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Posts posted by teddog

  1. Just now, cheeryble said:


    Do they treat anxiety disorder which stops one flying to
    India :)

    Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    Yes,its the curries I avoid, 5 days in hospital there recently,4 trollied meals a day delivered to room,christ it made me vomit ,but treatment wise excellent


    3T MRI scanner Chennai...try same Calcutta..cannot see anything there...flying is a cinch ,try Indigo seem to put the sexiest girls in charge, worth a viewing too

  2. 5 minutes ago, cheeryble said:


    Thx Teddog

    I guess there are two questions
    1. Would it be useful to seek better equipment for rotator cuffs or is regular MRI just fine
    2. If yes, where to go also bearing in mind price

    I was with the physio Doctor yesterday for other stuff but we did decide MRI for shoulders to show other doc.....wish I'd asked...duh!

    Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    No idea, but once there it opens up a host of other far cheaper options too colonoscopy, executive health check up, everything and anything, get it operated on whilst there too.


      good luck    Just google 3T scanner Chennai,then skype them/e mail them...one hell of a medical city, its vast

  3. Yes , technologies have moved on a'pace.  Seems 3T MRI is the latest, magnetic imaging twice the power of existing scanner and smooth bore (whatever that is) is a latest.Reports from ill informed member state one recently installed in BKK with five months waiting time Many in India, about four or five in Chennai region alone, about,  two thousand baht,3 hours away.  cheap flights about to appear  Calcutta will be nearer and possibly cheaper to get to, but google search will reveal all

  4. Posidon  (sounding something like) Soi Pothisarn  best way to describe, turn left major rd from suk highway just before BPH,about1 km on the right..180 baht  hell the best car clean this side of the Rio Grande,   even leave the dog inside, best clean ever,  dog too

      coming other way..from the third rd   up over the lights Pattaya Nue,straight on turnright at t junction,  car clean on your left  2 k down

  5. On 8/21/2017 at 8:46 PM, Aforek said:

    I am 67, all my life very good health, doing exercise every day, no drink, no smoking, I didn't visit a doctor for 6 or 7 years

    on 1st of august, for a paper to send  to my embassy, I went to the public hospital of my place to have a health certificate ; to do it, they wanted to have a blood pressure inspection, I thought no need, but after all if they want , they can do it 

     I had a very, very high blood pressure, they wanted to keep me for the night ( I didn't feel anything ) 

    the day after they made blood, heart , urine inspection  and they found I have diabet ( not much ) after a second blood check  , now I take medecine for hypertension and diabet , I am well as usual  , ( but what could have happened in several years without knowing it ? ) and I have two medical insurances for many years that I almost never used


    what I mean is that you don't know what can happen, even if, like me, you think everything ok, maybe something silent  happens in your body , like hypertension, diabet, cancer and you feell nothing 

    don't say , it can't happen to me ; I would have never thought I could have diabet 

    That is why regular medical check-ups are essential, earliest sign anything amiss treatment or exit from.  Thailand can be planned One thing that would have me leaving,cancer, not battling that insidious monster, not in Thailand, got to go back home for that one. 

      Thought I was covered for medivac through past employment, find out today covered for everything leading up to medivac, that's good, but the big C would have me quaking in my boots

  6. 2 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    I like that teddog is offering an alternative to consider.

    It would be a killer if you paid insurance premiums for years and then they said you can't claim just when you need it as it isn't covered or pre existing or some get out, and that is always on your mind with insurance.

    I would not trust my own damned shadow in this country, truthfully I hate it, should be on antis for depression, but I have my dogs,Brexit is a killer for Spain,and not owning anything is truly a bonus, renting is so damned cheap now  30% cheaper to rent,give me nervous breakdown to see house prices plummeting

  7. 1 hour ago, teddog said:

    I'm not beating this drum to death(again)   Couple of things to consider...illness?  get to hell out of it  India?...accident..same -same...or the proverbial in the woodpile, the thing that trumps all stroke/heart attack here at BTS ,or wherever.

     Have to do the numbers game here, .stroke? third die instantly(insurance wasted)  third recover, but out of it in reality (insurance wasted there too} ...heart attack?  preventative  medicine comes in here... India   Heart Echo, stress testing, executive health check up...anything and everything connected to wellbeing, that little lot in Thailand in the region of 50,000 baht , India? couple of thousand..    heart by-pass in India costing about the same as heart check up in Thailand..


    ...and of course not forgetting a fine needle aspiration,    there for that long existing cyst....yes 40,000 baht here in Thailand  179 baht there in India 


       Air fare?  flying season there soon,there and back,Calcutta for 3000 ish, now?5500 Baht      not forgetting  hearing aids     teef, everything and everything in first world environment (hospitals ,that is)


      Yes Sheryl in my wallet I carry a card  ..'Not to be treated at a private hospital'

    ...and the one thing that trumps all,yes it does ,medivac, no insurance ,never will have,but that alone provided by past employment is worth a kings ransom,nobody but nobody will have that included on their insurance,no matter how much they pay,that is worth more to me , especially here in Thailand than any amount of worthless medical insurance, and even if I did not have that,need to know the airlines that would be sympathetic to stretcher,maimed passenger and how much a nominated member of flight crew would be charging for accompanied member

  8. I'm not beating this drum to death(again)   Couple of things to consider...illness?  get to hell out of it  India?...accident..same -same...or the proverbial in the woodpile, the thing that trumps all stroke/heart attack here at BTS ,or wherever.

     Have to do the numbers game here, .stroke? third die instantly(insurance wasted)  third recover, but out of it in reality (insurance wasted there too} ...heart attack?  preventative  medicine comes in here... India   Heart Echo, stress testing, executive health check up...anything and everything connected to wellbeing, that little lot in Thailand in the region of 50,000 baht , India? couple of thousand..    heart by-pass in India costing about the same as heart check up in Thailand..


    ...and of course not forgetting a fine needle aspiration,    there for that long existing cyst....yes 40,000 baht here in Thailand  179 baht there in India 


       Air fare?  flying season there soon,there and back,Calcutta for 3000 ish, now?5500 Baht      not forgetting  hearing aids     teef, everything and everything in first world environment (hospitals ,that is)


      Yes Sheryl in my wallet I carry a card  ..'Not to be treated at a private hospital'

  9. Just now, Sheryl said:

    We have been through this before Teddog. The idea that you will always be able to fly to India for your health care needs is simply not realistic. The biggest ticket items hit suddenly and often leave you incapable of speaking let alone arranging to fly anywhere and you would not be fit to fly.


    Again, speaking from experience having helped a  lot of people wanting to fly back to their home countries (or fly an incapacited ill relative back). It is frought with difficulties and also extremely expensive.


    Elective procedures for someone fit enough to fly, sure.  But keel over at the BTS stop with a massive stroke or heart attack, or get totaled by a car,  and you will wake up already in massive debt and unfit to travel. Happens all the time.

    Well I just hope I do not end up in a private hospital...for their sake   Thanks Sheryl   ..end of ..  'bye  love you too  xxx

  10. Just now, Sheryl said:

    For those who do not have much in the way of assets, they  are also buying:


    • Not having to end up in a hospital that won't discharge you (or release your body as the case may be) because your bill is unpaid
    • Not having to go on hands and knees begging to every relative, near and far, that you have or otherwise becoming a huge burden to them
    • Not having to go on "gofundme" begging strangers to help you (or your survivors) out of a mess you could and should have prevented
    • Not having to sign a installment plan repayment contract that will leave you in sever poverty for years and years - or force you to flee Thailand and never return because you couldn't make the payments (and they WILL file charges and alert immigration)

    Every single one of the above things has happened, multiple times, to expats here.  I have seen horror story after horror story and that is why I harp on the subject.


    200K will barely cover an appendectomy in a private hospital, and for really catastrophic accidents or events bills in govt hospitals can easily reach 2-3 million.


    As mentioned before, self insurance is fine if done properly. That means minimum 3 million baht, preferrably 5,  put aside or in liquid assets you are prepared to use, plus a plan for what you will do when that amount is gone, because don't forget that with insurance even after a maximum claim, you are still insured for future events. With self-insurance, once it is gone, it's gone. Basically the only people who can do this are wealthy people. For them it may indeed make sense to take the gamble (assuming they are OK with risk of losing  millions of baht). Odds are that they'll come out ahead but they also may not, it is a roll of the dice. The older you are when you start that gamble the more likely you are to lose.


    Ironically in my experience wealthy people tend to be more risk adversive and prudent. It's those who are completely without a viable plan for coping with it who seem to go for this sort of risk.







    All that assumes Sheryl you wish to stay in Thailand receiving treatment   Planning is of the essence  here I agree,and part of the planning is to get the hell out of Thailand ASAP to receive that treatment, choosing the airline that will do the short hop,or even the long hop at a more than reasonable price, and yes I have planned for the ultimate trip.   As for cancer,cataract treatment, that part is pre planned elective surgery, it sure as hell would not be in Thailand, and finally body not released?  well laughingly that is debatable...anyway Im off for a swim,gotta keep as fit as possibly can

  11. Just now, tonray said:

    You should start a Medical Tourism company for Thai based expats. You can pilot a raft across the Indian Ocean because there is less risk than not having coverage.

    20 or so years out of the UK  no cover, now a positive saving there, a massive one Id say, an ever increasing one too,get to 60  or even 65   now see if the same reasoning is still there

  12. Just now, tonray said:

    People tend to look at insurance the wrong way, you are not buying health procedure coverage, you are buying protection for your savings and assets. If you have nothing and are over 65, then perhaps not having insurance makes sense. But if you have any large assets, house, condo, savings accounts in the millions of baht....you are protecting them from complete wipeout from an illness that probability says you are likely to be felled by as you age.


    Yeah...I would love to have an extra 6 or 7000 baht a month for wine and steaks and whatever..but then I would be risking an entire life's hard work by being careless now.


    Would cost one hell of a lot more than 6 to 7 thousand to get good cover,one hell of a lot more,and if looking at total wipe out through illness then yes,it's total ,no matter how much coverage you have, medivac no help because it's not there.

      2 hours away from the finest and cheapest medical procedures the world can offer, hundreds of 000s flock there from the world over, and here we are just 2 hours away from it and stuck in an overpriced rip off of a medical joint.  Stick with it

  13. 2 hours ago, JLCrab said:

    So with 3 years of self-insuring one might have saved about 200,000 baht and then if you have a 200,000 baht procedure you are back at zero.

    People on the Insurance forum for years have said 'Well I didn't buy insurance and now I am way ahead of the game." Well OK you didn't get real sick. If you don't want to buy it, don't buy it -- to me there are benefits to having medical insurance that are not strictly 'Well what could I have saved each year on premiums and what would the procedure cost if I pay out of pocket.'

    But you are not self- insured -- you just don't have any insurance.


    With a 200,000 procedure, it sure would not be buying very much, .not in Thailands private hospitals,and .medical insurance would not provide the one thing that you would really need   medivac.  Its a complete nonsense insurance in thailand, scalped alive financially, by the hospital, and those hefty medical insurance instalments would be a headache too far  'peace of mind' medical cover would give you manic depression financially. cannot afford it?clear off back home,or go to India

  14. 2 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    I dont base my decision on never getting sick, I base it on the fact that the premiums quoted to me don't make sense in terms of the medical issues I  could statistically, more likely face.   For example, on most quotes, after only 3 years of self insuring, I could  with the same money saved , finance a triplet heart bypass at any of the Bangkok private hospitals..  Whether  anyone  other than me actually saves that money or not is another question.  My friend, having paid into a insurance scheme here, had a stroke while on holiday in the UK and sadly died  in the UK NHS system.  The only winner there was the insurance people.  Had it happened  in BKK,  his estate would still have been the poorer in terms of the premiums he had paid over the years.  


    Yes heart by-pass, subject all too familiar   50 to75000 baht  98% success rate...India

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  15. 2 hours ago, Sheryl said:


    It does not require any special future telling abilities to know that you could have a serious accident at any time. And if aged over say 55, could also have a stroke or heart attack at any time, ditto develop cancer or any of a number of other serious conditions. And pretty much certain that as you age you will develop cataracts, and sooner or later a number of other non life threatening things that if not treated, will seriously compromise your quality of life.



      Of course these things happen,and a whole lot more,it all comes down to planning, what happens if accident, cancer,cataracts develop,where to go,what to do?  ..but I sure ain't paying an outright fortune on medical insurance hedging against events that can and will be dealt with at the appropriate time

  16. Too true, seems one set of Bs chasing another set of Bs, private hospitals wringing everything they can from insurance companies,who in turn screw the punter for all hes worth. Never had medical insurance never will, pressured into thoughts that xyz may happen,undoubly never will, accident insured if young enough, but the govt. hospitals are not that bad for stability until plan abc can be put into place

    On 8/10/2017 at 7:15 PM, Pilotman said:

    I agree.  Its a bit of a culture shock to see the quotes for someone my age (69).  It just doesn't  make economic sense to insure, unless of course you can foretell the future and see the need. 


  17. 1 hour ago, giddyup said:

    Did you have Holep in India or Thailand? 35,000 baht seems pretty cheap anywhere.

    India actually, used to live there , have more confidence in the place, standard rate throughout, looked at another hospital afterwards, doing it for 23 000. West coast, major cities will be more, Chennai,and Bangalore probably less

  18. Hell, I must be a Cheap Charlie...35 000  baht, yes I had Holep too,but my prostate was huge, estimate 170 grammes ,was140 7 years before , giving grief  but the bigger the more problems apparently and recovery delayed too. 5 days I spent in the hospital and the catheter was painful, asked for morphine,offered strips, but was withdrawn just after asking, total focus on the bag of piss hanging from bed   dark red ,light red then orange,thank God

      Almost want to be ill with those prices,64 slice MRI 150 baht?.  Anyway I'm over there soon enough  5500 baht return Calcutta,all my cancer scans... I asked Gavin about prices here in Thailand  40,000 baht for a FNA exercise, pinned the same procedure to 179 baht there

  19. 3 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    Nice villages in the proximity of the Crocodile Farm, northern Nongprue/southern Nongplalai with plenty rentals available. Only 15 minutes from downtown Pattaya, (10 minutes from Naklua) and 1 hour-and-a-bit to the big airport via the Highway 7 spur or 35 minutes to U-Tapao. Recently ended a 3 year tenancy on a 3-bed/2-bath villa, approx 170 sq. meters in a nice quiet village, partly (but adequately) furnished and was 16k/month. Village has pool and half-decent security, good garbage collection, top of a hill, never floods, loads of water pressure and no need for any water to be brought in as pretty much all the houses have storage of some sorts.


    google Phonthep Garden Ville. They have at least 8 villages now.

    Hell  NanLaew  thought you would be in the 80,000 baht plus region ...but thanks

  20. My 3 year tenancy ends soon, I live in Naklua at the moment and looking for somewhere close,darkside inc.but not all the way to the lake,2/3 bedroom detached, not pool villa,with a yard in region of 20 000ish,furnished/partly .


      Yes plenty around ,but one advert struck me while ago,in sight of BKK hospital ,large aquarium inc ....if the poster PMs me would be good,go look see

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