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About Parsve

  • Birthday 08/08/1953

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  1. Gaza would not have looked like it does without the American support of Israel.
  2. Can you please explain how the “richest country in the world” can have a larger national debt than GDP? Borrowed money is not its own money, as you and Trump seem to believe. The US needs friends.
  3. On ThaiFriendly 5 out of 10 messages offer sex for money (ST/LT). But that is of course Thai women that offer that, maybe other rules for those, I do not know.
  4. Good question, others have asked that too, and the answer is two. I have not thought about it. The other reason is that I have had this medication for about 10 years and those pills I get are working fine. 555, in fact, the first pills I got, gave me an allergic reaction my throat swelled up, and so did my di*k. With one hand I could not reach around it when it was "sleeping", and no, my wife was not happy about it either.
  5. Thanks for the good advice.
  6. Let me start by saying that this does not apply to all staff. Most are very nice. I visit said hospital about every two months for refills on high blood pressure medication. About six months ago, when I was going to register, I was waiting in line. When it was my turn, the registrar looked up at me, pointed, and said, "Go and stand last in line". There were 8 to 10 Thais behind me. He refused to register me unless I waited until the Thais were registered. On November 14, it was again time to refill medicine. This is not a complicated procedure, the effective time from when I register until I receive and pay for the medicine is about 10 minutes, of which two to three are at the doctor's (the doctor asks how I feel and then signs the prescription). This time the registration and the nurse's questions went quickly. As usual, I was referred to "station 4", where I assume that what the nurse at the previous station wrote down on the registration is transferred to a database. I left my document in a basket in front of the two nurses and one of them picked it up. Wait she said, and I waited for five hours to be exact. In the meantime, they let about 50 people who had come after me, in to the doctor. I approached the nurse and asked what was going on, sit down and wait a moment she said. I waited another half hour, then I went to the other nurse and said, give me my document. In front of her was a stack of about 10 documents for the next round to be admitted to the doctor, but mine wasn't there. She knew, however, without asking me for my name, immediately where it was. It was alone about a meter from the pile where it should have been several hours earlier. I took the document and went out with the words. There are more and better hospitals in the city. It cannot be blamed on unfortunate circumstances. In both cases, everyone involved knew very well what they were doing. Many, both foreigners and Thais, that I have spoken to about these events say that they have similar experiences from the same hospital. 60 years ago, Pattaya was an insignificant fishing village, now, thanks to tourism, it is a big city. Before the pandemic, tourism accounted for more than 21% of Thailand's GDP and it still accounts for a high proportion of Thailand's income, not least thanks to the foreigners who are permanent residents here. Unfortunately, some of the staff and management of the said hospital don't seem to understand that without us, Pattaya would degenerate back into a fishing village, because just like there are other hospitals in Pattaya, there are other places that can offer the same thing as Pattaya, but with a friendly attitude ( I look forward to an explanation of the behavior from the hospital management).
  7. As someone said before, go to your embassy and get a new passport. Abut the visa stamp, it is no problem, just bring both your old and new passport next time you go to immigration.
  8. My Thai wife and I have been married for ten years. 7 of those years we have lived very close to her family. When they speak to each other and com to mention, me they always say farang, not in a bad way, but still. I have said to my wife, "hey, I have a name. I do not call you thai so stop calling me farang". Nothing changed.
  9. Third, I wrote that she hugged me, not the other way around, Start your brain before you tap the keyboard.
  10. First of all, it was 170 baht, not ten. Secondly, it is up to you if you like to be scammed and up to me if I do not like it.
  11. The right question from the OP should be, why is it forbidden to sell alcohol on Buhdda days when it is ok to sell cannabis?
  12. Ok, so your mate is right and the history books are wrong.
  13. Nope the Englishmen and the Frenchmen. They started the so-called opium wars against China as the Chinese King did not let England sell opium in China (the Englishmen wanted to exchange opium with local Chinese products like tea and silk). The Chinese lost the two wars and the Kingdom of China fell forever. Learn that almost every time there is a conflict between countries England is involved with a bad attitude.
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