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About persimmon

  • Birthday 05/12/1967

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  1. I need a way to access the net whilst moving around in Thailand , reasonable size to carry about and inexpensive , just for emails , bank accounts and general light web browsing . Samsung tablet is about the same price as a cheap 14 " laptop , then there`s the Chromebooks . A tablet would be the easiest to carry , but is it just a bigger version of a Samsung phone ? If so I might as well use my phone and save the £ . So ,which would be best ? Thanks .
  2. Well done , not much fun being in the UK at the moment , freezing temperatures and high electric and gas prices .
  3. OK thanks ...what about the bus from the border into town ?. There is a money exchange counter in the basement at Central , Udon ...I suppose I could get a few thou / million ? kip to see me ok for a couple of days .
  4. Maybe it`s best to be prepared for all eventualities if a border bounce is needed - ask at departure if you can come back in on the same day and be prepared to spend a couple of days in Vientienne if not. By the way , can you pay for buses , food etc . in Baht or do you have to carry the local Lao currency ( is it Kip ? ) .
  5. Maybe the answer to the bank account problem is just to rely on having a Wise account ?, unless they decide to follow the others and restrict access to UK residents only .
  6. Trouble with some of these out-of-the-way places is , what would you do all day ? OK if you have a Thai GF / wife and nice house where you can relax , but if stuck in a small hotel with no pool ....? There`s nowhere to walk and no beach to sit on . Best idea would be to just travel around from place to place , although many of these small towns look the same .
  7. That`s what worries me about a permanent move to Thailand - it would mean leaving all my pastimes and hobbies behind and trying to find new ones . Just sitting on a bar stool and drinking beer all day - well maybe it`s ok for some , but I think I would get bored of that fairly quickly .
  8. Some of these charity bosses are on 6 figure salaries . No way that I would ever give to one of those .
  9. It`s possible - live under a bridge and sit on the pavement / sidewalk with a begging bowl . Or busking in Pattaya ( until the police arrest you ).
  10. I`m thinking about getting a Wise card . Tried to apply online but they want me to send a pic of my PP or drivers license . Is this really needed or am I being scammed ?
  11. Happened to me a few years ago - girl on the check-in counter asked why my return flight date was longer than my TR visa allowed . I had to argue with her for a while . She finally called a supervisor over who allowed me to check in . Neither of them seemed to know much about how the system worked in Thailand , yet they were trying to stop me boarding WTF !
  12. The Grace Hotel on Suk 3 used to be a major meeting place for these types of people . I remember walking past there on my way home when I was approached by a dodgy looking character who said something like " Hey mister , I make business with dollars , you interested , do you have a mobile number " . I politely declined his offer .
  13. Taking out life insurance with the wife as beneficiary .
  14. Last time I had a return flight to come back to the UK after 5 months . Thai Airways never asked any questions . I had a SETV. Do you think if I did the same but without visa they might demand a flight out within 60 days ?
  15. Maybe the locals could club together and hire some private security guys . Suitably armed with BB bats they would soon discourage these low lifes who plague Patts . I remember a few years ago at a concert there was a scruffy old Thai guy harassing 2 members of the audience . The security soon dealt with him by ripping his shirt off and giving him a kicking with their large boots . Instant justice . Shame things like this aren`t allowed in the Liberal West anymore .

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