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Posts posted by teddog

  1. 7 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    There must be some mistake there. A TURP in a government hospital would not cost anything near that, in fact no surgery in a government hospital costs anything like that unless expensive imported equipement/supplies are involved (e.g; stents, titanium screws etc). Was this perhaps  for robotic surgery?


    A simple (non-laparoscopic) TURP in a government hospital would usually be closer to 20,000 baht. Lapasoscopic, at least double that. Still nowhere near 100k let alone 200+.


    But for robotic, possible it is as high as 250K.


    Sheryl, there have been many threads on this particular subject as you well know, it would be magnificent if surgery was as low as you state, but another thread few months ago,the poster must have trawled govt. hospitals for answers and that was the figure he stated,anyway up to whoever,  I intended India regardless         If the poster (above) is still experiencing pain after catheter removal I would ask the doc about sub meatal whatever, end of the cock collects scar tissue needs unblocking (now that hurts)  530 baht (click and its all over)

  2. 18 hours ago, mikedee said:

    How different was my biopsy story at the Government Hospital in Udon Thanni.


    I was diagnosed as having BPH 3 years ago when I had to attend the hospital as I was unable to urinate following a birthday binge the night before. I was fitted with a catheter and bag, put on Avodart. I went back a month later and the catheter was removed. In the afternoon I had to return as I was unable to urinate again. The process was repeated and I went back one month later and the catheter was removed . Happily I was able to urinate as normal and kept up the Advodart medication and had my PSA checked every year. Knowing my prostate was alcohol intolerant I cut out the alcohol except for the occasional beer shandy.

    This year the PSA test went from 5.5 to 10.2 and the doctor recommended a prostate biopsy.

    Not wishing to endure the biblical size crowds to see the Urologist on his Wednesday surgery at  the hospital I visited his private clinic. He checked his commitments and made a date for August 2nd 2017. Some 2 months ahead.

    The Biopsy

    I arrived at  the hospital at 7pm The initial paperwork was done. Weight and blood pressure recorded and then onto the X-Ray department for a chest X-ray. Up to the ward and an ECG was carried out. A blood sample was given for a PSA test and I was issued with a ID band, a bottle of antiseptic mouth wash and shower gel and a DIY enema kit.

    After a  change into hospital garments and a visit to the bathroom I was ready for bed.

    A line was hooked up and I slept soundly.

    Next morning about 10 o'clock I was collected and taken to the operating theatre. Several verbal checks were made outside to ensure I was the correct patient for the correct procedure and I was wheeled in.

    Once on the table the Anesthetist introduced herself and a mask was put over my nose and mouth and the last I remember was my hospital bottoms being removed and my legs being maneuvered into position.

    I woke up in the recovery room and my first instinct was that the  biopsy had not taken place. No pain and no blood.

    Back at the ward I was hooked up to a line again and this was alternated with a second anti-biotic bottle.

    My first urination and I was almost relieved to see some blood in the urine meaning the biopsy had taken place! Still no pain or discomfort.

    A boring day in bed and the next day the Urologist come to see me. He confirmed he had taken 12 samples and I was free to return home.

    An appointment was made one week later at his clinic for the biopsy report.

    The discharge protocol was carried out,  the medication collected and the bill paid. 6600 Baht.

    My wife had ridden my motorbike down and I drove us the 25 Kilometers home.

    Happily the results were all clear. The only problem being when the 7 day antibiotic tablets were finished I had some pain and difficulty urinating. Fortunately this coincided with my appointment and the Urologist gave me a further course.

    However the Urologist could only offer TURP as a procedure for BPH but with cancer out of the picture I have time to see what other options are available. Incidentally I am 74 years old




    TURP can be equally as bloodletting as HOLEP, depends on how much needs chopping away. Last quote govt hospital (prob TURP) was 265,000 baht,(not my provided figures), private hospital ,where HOLEP might exist many times more than that, depends which way the wind is blowing for quote, even then it's not fixed...Id say spend just over 5000 baht plus visa fee  and save 230,000 baht on govt, estimate and God knows what on private hospital quote and have far better experience, yes in india

  3. 1 hour ago, simon43 said:

    Teddog, can you please give a very brief summary of your typical food and drink consumption in a day?

    • Never have drunk or ate much in a day, brekkie?cup coffee couple rounds of toast, afternoon whatever special at the restaurant, maybe 2 bottles of beer, that's it, but weight has mushroomed lately, starve it off  OK, weight comes down quickly, but life's for living and hate permanent starvation.  Idea of banding sounds OK .  People around me eat/drink much more but wafer thin, it is metabolism ,I'm sure of that, but kick starting it would be nice, but drastic measures called for now  ,was up to 2 kilometers a half hour swimming up until a year or so ago, but old age creeping up on me now, calm it down now
  4. Yes I know the too fat forum, but looking at surgical rather than diet.   Could look at picture of chocolate bar and put 2kg on,my metabolism is completely shot through, been like this for a while,weight never comes off,gym,too damned hard, takes 20 mins to get HR up over 140 by then I'm knackered,swimming an utter waste of time,but I do it just for exercise,now going nuclear and looking at gut reduction. A relatively cheap and simple surgery and hopefully successful one , anybody been in same boat/had it done?

  5. 6 hours ago, hyku1147 said:

    I caught 2 Bangkok Hospital Pattaya doctors trying to rip me off. They told me that my sinuses were being eaten away, and that I must have emergency surgery. My bs alarm went off, I got a second opinion at Chiang Mai Ram Hospital, and my suspicions were confirmed. It turned out that I had a persistent common cold.

    I just do not believe this, there is no way,no way at all on gods given earth would anyone,especially doctors,and at that BKK hospital doctors would stoop so low

  6. On 8/8/2017 at 2:39 PM, scubascuba3 said:
    On 8/8/2017 at 1:09 PM, n210mp said:

    The costs of all the tests I had  in Thailand would have been more than the costs of the amount I paid in airfare  to BA so economically I feel that the trip was well worth it and  justified.
    A bonus being that I was understood and could ask questions relevant to the problem
    Teddogs point about the low cost of going to India is also of interest and maybe he  could enlighten me a bit more on that matter?
    Once again thanks for both posts and  info, maybe  India could be a distinct possibility ?

    Teddog has mentioned India treatment before but provides little usable detail. A thread dedicated to India medical treatment would be helpful

     Yes good comment,would be good to have a viable thread offering alternative to medical care for hard up farang in Thailand,keep a lot more farang here than making a bolt for home when the doctor comes a'calling, keeps the pressure off govt. hospitals too,  the shysters in private hospital's might object though


      Incident a while ago in foremost private hospital Pattaya ,patient went ballistic,wiped the floor with hospital staff and doctors at treatment received and billing. The story did the rounds well, was passing comment in Pattaya rag about this particular incident.

      Had a couple of run-ins with them few years ago, gullible and stupid walked into one(yes the one) after trip to Yellowstone,walking pneumonia ,ICU  no doctor came for 12 hours,just got worse, (probably as they wanted)  stripped off the pads got dressed and asked to see director, half hour or so ,cops threatened from either side was asked how much I wanted to pay  ha ha, other time skin check up,told the doc he was lying back of the ear of course  escorted out of hospital


  7. Orthopaedics is one thing Indias are particularly good at, I know,  two procedures over the years there, for knee

     A Yank sailorjon, was having trouble, money too ,charges at the damned private hospital are without doubt problematic, went over to India for treatment a while ago  'fear of life' got a bit irate at suggestion of going home,not been on since, wonder how he's getting on

     Leave you mrs at home if going over, bit daunting for Thai women, but sure is eye opener when in the hospital there and no one to take care    Ill try and guide you with few suggestions when time comes near.   Just about to move ,or I would be going over too in next few weeks, want my bowel cancer/skin/down the throat scans done too

  8. Just now, billd766 said:


    I bought my first house in the UK at age 40 by commuting 15 years of my pension to get the deposit. I paid 30,000 back in 1984 and sold it in July 1987 for 62,000 and bought another 3 bed house for 72,000. By December my second house was worth over 100,000. By mid 1988 it was worth about 55,000 and I was in negative equity for several years.


    Check out the mortgage interest rates both here




    and here (the historical rates) especially between 1987 and 1990 and compare it with todays rates above.




    In 1988 I was on about 12,500 basic with overtime (about 15 hours a week) and my RAF pension of 190 a month.


    It took me until 1991 to get out of negative equity.

    ..and it will be taken away from you to pay for old nags home

  9. 1 hour ago, joeyg said:

    In Naklua properties appear to be selling at full price or nearly full price from the investigations I've been doing. It really is a nice area, location, location, location.

    new one on me, Im in heart of Naklua,up market estate and cannot sell for love or money, everything(virtually for rent/sale)  nothing doing.

      That monster Pattaya Posh in Naklua is wiped out as far as I can see,hardly anybody there,  possibly 10% sold,anyway your own post a couple of hours ago gives the game away '70% empty'  that sounds really good.  You are not looking at future purchases but blight,the developers are not going to be picking up the tab for maintenance indefinitely


  10. 2 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:
    3 hours ago, n210mp said:
    Thanks for your post.
    I just didn't have any confidence in the Doctor at Sirikit but that is not the point
    The doctors actually did have different diagnosis in that the UK Doctor identified the right eye as the one that I have had a major vision loss in as the one with the worst Cataract that needed an immediate operation but in fairness to the Lady Doctor becasue the cataract in the right eye was/is maturing  so very quickly, then  at the time of her diagnosis the left eye could have been  actually and in fact worse at the time of here examination. 
    But she didn't refer me to an Ophthalmic neurologist, instead asking me to make another appointment for a month later.
    In the UK hospital at A&E I had all the tests in under 3 hours  including the  CT scan and also a referral to the eye Doctor, within another 3 hours I also had a diagnosis and a treatment plan. 
    The costs of all the tests I had  in Thailand would have been more than the costs of the amount I paid in airfare  to BA so economically I feel that the trip was well worth it and  justified.
    A bonus being that I was understood and could ask questions relevant to the problem
    The Eye Doctor seemed to be very much on top of his job and I felt very confident in him, the equipment in the first  A & E hospital, as in the eye hospital seemed to be brand new  and apart from the waiting list I feel very elated and pleased with the outcome .
    As to the operation I have an appointment again in two weeks with the eye Doctor and if the waiting time is still the same will consider returning to Thailand to maybe one of the rural Military hospitals for the operation, Having said that, there is also waiting lists in Thailand for cataracr removal so it could be that I would have to wait longer.
    Teddogs point about the low cost of going to India is also of interest and maybe he  could enlighten me a bit more on that matter?
    Once again thanks for both posts and  info, maybe  India could be a distinct possibility ?

    Teddog has mentioned India treatment before but provides little usable detail. A thread dedicated to India medical treatment would be helpful

    That would be more than useful,a pinned topic,but at what amounts to a repeated exercise, again and again ,and  I have been warned about providing lists for medical matters and charges, yes at 1/80th even 1/160th of Thailand charges (fna) India is a superb choice.  All I suggest is whatever you are looking for  (eye)  go to google 'eye hospital 'Calcutta (nearest point)  5000 baht return 2 hours away, ...and start from there   do know the prices and may dig some out, but look up too' mediconnect calcutta'  or anywhere really  ,but Calcutta is nearest

     Was asked to name surgeon there when I had prostate reduction surgery there few month ago, all I can answer is how the hell would I know, with 18 urology surgeons operating,All I knew head of Dept, prof Nellis,head surgeon Dr Dixit ,and only white man there, was huge training hosp   35 000 baht 5 days in patient,cost here in Thailand no doubt half a million ,utterly superb...but you are not going there just for that  executive  health check up 19000 baht here   700 baht there...colonoscopy  up to 32000 here   400 baht there   and so on...open heart surgery just over 50.000         Hospital was  KLES Belguam India   about 6 hours from Goa     Bit like comparing a rowing boat with a battleship  Thailand is a mere backwater

  11. 12 minutes ago, tonray said:

    not really a sound plan but one can make their own choices in life.

    ..and the sound plan would be letting the white coated shysters in private hospitals laying into you?.  Yes Yes Yes coerced and frightened into laying out ever more money into 'peace of mind'medical insurance here in' rip off El Centro.'  Im lucky anyhow, past employment would scoop me up and mediflight back 'ome,without that  I still would not be coerced into fees the medical issuers were after   no damned way

    • Sad 1
  12. Just now, tonray said:

    I'm old so no real choice. Have Bupa now but will likely switch to Cigna Global. Double the premium but much better coverage. Can't risk everything at my age 59

    1. Well IM 71 (almost)   s'pose in rude health, all I need is emergency e visa for India, AA flight ,if bedridden AI flight,and fixed up pronto.  Govt. hospitals here are that bad,for stability then 2 hour flight,done it before in emergency..all fine and dandy
  13. 13 minutes ago, tonray said:

    Oh Christ, last thing I need is an American insurer in Thailand... They know all the tricks of how not to pay off. 

    Too true,  if youngish in good health medical insurance is relatively cheap,those ever increasing years, old age ,too many minor claims etc.threatens,then its kaput for medical insurance unless of course a sharp intake of breath every month when it comes to coughing up another large slice of income for peace of mind

      Of course things may happen,but im not insuring through the nose,not here in Thailand

  14. On 7/24/2017 at 10:10 AM, bert bloggs said:

    I cant believe that anyone living outside the UK would pretend that they did live there , 

    A vpn will put you anywhere in the world,with a skype phone number putting you into the UK  and a request for anything from .gov.uk with NI number inc  proves you are still in the UK and alive  and  Bobs your uncle

  15. Pity you had to go back to the UK to be told that, when you already knew, but yes the cost here in Thailand is high,far too high for likes of me.  Always ,but always go to India, couple of hours away,5 thousand baht return, even go over when I get a sneezing fit , better,and almost as cheap (its free) as NHS UK


      Anyway I'm probably having eye correction at eye hospital there in India soon, as well as a screw in tooth,did enquire about cataracts too in case I need treatment  10,000 baht   My best to Lancs and Southport in particular

  16. The company owned house,will, in essence, be a farang owned house, easy target for Thai authorities who want to make life difficult for farang,not much at the moment, but that can be increased as time goes by, potential  is enough to make decisions on buy/not buying. Another is electric and water , domestic rate or industry rate as it is a (trading) company

  17. Just now, bkk6060 said:

    I shopped around for this and was told no warranty on used bikes.

    I ended up buying a new (Click) one much happier as the used ones all seemed a little road weary.

    Clicks are OK  step through making a hell of a good difference, 125 cc, but just one rear spring,  may get one  when my second-hand bike, bought 6 years ago ,an Elegance,  bites the dust  60 odd thousand miles and still going strong, look after it though  oil changes etc

  18. Just now, topt said:

    Is that a manufacturers recommendation and is it really needed or dependant on mileage?


    The reason I  ask is that (other than first 2 years)  the bike I am using for the last 7 years maybe gets oil changed once per year if that............

    Now that is quite alright, as long as your mileage is not more that say...100 miles per year.

      Its cheap oil change, maybe 300 baht with filter.......do air filter too  ,check it anyhow, gas usage shoots up if blocked

  19. Just now, JamJar said:


    What kind of nonsense post is that?


    Apart from the fact that it is of no assistance whatsoever, as it is totally lacking in detail, it is horrible advice anyway.


    Not unlike advising that it is better to buy from a travelling salesman, than an established shop that has their own equipment, does their work in-house and guarantees their work.


    What happens when you need to have a check up or remedial work at a time to suit you? You either have to travel to where that implantologist is working or wait until they are down your way again. Even then, you are at the mercy of whatever equipment is available at that particular dental practice. Some of them don't even have 3D scanners necessary for dental implants and send you off to a hospital to get that done..

    Terrible suggestion in every way.



    Implantologist you think will be permanently there,?think again


       Maybe one/twice a month he rolls into dental sugery,yes Im thinking,  get a few patients together,forx ray  then travelling bag comes out  

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