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Everything posted by kingkenny

  1. The reason is given in the new report, he was accused of offending one of the attackers father.
  2. You say elsewhere you only deal in facts, if you do deal in facts you would know that a pedophile would want a much lower age of consent as they have an interest in prepubescent children. You are referring to hebephilia or ephebophilia.
  3. I would have wrote squirts if that's what I meant, that said I did actually write squits but it must have autocorrected to squats. I guess squits is localized.
  4. its clear she has a mental illness, she thinks she is a man.
  5. investigation for what? Someone had the squats, tried to get to the bathroom and did't make it, I'm not sure why that needs an investigation. If it was a freshly curled out solid then that would be a different story.
  6. I don't need the permission, I show the divorce doc showing I have full custody. However when I flew out this time on Monday evening we all used the digital scanners, never even spoke to an IO, I could do this as I didn't need the re-entry permit this time. we've left and come back in a few times already now. I visited the MOFA and had all the docs certified, easy process really, could book my slot while I was there.
  7. Well, the same can be said of any report published on the forum, unless you witness it yourself it's all just a nonsense, oh, and Duh! 🙄 To use your rhetoric anyway, how do you know he didn't pull out a gun?
  8. When the report says 'he drew his gun', did you assume he took out a pencil and paper and did a sketch of it?
  9. You could talk a glass eye asleep.
  10. Is there an adult with you who can explain it to you? Let me try and explain it like I just explained it to my 9 year old, he understands it. It is in relation to his phone pinging near the airport, and the assumption that this would mean he is on his way to the airport. my response was to say it doesn't necessarily mean he is on his way to the airport, he could be in one of the many hotels near the airport, I highlighted this by saying as I live near the airport my phone would also be pinged many times a day near the airport, that does not mean I am going to the airport. There you go, explained in the way even a 9 year old could understand, although he also understood my initial post. It's strange that you're the only one that didn't understand it. 😏
  11. Jesus wept, it's a figure of speech. I live near the airport so if the phone company checks it then it would ping my location near the airport every day, it doesn't mean I am at the airport or going to the airport. Any more silly questions?
  12. My phone pings every day near the airport, I live nearby. it proves nothing, there are hotels all around here. Of course one would assume he was on his way to the airport if he had a flight due.
  13. An update on this. I went to MOFA, found someone there that would do the translations required, booked online for the same day to submit the documents. Paid and handed the receipt to the translator who collected the stamped docs a few days later and sent them to me by EMS. No cost for the EMS or the collection. Total translation cost for 2 x birth certificates (The translations I already had were rejected by MOFA as being incorrect) 1 x divorce certificate, 1 x document showing the terms of divorce etc. Total paid the translator was 1500 THB. This obviously doesn't include the stamp fees paid directly to MOFA. I was only required to pay after she collected the stamped docs from MOFA. I had emailed a company in Trendy for a cost for translation, they came back (a few days after everything was completed) with 900 THB per page, more than double what I paid in MOFA. There is no official translator in MOFA but the staff there directed me to lady standing not far away named Am who had the translations done within the hour, along with required copies etc, all for 1500.
  14. Did the Aussie laugh at his beard? what in the name of all that is holy is that abomination?
  15. Authorities now say one of them poisoned the other five, not sure how they just get this conclusion unless they found poison in one persons luggage.
  16. Local government vehicle, was probably just waved through.
  17. Parent, I divorced their mum and got full custody. Changed the marriage visa to dependent/parent visa then. I have extended twice on this visa. Both Times would not take into account my income and insisted on the 400k in the bank. I used my Foreign Currency account with Bangkok Bank. I think you need to ask immigration this question to be honest, it seems it all depends on who is at the counter handing back the passports, this is why it's difficult to answer. This was at Chaeng Wattana.
  18. Hard to answer correctly, one time on collection I was asked to provide updated bank book showing 400k, the next time I was not asked to provide updated bank book. Both occasions the money had to be in the account 3 months before applying.
  19. Maybe badly written, I mean they hold UK and Thai passports, I have them in my possession . It was not an acrimonius divorce, there are no issues with that side of things, my question is only about the translation etc.
  20. I am considering taking my children to live in UK, they were born in Thailand, Thai mother etc, hold both passports. I am divorced from their mother and have full custody. My question is related to the birth certificates and divorce cert/document being translated to English for use in UK and certified, I believe MOFA should be involved. Can anyone shed any light on the requirements and process please?
  21. I have seen an obviously mental Thai woman drop her knickers and have a dump opposite Morning Night Bar on Soi 4 a few years back where there is/was a small entrance to the petrol station.
  22. They told me last month you need to be in the Yellow book and have the pink card, this was confirmed by their call centre. This was to continue paying in. I had no issue claiming back what had been paid in.
  23. I drove past the aftermath yesterday morning, plenty of ambulances, barrier up at the rear of the car to shield the scene. The car has basically hit the area where the motorway and rest area join, so it's at the entry to toe rest area rather than in the rest area.
  24. Those numbers are nonsense, the app I use is showing figures much higher, 3 digits.
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