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Everything posted by Daithi85

  1. You should check on bangkok hospitals website. The first 2 shots were upstairs in central shopping mall.
  2. There was tens of thousands of people who they would of had to put in jail,never going to happen, at that time Alot of people who panicked ended up paying crazy money to visa agents for volunteer visas. I definitely remeber the threats your talking about, me personally I was in full panic mode for sure .
  3. How many levels are there and what do they actually mean? What's the difference between level 3 and level 4?does anything change?
  4. The video tells a whole different story, the little nice tourist was out of control.
  5. I don't know about the booster but the First 2 shots being given out in Pattaya was done very well, credit where credit is due. Huge amount of nurses given the vaccines and very little waiting time, in and out within the hour.
  6. I think at the speed of which these covid numbers are going to sky rocket they'll be making decisions Alot sooner than 1 month.
  7. My friend was in bkk today got his extension but was also told last one, and that overstay would be 500 baht per day, no idea why they said that.
  8. How else would they cross? Pretty easily I'd say. You see on the new's every day that their crossing tru the rivers, and coming tru the jungle.
  9. People aren't crossing at a border, they cross iligealy,impossible to stop them all.
  10. 50,000 flu deaths? I thought the number of yearly flu deaths was Alot higher than that. It's Alot closer to 500,000 than 50,000.
  11. Very true, bars used to be fun and good times were had, now I wouldn't step foot inside of one, just walking past and looking in every one inside looks pretty miserable.pretty depressing.
  12. According to your previous comment your not in Pattaya, u said your friend in Pattaya told u foreigners aren't wearing masks. U also said you may have to quarantine coming into thailand. So how can u see if your not here?
  13. Why do you think you'd be quarantined if your only a close contact? I don't think that's the case. You'd be told to stay home and isolate, told to take a test and only quarantined if positive. That's my understanding anyway.
  14. Where are you getting all your information that expats are walking around with no masks? You also claim that all the foreigners in Pattaya are walking around mask less.... You should get a new informant because what u say is untrue.
  15. Can I ask you a question sir, you seem to get upset at the thought of anyone using covid extensions,how do feel about people living here on retirement visas who don't meet the financial requirements and pay a visa agent to sort there problem.?? The thought of that must cause u to have some serious nightmares. ????
  16. Don't worry buddy, thanks for the concern, but there's always a way. ????????
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