I Get " Blanked" Almost ALL of the Time in Nong Khai Where I've lived for 7 Years now, I Don't Know Why because I've even changed the Soap & Deodorant I Use.....They're Really are some very STRANGE Falangs Live in this Town.....
But They DON'T Deport Illegals from the U.K......They Put them in 4 / 5 * Hotels with 3 FREE Meals,A Day & Also give them Spending money for their Ciggies & Booze.....
Yep, I Knew a Guy ( German ) That Didn't have a Passport let alone a Visa,Lived in The ( Back Of Beyond ) Somewhere in Isaan.....for Over 25 Years, He was also Broke,Skint, Call it what you like But he Never got Captured & Ended up DYING.......