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Mark mark

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Everything posted by Mark mark

  1. Yes I like working with the Thsi's but yes !!! I an happy to let them run the Business ! And just watch them when I am using it. !!
  2. Yes I have seen that also but in a much lower key way. Some women will steal for their husbands and with out any abuse from them either ! They will just look after them !!! Like in their own way ! ? ... Like did this guys wife have a big red Nose ?? ...
  3. To say that you can just look at the people and expect them to react as they generally always have reacted is not racist. I have helped in a few Geography programs though I am a Surveyor and not actually a geographer. ... That range from suicide counceling through looking at my Friends water management plans in Germany, (including the people that live along the water ways, .. To Smar trafic management and autoated parking planing, and using the nature of the people who are driving the cars is not Racist. It is human inteligence. I have not reported you as it is a discussion and you can not just report every one who disagrees with you. It would be wrong. But just to say " I think that you are a racist" is wrong I think ? it is abuse I think. So I am going to report that. And I am finished here now. Any intelligence said can stand but I have no time to argue with you any more. I have other things to be doing. .. Good luck with it what ever it is that you are doing ??? (Just blindly disagreeing with any facts or any body else. ?? And not just considering the facts around you. But good luck with that if you do manage to pick it up. A man is dead here now So we can not pick this one up any more. Though. Well I am not going to. So sorry and good by.
  4. And it is not racism it is intelligence and Using your own common sense in knowing people after you have been living with them off and on for 40 years. Maybe if you can not understand this then YOU might like to call out Racist But I Don't. As I live here. And I like them. But not Tourism I do have to admit. ...
  5. Oh ... use your own common sense and knowledge of People so you can come to the best belief that you can. Like no one will take any notice of us any way. So it does not matter any way.
  6. I can't even remember your comment. Sorry.
  7. RIP Peter ... It looks like a very good resort. He must be the one on the Right. ? ... and it must be his daughter and ? Boy friend / husband on the left. I do not see his Thai Wife ? I do not think. Still things seem to have been answered pretty well and believably also. RIP Peter ! And What Bad Luck Mate !!! Still he has a daughter around to take his name on I think. ... So well LOS and land if Danger also. Time for a break for me. ... And yes have a good Funeral ! Like that would be interesting ... And RIP Mate.
  8. Well I suppose that she could have just been a thief ? it does happen and happens a LOT !!! ... But well it would be the Thai Woman owner (The Foreigners advocate I guess ? ) who should have been managing the money, I would think ? ... So if she had just stolen it ! ... It would have been the wife job to get it back ! ? ... So Why Kill the Foreign manager ? ... (A : Because he was Involved with, ... and giving the money to his wife some how. ? ) .... And well the foreigners wife ? ... She seems to have been VERY quiet through all of this ??? His Wife, being the Real Boss ( well, On paper only I guess ? ) Thanks. ! ... Liverpool Lou !
  9. The Geography !!! ... The Social Geography in this case ???
  10. "Alleged" that she stole the money ! ? I do not necessarily believe that ! ... Would the guys wife had ever admitted that he was paying / Giving it to her, ... for what ever reason, ? ... As the wife would have lost face if he had been doing that, and it got out !!! ... So well !!! TIT and the Resort owner wife, has more power (And Money) ... ... So well "She Stole it" Right ? ??? ... Well I do not necessarily believe this. (I actually still believe that he probably was having sex with her, but well I guess that I had better be prepared to get a bit of Kicking from "The Boys" if I break ranks if I do say that I guess. ) ( I actually rather Like Thailand and Thai Woman you Know !!! .... And I can handle them also, so hope not to get hacked to death either ??? )
  11. She was involved emotionally, or physically I am sure. But this does not make her guilty of murder I think ? ... Just guilty of having the wrong Husband I would say ! ? ... and Pushing her Chances of getting money out of the Foreign manager, ... as well his wife the REAL boss would never have given it to her I am sure, like the Blogger before said here also.
  12. Well.Sorry Folks ! But I can't resist it ! So now the next question possibly could be ? ... Was she really stealing the money ? Or was the Australian manager just having sex with her and she was taking the money as payment, which he did not mind while his member was on fire ! ? ... but his wife found out ? or he just got tired of her ? So he decided to get the money back ? (Or they had an argument ? ) .... ??? And I also note that her Husband was working as a Cook. So he was working ! ... and not just another Thai bludger either.
  13. Ok ! Very sad for the hard working Auzie. ( I wonder if he had a work permit ? ) ... still very Very Sad. I wonder how his wife is ? ... And thanks for this translation. Like sounds like we are there at the real truth finally ! ... Money ! A danger in a situation like this in any country I would say ! ? ... And yes ! Ever try to do a job like that in Thailand !!!! ? ...Well Not Me !!! ... Like life IS just to short for taking risks like that I think. ? RIP a good man. ... but also a mistake ... for both men. Though a much greater one for the Thai man. His life is now lost also I would think. I think that Thai local ruels ? ??? Would be as this fellow implies ... the woman got the money !! Bad Luck. ... That is the Game !!! . Trying to claw the money back was a social mistake. ... I reckon most thai's would have let that go !!! Just at the time, But never forget it of course and get it back from them or the husband later on !!! If they could. Like using the law. Or converscatingother of their property ??? But well I do not want to start another argument here right ?? ..
  14. Well I do not think that I would believe the Woman with the Foreign man's ( And his wife's ) 9,000. Who just wanted more !!! .. To much.
  15. The fact that she was not getting any money might not have helped ! ? ... And I do see them making up excuses for being with foreigners at times also. Like as if they need an excuse to be with him ? In their own view of nice thai society ??? Well if they are in that social group. The poor girls do not worry about it so much and just say that it is their own business so every one else can just keep out of it. ?
  16. Because it never is that simple with an employee woman with 9,000 B in her debt and A Thai husband going iofff his head. Not the Azzued fault the Thai man's fault ! But what was the Auzie guy with 9,ooo in the Thai woman's hand bag doing. That is all and I am dropping this now as they are talking about Suspending people. And I would rather it not be me
  17. It really would be good to see the real reasons behind this very unfortunate ? Well disaster, as in the end so many other people will be hurt also.
  18. Yes, like she was sleeping with him for the money ???
  19. I do not think that this guy thinks he is special, He is probably Really REALLY put down, and knows it ! His wife probably puts him down as well. He is just a social Mess, NO more heavy work for him to do, or defence, machines do it all now ... And if you are an Alcoholic you cannot drive either, so no truck driving either … Like he is just useless, and he Knows it which is why he is so bad about things !!! … And he has never been trained for another way ! So he has None. I do not know ? I might get squiggly mouthed for this or worse ! … But well ... Everyone is talking about this like it is a Bad Thai man, killing a good white Australian in this case !!! … BUT well I most adamantly would like to know what the sexual status was between the white man, the Resort owners Husband, … and the Local married woman employee. ... Like this will not excuse the husband ! But it Might offer us all a bit of an Education on How to Live ! ? … Or not live our lives ???Around here anyway. (Well I had a Jordie side of the Newcastle estuary guy who I worked with out on the boats, tell me that it was just the same there also !!! Har Har !!! … But well that is another story I think, that I will just have to leave out her also.) … Have a nice day all … Beer O’clock !!! Time to go out and brave the Knives and pieces of wood with the Missus myself !!! …
  20. Yes I could go with you on this one !!!
  21. Try NOT favoring them !!! ??? ...
  22. Especially if I was having sex with her ???
  23. Well you would NOT ask the Cops, BUT you WOULD !!! Get your wife to ask the other workers or Locals !!! I think ? ... Well I would !!!
  24. Thanks a socially more thinking analysis. (I do mine on Geography inc. Human Geography, as you might notice) but your take here, is a very good take on the beginning, (I think ? ) of the whole thing, ... But well do not forget that the Woman in Thailand do have more freedom, than in any other country that I know !!! ??? ... (That is why the sex industry is allowed to exist ! Because they have the Freedom, to participate IN it if they would like to, and I have seen a few Local cases where the Husbands get the Ultimatum ! ... Find the money for the Children's school ! ... OR I will ! ) So well this woman, probably would NOT be any where near Innocent either I would bet !!! ???
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