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In the jungle

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Posts posted by In the jungle

  1. 1 hour ago, RobU said:

    Interesting observation about my sexual habits since you seem to know a great deal about prostitution in Thailand. Unfortunately there are not that many of them in Ratanawapi district in the North where our home is. I haven't met any yet and my lady would be very disappointed if I used such services. She says that she should be plenty enough for me, and by golly she is.


    In the UK there are frequent Campaigns to get people to wash their hands after going to toilet. Millions of pounds paid by UK public health for TV adverts signs in Public toilets asking users to 'Now Wash Your Hands'. Such campaigns are only mounted because of the very real concerns about UK population not washing their hands after going to the toilet, although I have friend who works in a Microbiology Laboratory who always washes his hands before going to the toilet he says that the <deleted> he works with is much worse than the <deleted> coming out of his bum.


    I rarely see a UK male washing his hands after using a urinal. Reminds me of the old English Joke when a sailor walks into  a toilet, has a pee, zips up then starts to walk out. An army Warrant Officer stops him and says "In the Army they teach us to wash our hands after having a pee". The sailor says "That's good sir but in the Navy they teach us not to pee on our hands".


    Urine is sterile unless you have an infection.  The reason you don't drink it even in extremis is because it messes up the isotonic balance of the body.  Poop is the bad stuff you don't want to put in the front end.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 18 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    Unfortunately the border with Myanmar is some 2,400 km long.


    To seal it properly they would need a soldier every 20 metres to be on the alert 24/7 and they would need 3 per 8 hour shift or 1,500 per km. That means they would need 1,500 x 2,400 = 3,600,00 soldiers for 24/7/365 and doesn't take into account leave and sickness. Of course they could put up thousands of km of razor wire which would be cheaper and possibly more effective (until holes get cut in it) and even then they would still need patrols out 24/7/365.

    You missed a zero.  3.6 million.  Clearly just a typo.  I am not questioning your ability to do math.


    I did the same calculation before seeing your post but based it on soldiers 200 metres apart.

    • Like 1
  3. 33 minutes ago, STD Warehouse said:

    I just went through this process,


    Something to consider is you have to include a photocopy of marriage certificate when you give it to the thai embassy, and also a photocopy of your passport and a printed and filled out application form available on the Thai London Embassy website.


    So although you can send your marriage certificate direct to Milton Keynes in the UK, So its not just as easy as getting Milton Keynes to forward the legalised marriage certificate onto the Thai Embassy in London, as you still need to somehow include the other documents and the £10 note to pay for the Thai legalised part.


    I had a friend in the UK receive legalised marriage certificate returned by Milton Keynes , then include the other documents which I emailed to him, £10 payment and a return stamped address envelope before they sent it to the Thai Embassy in London. Then when the Thai Embassy returned it to my friend (took about 10 days), they then sent it by DHL back to me. 


    So it certainly makes it easier if you have someone in the UK helping out.


    One small question.  Did you have to copy your entire passport as is common here or just the identity pages?

  4. 15 minutes ago, STD Warehouse said:

    I just went through this process,


    Something to consider is you have to include a photocopy of marriage certificate when you give it to the thai embassy, and also a photocopy of your passport and a printed and filled out application form available on the Thai London Embassy website.


    So although you can send your marriage certificate direct to Milton Keynes in the UK, So its not just as easy as getting Milton Keynes to forward the legalised marriage certificate onto the Thai Embassy in London, as you still need to somehow include the other documents and the £10 note to pay for the Thai legalised part.


    I had a friend in the UK receive legalised marriage certificate returned by Milton Keynes , then include the other documents which I emailed to him, £10 payment and a return stamped address envelope before they sent it to the Thai Embassy in London. Then when the Thai Embassy returned it to my friend (took about 10 days), they then sent it by DHL back to me. 


    So it certainly makes it easier if you have someone in the UK helping out.


    Thank you for that information.


    It looks like a ludicrously long shot to do this complex process by remote control relying upon the goodwill of both British and Thai government officials.


    I will consider my options but my best guess is that I will have to rely on the help of a friend in the UK as you did. 

  5. Ubonjoe is indeed a great help. 


    I think I would have struggled to identify this process without him pointing me in the right direction.


    The one part I have yet to fathom out is how to get the Thai Embassy London to return the document(s) to me here in Thailand.  From their website it appears they are really geared up to dealing with people in person in respect of both dropping off and returning documents.  There is a vague statement on the website that mentions postal returns may be considered on a case by case basis but I will have to clarify what would work for them.  My guess is the secret here is make that part as easy as possible for them.


    The whole process is going to be complex, expensive, time consuming and prone to cock ups.


    By contrast Thai embassies and consulates abroad, when considering a visa application based on marriage, simply require production of the original certificate and a copy.  If the certificate is genuine and the copy is true they accept the copy.  At least that is the way it has worked for me at two different embassies and two consulates.


    The British immigration approach is very similar.  At least it was when my wife was applying on the basis of marriage there.  Compare original doc to photocopy.  Assuming the original is genuine and the copy is true the desk officer writes "Original seen." on the copy, signs underneath and accepts the copy.  Job done.



  6. Riddle me this one.


    My intention is to apply for a twelve month extension of stay based on marriage.  I have not made such an application before.


    I married my wife in the UK 26 years ago.  That marriage has not been registered at our local amphur.


    To register the marriage at our local amphur and issue a Kor Ror 22 the amphur insist they must have a copy of the marriage certificate certified by the British Embassy and 'legalised' by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) based in Bangkok. 


    According to gov.uk the British Embassy in Bangkok will not certify marriage certificates.


    Enquiries to the MFA in Bangkok elicit the response that if the British Embassy in Bangkok will not certify the marriage certificate I can travel to London and the Thai Embassy there will certify it.  For a variety of obvious reasons I have no wish to do that.


    I can satisfy all other requirements including financial for an extension of stay based on marriage.  It is just this Kor Ror 22 issue that has me stuck.


    Any suggestions?



  7. It depends on the bike.


    If it is something like a Dream or a Wave buying the part new may well be cheaper than buying silicone spray.


    I recently replaced an unpainted black plastic part on an old Honda Dream I have and it was 120 Baht.  My reason for replacement was not cosmetic but whatever the reason it's pretty cheap.

    • Like 1
  8. 51 minutes ago, Natai Beach said:


    Add “and assembled and serviced in Thailand”. What could go wrong?


    About 5-6 years ago I stayed in a hotel in Chonburi city every weekend for a few months. It was just before their reintroduction and 3-4 were always in the hotel car park with the new model car disguise checkered paint. I remember laughing to myself thinking as if anyone would want to steal their design and copy them. 


    if someone started a topic about Tata, all the Indians will be telling us how wonderful they are.

    Or maybe a Lada will bring out the Russian defenders. 

    Still doesn’t make them any good. Some car brands are famous for being well built and reliable. Some brands are infamous for having a poor build quality. 

    I would be very surprised if MG are still around in five years. They usually fold every decade or so.


    You still don't get it do you?


    There is absolutely no connection between the Chinese cars sold as MGs in Thailand and the MG driven by Kenneth Moore in the movie Reach for the Sky released in 1954.



    • Like 1
  9. In this market go for Sata.  You will find them on Lazada. 


    Sata are a Chinese brand but they are excellent quality and reasonably priced.  The company is a joint venture with an American tool brand but I don't remember which one.  I used Sata for the best part of a decade when I worked in China and I have five tool chests full of their tools here in Thailand.


    I actually reach for the Sata tools first in preference to the British and German tools I have from quality brands such as Britool and Stahwille.


    I generally try and avoid Chinese products but the one exception I make is Sata tools. 

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