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About habanero

  • Birthday 02/03/1960

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    Texas / Thailand

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  1. All I've seen is a photo of a bunch of cover sheets. Anyone can get them.
  2. It is nothing but vote buying.
  3. Why do you assume it has to do with national security. Because the media says so? Why does Trump want the affidavits release un-redacted? Maybe because there is another hoax in the works? If Trump had anything to hide he would not want everything out in the open. It is the government that is trying to hide things.
  4. It doesn't matter how many time you purchase one. The first time or the 100th time. If buy legally from a legitimate firearms dealer, you are subject to a background check.
  5. Really? Every time I purchase a firearm and do a background check, I am investigated by the FBI.
  6. What would you suggest? That the Republicans support Biden? You have a better chance of having lunch with the Pope!
  7. 81+ million votes and less than 30% of the publics support. Plus 74% of Democrats don't want him to run again. Something doesn't add up.
  8. Or you can do like Hillary did. "I had no idea what the C stood for on those documents".
  9. Why is the Hill the only news agency reporting this? CNN or Fox not reporting this as of 5 minutes ago.
  10. What are you talking about? You are facing it now. All it will take is just the thought that another election is rigged. All hell will break loose. Remember, it's the "Deplorables", that have most of the guns. Just to be clear, I am not encouraging such a thing. I just happen to live where people are ready to explode.
  11. That is the stupid mistake the ignorant make. Talking when it is in your best interest to be silent and let your attorneys do the talking. The 5th amendment was written for a reason. The smart people use it. I would never talk to the police either, even though I am completely innocent.
  12. With that comment, you fall right in with them then.

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