released from Hospital.....
  11. ATM A Little Light Breeze at 1935hrs,But Still NO Sign of any Rain.....
  12. Accuweather has been saying it IS Currently Raining in Nong Khai for the PAST 3 Days,It Isn't & It Hasn't been either !!
  13. STILL No Bloody Rain in Nong Khai and 37c ATM .....11.50 am !!
  14. Same Same in Nong Khai, Lots of Rolling Thunder & Lightning Flashes,But Not ONE Drop of the WET Stuff....
  15. Thank You,Michael Fish.....
  16. Stays hard all the time......But THAT Would be very UNCOMFORTABLE !!!
  17. That Is Total BS & You know it, How do you need 50k A Month to live an O.K. Life HERE.....Rubbish !!
  18. It SHOULD Be a SIMPLE Solution,But with TRUE it Ain't.....Very Weird Company to deal with.....
  19. NOT Here You Didn't have 50c ........The ALL-TIME Record was broken last week in Tak When it reached 45.4c......
  20. You better CHARGE Them then M8........555 !!....750 a Night inc A/C & Full Brekkie Ain't that bad.....555 !
  21. Could it have had it's head bitten off in an ATTACK By a Shark ??
  22. " Greatest City in Thailand ".......555 ! 555 !
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