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Posts posted by jts-khorat

  1. 10 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    And then, in your and my home country, there are laws, which are enforced by the police. In our home countries the police are not regularly paid by all those bars to look the other way.


    There is the assertion, by the Chief of Police no less, that the police cannot do anything, until the victims come forward to press charges. That is of course not true at all.


    But it rhymes quite well with what OneMoreFarang wrote there.

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  2. 8 hours ago, charleskerins said:

    Not stupid at all it's reality . It would have been 3 on 3  and maybe they wouldn't have been kicked in the head.  He sure was active before the fight.      They aren't going to prison   and they have engaged in this behavior before.


    Your post makes zero sense. Not participating in an altercation would have protected his head much more safely.


    But thinking one step further: "winning the fight" would have only meant, that more Thai bystanders -- security and tuk tuk drivers -- would have become active, so the outcome most likely pretty nasty as well.


    And injuring a Thai would lead 100% to a stay at the police station, and if you cannot pay your way out of this right this evening, a likely court case months in the future, preventing exiting Thailand. Imagine your whole life back at home trashed, because you have to linger for months waiting for an extremely slow bureaucracy to grind on...


    So, what does "winning" really mean here for you??

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  3. 21 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

    Being in Thailand, there is very little that I miss about any country I have known, even my home-country.


    However, there really is just one thing that I miss a great deal, and this is being able to walk in cool, crisp, pristine air, anytime I wish.


    Bluebells time ought to be over a few weeks already, here in Germany it certainly is.


    With "crisp cool air" you must mean nasty rainy weather, as this has been happening for a few weeks now (at least that is how it feels).


    Give me a sweltering day on the beach or lazying on an Isaan porch with a Saeng Som coke in hand any day over this.


    But I know -- I know! -- the grass is always greener somewhere else, so were I in Thailand right this moment, likely I would feel the same. It simply is the human condition.

  4. 12 minutes ago, charleskerins said:

    If he had the fat Thai they may have won the fight.


    "won the fight"?


    This is exactly the stupid, stupid attitude that creates a murder case out of a drunken bar brawl.


    For both the bouncers as the punters, this evening sure ended differently than they had planned beforehand, so no winners on any side. Albeit I hope the guy getting his head kicked in will recover and have a story to tell, namely how many more years the bouncer will be in prison (no high hopes for either outcome, after seeing the latest articles).

    • Confused 1
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  5. 1 hour ago, Noah K said:

    There is no THC in the leaves. You don't have to believe me,  just Google it 


    Leaves still contain between 1-2% THC, which would make them legal within the current definition, but would allow for relatively easy extraction even by home users into edibles. Of course, this is not as efficient as using the buds, but howtos are easy to find online and there is no need for exotic solvents or chemicals, so anybody can do it...

    Note: making such extractions will likely not be legal in Thailand (or already is not), albeit the source material will be. So maybe don't go about boasting to all your neighbors about it.

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  6. 16 minutes ago, ChumpChange said:

    Definitely a relief. Everyone can still possess all the useless parts of the plant that are usually discarded. 

    In essence, by making buds illegal, they don't have to say anything about the rest of the plant because there will be no good reason for most people to grow it anyway.


    On the contrry, as THC does not go back on the narcotics list, you might not sell the buds (in a shop), but growing the plant -- and just not sell the buds? -- is exactly the loophole that was ot be expected.


    Brown envelopes all aorund, and then business as usual.

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  7. 8 hours ago, webfact said:

    Recent findings support that the Khmer Empire initially flourished along the Khorat Plateau before moving to Siem Reap in Cambodia, contrary to previous beliefs.


    As so often in these "news" articles, which are badly researched, the truth is exactly the other way round.


    During the period the Khmer empire florished, it extended its control along the Mekong over the whole Khorat plateau, erecting local administrative centres.


    Jayavarman VI ruled during a time, where there had not even any Tai (much less Thai)-speaking peoples coming as invaders from the north, and while the eastern part of today's Thailand was under Khmer control, the west was under Ari and maybe even Indonesian-originated control.

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  8. 9 hours ago, bradiston said:

    It knows nothing about you, your situation, location, mental health, friends or any other important circumstances.


    As we are entering the phase of 'Personal Assistants' as first use case (on your phone?), your own model will know all that fairly quickly.

  9. On 5/20/2024 at 12:30 PM, Mowerra said:

    II think artificial intelligence is a dangerous toy in the hands of bad people. I believe that it is necessary to specify your ID data on all sites when registering so that you can track a person in case of something bad.


    You are well behind the curve. You can already run a fairly big trained LLM model on hardware at home that is not much more expensive than a good gaming setup. There would therefore no place to "register".


    Imagine what a state actor or international conglomerate could potentially do with this technology. This genie is well out of the bottle.

  10. 7 hours ago, dinsdale said:

    As I posted above this was my attitude towards durian. Once someone convinced me to eat some my attitude changed completely. Of course having never eaten any I didn't know what it tastes like and my opinion, as is yours, was shaped only by the smell, by perception. What happened when I tried it was something amazing. I found it delicious and the smell instantly went from bad to fragrant and I was hooked.


    What absolutely every Thai, but not many foreigners, know: not every durian is created equal by far.


    There are some very high-priced cultivers, which taste absolutely fragrant and delishious. And there is the common garden variety sold for little money on the street side which tastes, hmmm, you get what you pay for. Also taste differs between ripe and unripe or overripe fruit, so there also is a right time for it -- never, ever buy the fruits already cut out under plastic as sold in the supermarket, it regularly is mushy nasty-tasting trash.


    So if wanting to try this fruit, get a knowledgeable Thai to buy the right kind at the right ripeness for you.


    With regard to the alcohol: durian is one of quite a number of fruit which will interfere with your liver enzymes; another is grapefruit. They do not only make alcohol more toxic, but many medicines that are removed over the liver can also be affected. I would not think it will be deadly, but you might get a much stronger overhang as you are used to.

  11. 17 minutes ago, stoner said:

    rats generally infest dirty places. 


    Well, most Thailand cities and villages are dirty places, with the lidded sewers along the streets, creating perfect conditions for rats.


    Have a seat at any street eatery and watch the rubbish bins or where they wash the dirty dishes in a basin and you will see them.


    Now that rainy season has started, those same street rats will flee water, so they will more often house in human dwellings. It is totally normal.

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  12. 5 hours ago, gravia said:

    What happens if a resturant owner gets his friends to post glowing reveiws. To up his google ratings ?

    can he be arrested for false reveiws. Just a thought. and Im sure it must happen.



    Reading up on other sources, this seems exactly what was happening here: the guy was tasked to "promote" the restaurant.


    After falling into this disagreement, it seems that he turned those bought fake reviews from positive ones to negative ones.


    Not sure what visa he could have been on, so he is burned either way.


    But will we really read the owner of the restaurant getting into trouble for his creative advertising? I guess not...

  13. 2 hours ago, Graham8888 said:

    Be very careful- i have been through this with my son - if you keep getting id cards/ passports he WILL be eligible for national service lottery - his worst nightmare.

    spoke to the thai embassy but they are reluctant to put anything in writing- he is 19 and hasn’t had a Thai passport since he was 8. I know he is a uk citizen etcetc but try arguing that in Thailand if they decide differently 


    Happened to my son, he would have to partake in the lottery if he sets food into Thailand but does not want to give up his Thai passport.


    Unluckily his mother did not register his ongoing university studies (he lives with her outside of Thailand), so no easy way out of it any more.


    Statute of limigtations is 10 years, so he will be able to enter Thailand as a Thai without having been part of the lottery after this time has passed.

  14. 4 hours ago, webfact said:

    Despite his attempts to escape and the intervention of a Thai man, the assault continued, with the woman that he had purportedly slapped hitting him on the head with a high-heeled shoe.


    I remember that a few years back, a similar altercation ended in the foreigner dying, the heel having punched through the skull.


    This would be indeed an attack with a potential deadly weapon. I wonder if we will read more about it, as indentity of the katoey must be clear to police.

    • Like 1
  15. 6 minutes ago, statman78 said:

    The departure tax is still there.  It is now included in the price of the ticket.  You’ll see it if you look at the itemized receipt for an international ticket.


    People's attention span is really short, that it is part of the ticket has all but been forgotten.


    The weird thing is indeed, why they are not simply increasing the departure tax.


    That indicates to me, that this is a different trough that needs filling for snouts to feed who get nothing from the first one. Is corruption not a nice thing?

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  16. 3 hours ago, jaxon said:

    Kid was born in UK and had a Thai passport previously.  New Thai passport not possible as no Thai ID (not living in Thailand as adult). Question, does he still retain Thai citizenship or does it need some kind of confirmation?  He does not need a new Thai passport I am just wondering if he remains Thai and has a right to one/residency in the future. 


    The OP wanted a fairly succinct answer to a specific issue with his kid, one that also has only one correct answer in the real world.


    Now there are three pages of contrary discussion if it is theoretically illegal to have two nationalities after being an adult.


    What a swamp AseanNow sometimes is! 😆

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  17. 1 hour ago, UKresonant said:

    For the UK born kid we just went to the Embassy and obtained a Thai birth cert as mother is Thai.


    Then Thai passport.


    ID card was much later.


    The issue is age: you can make a Thai passport for a child without Thai ID card if it is less than 7 years old; after that, it needs the Thai ID card.


    For that it needs to be registered in a house book, but it does not need to live there, or have lived there previously ever (another poster mentioned that, it is the correct information).


    As others questioned, if there would be future issues if the child has two nationalities / passports. My son from first marriage is now 24, he simply has kept both passports and has just renewed his German one. You actually have to write on the application if you have a second nationality, no issue at all.


    Neither he nor my daughter have ever encountered any difficulty with the two passports, or any renewal of both either in Thailand or in Germany, and from all the people I know, there has never been an issue reported.


    We are German, so this might differ with other nationalities/passports.


    A dual Thai passport is therefore no problem for girls at all. However, for my son, Thai military service became an issue, and if you have a Thai passport, you will participate in the lottery.

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  18. 2 hours ago, jaxon said:

    Kid was born in UK and had a Thai passport previously.  New Thai passport not possible as no Thai ID (not living in Thailand as adult). Question, does he still retain Thai citizenship or does it need some kind of confirmation?  He does not need a new Thai passport I am just wondering if he remains Thai and has a right to one/residency in the future. 


    We were in exactly the same position as you: because of Covid, our daughters passport lapsed, and as she was older than 7, she had to get a Thai ID card first.


    1) your child will not loose Thai citizenship without passport; actually, he -- as any Thai citizen -- is entitled to enter Thailand even on a lapsed passport

    2) your child will need to be registered in the Thai house book to obtain an ID card; you need to apply for the ID card in person, with child and both parents present, as the will make fotos of the child for the card there (you can do that in the same province the house book is located)

    3) with the ID card, you then can get a Thai passport for your child at any consulate, this step does not need to happen in Thailand any more

    4) very important: all documents for the ID card need to be originals (ask me how I know, we left them in Germany and had only notarized copies, they were not good enough...)


    The process is straightforward, but impossible if you did not plan to go to Thailand.

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  19. On 4/26/2024 at 4:49 PM, Prubangboy said:

    Also: Toberone chocolate bar -ever knowingly bought outside of Duty Free?


    They were once a really good chocolate until bought up by the Americans (since then they do not have the hidden bear inside the mountain on the packaging any more, as not a majority Swiss company).


    But of course I live in Europe, so getting good chocolate is not a particularly high hurdle.

  20. On 4/26/2024 at 3:40 PM, Lacessit said:

    If I am picking up hold luggage, I wait seated until nearly everyone has left the plane. I've never had the situation where my luggage beats me to the carousel.


    I am usually last aboard, or close to it. No plane can take off when there is hold luggage aboard, and no corresponding passenger.


    Travel (work) smart not hard. 👍


    I also cannot understand how adult people do not understand how boarding and unboarding of an airplane works and how much more efficient it would be to just be calm and relaxed and wait the correct turn.

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