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Posts posted by gguy

  1. Just a warning about the Minor company, I ate at one of their rest. and requested my credit card bill in baht. They issued me a CC bill with the baht converted to USD at a very bad exchange rate. I lost about 5% of the bill due to the lousy exchange rate.

    They refused to reverse the transaction.

    Minor owns Sizzler, Pizza Co., and a whole lot of other rest. and hotels in Thailand.

  2. "460B.

    NO ++ PRICING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    So I should think. 460B (nearly GBP10) is already a very high price indeed.

    You can do the seafood lunch buffet at the Hilton for less.

    Ribs are fairly expensive at most places. The ribs were very high quality, very meaty with little fat.

  3. I tried the new BBQ rest. on Soi Lenkee next to China Garden and Jolly Friar.


    Had full rack of ribs (hot and very tasty), corn (disappointing--cold), cole slaw (good), onion rings (excellent).

    Started with free chips and salsa (good)

    Rack costs 460B.

    Rest offers chicken, pork sandwiches, mexican food, steaks, and thai food.

    NO ++ PRICING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I live on South Pattaya Road. I have been seeing more and more people sleeping on the street. I counted 5 people on my way home from Walking Street last night. I remember seeing one or two occasionally but the number seems to be going upward.

    How is the homeless problem in other areas?

  5. I tried the taco Tuesday promotion today, and it was, to me, just ok.

    The positives were the staff was pleasant, though a bit green, and the decor and atmosphere was nice. The salsa bar is a great idea.

    The food was disappointing, I'm sorry to say. It was edible, but could be so much better with a few key improvements.

    1) The soft corn tortillas are too gritty and were not cooked well. Good corn tortillas have a soft, pleasant texture that Sunrises' tacos lacked. The ones you buy at Foodland are better by far.

    2) Big chunks of pineapple were put on the Al Pastor tacos and they overpowered the taco. In addition, the meat was not as soft as it should be, the chunks were too big and it was under sauced. Minus the pineapple chunks (which I learned to place on the side for dessert) and plus some of their nice hottest salsa (which was just hot, not super hot) and the al pastor taco was ok with the only remaining complaint being the unpleasant texture of the undercooked gritty tortilla.

    The best tacos I had were the crispy taco with ground beef filling. The ground beef was underseasoned, but with the addition of salsa, it was fairly tasty. The grittiness of the taco shells was less noticeable, I assume because of the crisping process, but the shells fell apart and it was difficult to eat. Not a big problems--reminded me of a Taco Bell taco, though not quite as good.

    Overall, I'm disappointed. Would I go back? Maybe, but I wouldn't make a special trip.

    I tried the taco special. I have to agree with these comments. Not enough cheese. Pricing ++ for sour cream.

    I will not return for food at these prices.

  6. I think its a delibarate strategy by the owner to keep you in suspense! He did the same with the China Garden which also took ages to really open :blink:

    I think I can live with BBQ for awhile.

    BTW, any recent reports on how the food is going at China Garden? The last time I ate there, there was some kind of soap opera with the head chef going on. Latest gossip please! Or more importantly, is the food delicious now?

    I posted on the Chinese restaurant thread, the food is good UK style Chinese but the portions are tiny just under 500 baht for a meal that didn't even fill me and I don't have a large appetite.

    The portions are much smaller. But they look bigger because they keep using smaller and smaller plates.

  7. .

    I tried the Tuesday & Friday all-you-can-eat feed. We arrived expecting a crowd - wrong! - only 3 customers.

    Took 10 minutes to get a Margarita while the bartender stood around doing nothing - probably the order had to be placed into an automated system before he could swing into action. No complimentary chips and salsa, like most Mexican restaurants provide.

    Tacos are all single item order, not three per order like their regular menu-- but they don't tell you that, nor do they mention the salsa-bar unless you ask. Tacos were all soft-flour, not the corn chip type.

    Tacos were OK, but not extraordinary. Have had better in Southern California. Once you dress them up with guacamole, salsa, and sour cream, they're not bad. Took 20 minutes to get the first order. You can try up to 5 different types of Taco - The Baja-Fish was my favorite.

    Since they compound the 10% + 7% additional charges, the total equals a 17.7% add-on, or almost 18%. If you think that 500 Baht (or US$16) is fair for an all-you-can-eat deal (including two Margaritas), then that's your place. Service was good, but would be nice if the wait-staff had something better to do than stand around staring at you as if they had never seen foreigners before . . . :)


    sounds too expensive for me. good place for the wealthy elite.

    villa and friendship sell frozen mexican food. fairly tasty. 120 for a bag of 4 burritos plus sour cream and salsa a good meal for under 200B. NO ++ GARBAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. It seems most western restaurants have raised prices by 15 to 25% in past couple of months. Probably a combination of high season and flooding problems.

    The bars on Walking Street keep raising prices. A bottle of beer is about 125 Baht.

    Rents and utilities have remained stable, at least of now.

    I don't know how retired people make it.

  9. I have not eaten at Loaf's. I was buying some 50% off goods Wed. night and saw the pizza.

    Looked like good selection.

    Crust looked sort of iffy. Little cheese and toppings.

    Good choice if you like Loaf's crust.

  10. I have an imac with applecare. I noticed 6 distinct stuck pixels within a square inch. The pixels seem to work but give a slightly different shade of color under pixel tests.

    Does anyone know Thailand applecare's policy on pixels?

    I purchased my imac from the Thailand online store.

  11. I was shopping at Villa and on the way home, I stopped at the Pattaya Expats booth to pick up the free older editions of Neil's rag.

    A mad man ran out of the Starbucks and accused me of stealing newspapers. I listened to his rant for about 10 minutes and then told the anus hole that he could get free old newspapers in front of the Expats booth.

    He was about 50 years old with white hair.

    He seems very dangerous. I would avoid the area.

  12. I also have a Panasonic plasma that's hooked up to Sophon Cable.

    Picture is quite good, considering the source.

    Have actually had a few visitors comment on "how good" Sophon looks on my set...

    Agree with Darrel, that you should test the new set in store before deciding.

    When I picked up mine, I was set on an LCD. However a very good salesman pointed out, that plasmas generally are better for analog cable TV.

    So he showed me a few sets side by side, plasmas and LCDs, hooked up to analog cable. It was not a difficult choice after that.

    On the plus side, the plasma I picked up was cheaper than the comparable LCDs.

    It also does 1080p and the picture is stunning, when hooked up to my computer, for watching higher quality content.

    I visited several stores and they said no Sophon cable to test. Will look at plasma tvs.

    Any stores with sophon cable to test TV???????

  13. My old analog TV just died. I use Sophon cable.

    What does Sophon cable look like on a new digital TV?

    I am thinking that an analog signal to a digital TV would produce bad reception.

    I am thinking that buying a new analog TV might be the best idea.

    I don't think Sophon will go digital any time this decade.

  14. Looking for a good lawyer in Pattaya with excellent real estate law and financing experience.

    Recently acquired 6 condos foreign name and am selling for below market price with 20 year 7% financing with 30% down.

    I have sold 4 of the units and have strong interest in 2 remaining.

    Need attorney with knowledge of thai real estate financing.

  15. I recently made an offer on six rental properties that a neighbor owns.

    I have subsequently discovered that:

    1. all six are currently vacate

    2. the neighbor's retirement visa has expired because he lacks the 800K in bank

    3. condo association has issued notice to cut off utilities because of failure to paid annual fees on six units

    4. neighbor recently let his cleaning lady go

    5. noticed neighbor has a broken tooth and has not seen dentist.

    I initially offered about 20% of what I thought the units were worth. I am thinking about amending my offer so that my offering price would decrease every week.

    Any other negotiating suggestions?

  16. I do not understand the issues you have.

    This is a five month bond, after that you can easily move it to wherever you want to. If you need the money before you can get it with no fuss, you will be paid the prevailing savings account interest. After five months the bank has to do something, and by default they will put it on a three month deposit. And?

    There is no "chain" to be broken. Absolute nonsense.

    The requirement is 800,000 in one or more bank accounts (MM funds not allowed, but fixed deposits and savings are fine) for three months prior to renewal. That is all immigration are interested in.

    The only real issue you have mentioned is the requirement to visit the branch where the money is deposited. This is a small nuisance, I have to agree. But nothing insurmountable. In fact it is a pleasure to visit as the service is excellent and the staff very attractive.smile.gif

    According to the bank website, you receive no interest if you withdraw within the first three months. But you probably right and the website is WRONG.

    Another area you are right about is that you do not have to show the funds for retirement come from overseas. Thai immigration is wrong again.

  17. I visited my local Bangkok Bank Branch and asked about the 3.5% offer.

    The offer is a new account that pays 3.5% for 5 months and then the 3 month CD rate which is about 1.5%.

    It is very difficult to move your money. You have to personally visit your branch on the expiration to request the money. The money keeps being renewed for 3 months. I think you can get your money but you lose all the accrued interest.

    The bank is promoting this very hard. I was given three brochures when I entered the bank. The bank is definitely paying commissions on this product. I had all the paperwork filled out before I could find someone who spoke adequate English to explain the product. I passed and decide to keep my passbook at .75% interest.

    You should also beware if you use any or all the money for the 800,000 retirement visa. You may break the chain from overseas transfer to your Thai bank account.

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