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In the jungle

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Posts posted by In the jungle

  1. 2 hours ago, connda said:

    Well you just learned an important lesson in life.

    Our car is in my wife's name, but we've been married 15 years and even with the occasional pissing matches, we're together for life.  If she dies?  The car is mine as it's in her Will. 

    But registering in the name of a 'girl friend?'   There's you're major mistake.  Kiss that car goodbye. 

    Let it go and rack it up and a "Lesson In Life."  Then buy another car.  Hope the first one didn't cost much.  People love driving status symbols. 
    I bought my Suzuki brand new for 350K.  I simply want a car to get me from Point A to Point B.  And at 55 miles/gallon?  Works for me.  But how many people do that.  So many people want the bells and whistles, fancy-pantsy, Hi-So, BS.  What's the difference between that and my 350K new Suzuki?  Nothing.  It gets you from Point A to Point B.  The rest is just hubris.
    What did you spend on the 2nd hand?  600K?  1M?  Hopefully for your sake it was a cheap junker. Really - that's all you need or a nice cheap new car. 

    That'll be a Celerio; probably the manual.


    A good choice IMO.  I think they are on offer now at 328K.

  2. 4 hours ago, Dogmatix said:

    I think it will be like the re-enactments that police were supposedly ordered to stop doing with great fanfare but continued without a pause.


    Reporters have to pay the police for access to film arrested criminals and crime scene articles.  A favorite photo is a picture of an arrested foreigners passport.  I can't see them stopping that, even if China is making a fuss. 


    Anyway the big triad cheese "Tuhao", married to a Thai police colonel, is Thai and, according to Chinese law, should have given up his Chinese nationality when he got Thai nationality, or had it revoked when the Thai Interior Ministry wrote to the Chinese embassy to advise them he had got Thai nationality, as they do.  So reports should just emphasise that he is Thai, until such a time as he is convicted and a court orders the revocation of his Thai nationality.


    Did you ever consider the possibility that the Chinese gangster married to a Thai police colonel might have got his Thai citizenship corruptly?

  3. 10 hours ago, novacova said:

    Most “immigrants” that I know of in Thailand are Burmese migrants seeking asylum status as refugees, no visa needed, though they must reside in the province of registration and need permission to travel outside of the province. Immigrants from Cambodia here working.
    Non-Immigrants typically non Asean = visa/permission to stay. 

    Thailand is not a signatory to the 1951 refugee convention.  That convention imposes conditions upon signatory states.  To take one example under the 1951 convention refugees cannot be charged money for such status in a host nation.


    Thailand makes its own rules on refugees which, I suspect, are imprecise and inconsistently applied like many of their other immigration laws.

  4. 7 hours ago, ian carman said:

    Don’t want to sound to computer dumb but I transfer photos using a usb cable .Are they stored in a file or as photos on PC so I can just click on them to upload to the application?

    I did pretty much the same.  I used a USB cable to transfer photos from iPhone to PC and saved them on the PC.  In fact I created a folder, or sub-folder, just for this one application.


    I found the e-visa process a complete pain and I will do my best to avoid doing so again.  I wasn't working full time on the application but assembling all the documents, saving them, uploading them, filling in the form etc. took two days.  I have no idea why, if applying to London, they need three different photos of the applicant including the one in your passport and what on earth is the weird photo of the applicant holding the ID page of their passport next to their face for? 


    This sort of online process just invites them to add on daft requirements without adding to their own burden.

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