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Everything posted by Daithi85

  1. If worst came to worst people can always jump ship and move to Cambodia for a while ,with flights back on its always an option.
  2. Why would it be bye bye?? Theres always a way to Stay in Thailand. Plenty of options. Just go visit a visa agent and they can sort something out... ????????????????
  3. I'd much rather be here in thailand during all this madness,than any where else. Chilling on a beach enjoying my days while the rest of the world is enjoying endless lockdowns. Life in Thailand is good for us farangatang. ????????????
  4. What was said was 80 percent of the cases coming back positive are omicron.
  5. Completly different situation, your friends were already in thailand and did not test positive for covid .if Thai people test positive on arrival they too have to go into quarantine. So throwing out that it's one rule for Thais and another for foreigners is not true.
  6. Similar to Ireland, population 5 million people yesterday over 20,000 cases. Ireland has one of the Highest vaccination rates in the world..
  7. Less restricted countries ??name a few south east Aisan countries with less restrictions ,I'd love to know incase I want a little holiday. Thanks.
  8. Maybe it's missing because that's not happening, every passenger on the plane is not been quarantined.
  9. They changed that policy already, not every one who tests positive is in 2 week quarantine .people with no symptoms isolate at home.
  10. The Imperial College once again, what is it with these guys and their constant doom and gloom??
  11. You obviously didn't do your research before throwing that comment out. Thailand got off to. A slow start alright but have now not only caught up but are now bettering Alot of countries.
  12. Big difference between then and now, then zero now this week pretty busy .
  13. Why post a picture of the airport that was taken during lockdown and try to make out its now??
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